Outlaw Country West 11-3 to 11-8

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Outlaw Country West 11-3 to 11-8

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    “Guitar Pull” in the Round, with Dave Alvin, Charlie Sexton, and Steve Earle

    The stage is set up with five chairs, but only four guitars. Stuart Mathis was never introduced, though he backed not only Lu’s three songs, but some others too–Dave Alvin calling for a particular chord on one of his, and Stuart answering the summons.

    1 Blue
    2 Bad News Blues {Lu calls for the instrumental break by saying “this is the solo part” + she repeats some lyrics at end, as the boys are trying to figure out how to close it. After, she pats Steve’s shoulder and thanks him for his harmonica work on it, and for helping her in general through the years]
    3 Passionate Kisses [with a long intro, as was the tendency of the other guys on theirs: Nashville is deemed “NashVegas” and Chapin, Patty L, and Emmylou are praised, Shania Twain dissed]

    Nice format. After Charlie does a song about him and his brother Will, Lu speaks up to praise it and ask more about it, though it was not her turn next.

    May her guitar days come back soon. .. .


    Thank you, Mr. Stoger. I hope the cruise and shows were enjoyed!

    Knowing Lu, the guitar will make its way into her hands live one day again. She has come so far as we come up on the two year anniversary of her “darn stroke.”

    I miss her playing a lot! She really could drive the band with her unique (I’ve never seen anyone play like her) rhythm playing.


    2 page thread! Thanks for your reports and get your umbrella ready.


    Thanks Sean and Tony. I forgot to report that at the end of “Rockin’ in the Free World,” Lu started quoting some Dylan Thomas (“Do not go gentle. . .”).

    Yours back on [boring, dull] terra firma, Stoger


    Welcome back to the world of us landlubbers.

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