We, the ejected two, were on a rock’n’roll tour of Europe for 12 days. Six magnificent -a couple of other wordly- shows (2 x L.W., 3 x N.Y., 1 x E.H. & R.C.), one miss (L.W.). But oh, what a monumental miss…Too excited and too many innaresting, exotic intoxicants.
Trying to peak with the music is always a challenge, if not down right risky. But, in rock’n’roll, 6 out of 7 is almost perfect.
We feel the need to apologize to the music lovers, and especially to the musicians and the crew, for the unnecessary racket. We deeply regret our selfish and inconsiderate behaviour.
See You down the road
Holle and Tulppa
P.s. Not wanting to sound obnoxious, but there might be a song somewhere here: “The Night Lu Felt Sorry For Me”.
“Rocking out, acting out a fool/Rolling out, covered in drool///
Yesyesyes and moremoremore/Sets me flying high to the floor///
It ain’t pretty, feeling that shitty/But oh, Lu has still some pity…”