Over The Rhine

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    Placing Over the Rhine in the hallowed Singers And Songwriters thread with Lu’s fresh discovery of this band.

    I was excited to hear on the radio today a newly announced show for the Cincy area. This is one show that fits into my schedule and a place my husband and I love to (and rarely are able) to attend. Moonlight Gardens is a historic outdoor venue located on the grounds of Riverbend Music Center (where I saw Lu & JM in 2008). My parents use to go to dances on Friday nights ( as I recollect) at the Gardens. My Mom always talked very fondly of those times. She was a great jitterbug dancer.

    Moonlight Gardens: http://coneyislandcentral.com/moonlite.php

    I went to the OTR’s website, http://www.overtherhine.com/shows.php, and as a heads up, Tom O, Karin and Linford will be in LA for what appears to be a show AND an amazing journey/adventure departing and returning via LA’s Union Station. The show is at the Troubadour on November 12. Prior to the show, they are embarking on a journey dubbed “Over The Rhine Across The West.” It sounds amazing!


    Me? I’ll be mesmerized under the stars at Moonlight Gardens. šŸ˜€


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Me? I’ll be mesmerized under the stars at Moonlight Gardens.

    I really enjoyed reading about the Moonlight Gardens.
    Some really neat B&W historical photos to view.
    All kinda reminds me of my childhood vacations to the Crystal Beach Amusement Park on the shore of Lake Erie in Ontario. The ancient wooden roller coaster ride was something to treasure.
    Many US visitors from Buffalo would travel to the Park via boat.
    Unfortunately, unlike the still live & kicking Moonlight, Crystal Beach Park is long gone and replaced by Condos.
    I reported earlier this year that I thought, since Lu and Tom live in LA that it would be really neat if they boarded the Over the Rhine musical train and were to do Lu’s unknown as of now new song with the group.
    This also would be perfect timing in November for Lu to introduce her new album slated for late October release.
    Again, thanks Lafayette for posting this good read.


    Ah, yes, lwj, I forgot you posted info on the Wild West train ride with OTR.

    In regards to Moonlight Gardens and Coney Island, I use to take the ferry (not sure if it is exact one shown in photos) from Kentucky across the Ohio River to Coney. Great childhood memories. Interesting, actually, reading through the history, that Walt Disney paid a visit to the park.

    I like (and never realized) the decorative wrought iron on Moonlight Gardens was used to replicate the French Quarter.



    Detweiler said he was amazed at how easily the songs came together during the recording process. Many of the tracks on the album were recorded in a single take.

    “The first time the band played through the song together, we quite often felt like that was a moment worth capturing forever. It was amazing that songs can land so quickly,” he said.

    Henry sent a track titled “Undamned” to Williams, who performed a vocal duet with Bergquist on the song. Detweiler said it was a particularly moving part of the recording process and the band’s history.

    “I must say that a few tears were shed when (Williams and Bergquist) started singing into the microphone together,” he said. “It was a good moment, and it was very much a moment that felt like it was 20 years in the making.”


    Schedule for OTR includes some online listening opportunities. Odds are high for a Lucinda mention during their interviews. They are making an instore appearance next week at a Joseph Beth Booksellers. I’ve penciled it in with a note to arrive early. They are hometown favorites and I’m sure it will be packed.



    Media blitz to promote their new record. I would almost bet Lu is mentioned in one of these interviews.

    OTR Promo Tweets:

    Tuesday 02.08.2010:On air interview with John Patrick – WNKU @ 1:30pm (EST) stream @ http://bit.ly/HzEF [JP is the music host I like the most]

    Tuesday 02.08.2010:OtR on NPR’s ALL THINGS CONSIDERED with Melissa Block (either @ 4:35 or 5:35PM EST) stream @ http://n.pr/d5I7Cs


    Note: I merged the latest post in this thread from a new topic started for it with this older OTR thread…



    Here is this past Tuesday’s OTR interview with my favorite music host on WNKU 89.7. Lucinda is mentioned right at the beginning of this interview where her influence and joining OTR in the studio are discussed.

    West Words

    Good Magnet Magazine interview, with Lu mention –


    Lucinda Williams sings on ā€œUndamned.ā€ How did that come about? Did she do her part at Joeā€™s studio while you were there?

    When it came to song selection, we didnā€™t think ā€œUndamnedā€ was going to make the final cut for the record. But Joe had a feeling about the song and thought of Lucinda Williams and sent her the demo. The song resonated with her, and she offered to sing on it. She came to The Garfield House one evening and leaned into the microphone, and I donā€™t think there was a dry eye in the room when we heard the two voices together. An amazing moment for Karin and me because Lucindaā€™s songs and records and voice have traveled with us for years.


    You can listen to Over The Rhine NOW online (11:00 a.m EST). They are doing an On Air in Boston.

    Welcome to WERS


    Here’s an OTR article from the Woodford Times (Illinois)…



    Love the posted interview, tnt.

    In addition to “Undamned,” šŸ˜€ one of my favorites off the new record is “The King Knows How.”

    Live version at Taft Theater.


    I was checking out WFPK (Louisville)’s Friday Live Lunch podcasts/video and found this AMAZING version of the “The King Knows How.” After talking to Linford and Karin at the Cincinnati show, I MUST obtain a copy of “The Long Surrender” (especially after Linford asked me how I was liking the new record — I told him in Bloomington a few months ago I was going to get it–and I admitted, rather sheepishly, I hadn’t yet). šŸ˜³

    Lucinda was absolutely singing Karin’s praises before she stepped in to sing with Lu on “Something About What Happens When We Talk” and for all the members here that love their female vocalists, Karin is not to be missed.



    Lafayette, must have been a real treat to meet Karin and Linford at the Pavilion in Cinci.
    I don’t think this outstanding video has been posted before, but John Patrick of your favorite station WNKU presents Over The Rhine live in studio from a few years back.
    Song is “I’m on a Roll”



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