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    No plans to release it -that is the entire song -if you can even call it that. I can say that was a very memorable afternoon, as Lucinda did that little ditty with a rather unexpected zeal. When she shouted shouted out the second “sons a bitches!!”, which was completely improvised on her part, she had everybody in the studio in tears with laughter. It was a proud moment. A little later the guy who does the voice of granny, who happened to live in LA, came by the studio and he and Lu started going back an forth, him as granny and Lu as granny’s sister–an of course Lu then started lobbying the Squidbillies people to let her do that character in future shows, they loved the idea, but as of now I think she’s stuck with this singin’ thing.


    Here’s an interview with the Squidbillies writers, a Lu mention, and some other interesting “stuff,” as this is the “other stuff” thread :D, about Squidbillies. The best word I heard in this episode… “Prostitutelize” šŸ˜†

    This is a funny interview.


    FPH: Speaking of Squidbillies, did Texas provide you any cannon-fodder for writing for Squidbillies?

    DAVE: I think anything on this latitude line from Texas all the way across to the Atlantic coast of Georgia- there are morons that inspire our scripts, so yeah, no doubt, no doubt. But yeah, I spend a lot of time out here- west Texas you know. And some time in Austin. Weā€™ve hit the South by Southwest a number of times.

    FPH: The voice of Early from Squidbillies is done by eccentric singer songwriter Unknown Hinson. Whatā€™s that like?

    DAVE: Itā€™s terrifying. He brings a lot of firearms to the studio, he cajoles and when he doesnā€™t get his way he threatens. You have to have five bottles of Crystal Geyser spring water next to the microphone, or heā€™ll pistol whip you. Five unopened bottles. Canā€™t be four, canā€™t be six. Labels fronted.

    FPH: Is there anyone in particular that influenced any of the characters on Squidbillies or Aqua Teen Hunger Force?

    DANA: I have one. I have used the voice of Diane Rehm from NPR as my inspiration for Granny- She has this weird, I donā€™t know what the word is, what do you call itā€“affectation, some kind ofā€¦.. itā€™s not a diseaseā€“ itā€™s like a thing that she does, she canā€™t control her vocal chords. She just doesnā€™t have control of them, so as a result, sheā€™ll talk like this (erratic accent) and uh, yeah. Thatā€™s what Granny does: like the air is coming out faster than she can actually control it.


    DANA: That is a 100% true and little known fact.

    FPH: Iā€™m glad we scooped that.

    DANA: You didnā€™t know you were going to be an investigative journalist today, did you? Blowing the lid off Squidbillies.

    FPH: And I guess the voice of Master Shake- heā€™s kind of like an insult comic?

    DANA: (voice of master shake) ā€œIā€™ll tell you what he is!ā€ Yeah, thatā€™s where I garner a lot of my enjoyment fromā€“ from classic comedians.

    FPH: Who is the most exciting guest you guys have had on the show?

    DAVE: Most exciting? Hmmmmmā€¦ Most terrifying?

    FPH: Yes.

    DAVE: Itā€™s probably in our other interviews and stuff but I think Glenn Danzig was stillā€¦ Still an adrenaline rush to argue with him over the phone. And I know that heā€™s probably standing on a desk, all four foot ten of him, with a goat skull belt buckle, explaining why his character needs to be ā€œmore cut than that.ā€


    DAVE: Finally my animator had to have an intervention with me and he was like, ā€œI cannot add more muscles, it would make him look ridiculousā€, and I said, ā€œWell look, heā€™s got approval on how he looks and he said heā€™s more cut than that.ā€ And he also said, ā€œI look smallā€, and Iā€™m like, ā€œYeah, well youā€™re on an eleven inch sheet of paperā€¦ā€.

    DANA: Yeah, weā€™re not giving you the drawing in life size here.

    DAVE: Oh yeah, and then he looked 6ā€²4ā€³, which is like twice his sizeā€¦ I was like yeah, weā€™ll put you next to R2D2 and heā€™ll be like up to your knee. There, now youā€™re a giant. We ended up drawing a picture of him hanging off the Empire State Building.

    FPH: There are a lot of musical references in ATHF. What kind of music do you guys like to listen to?

    DAVE: I was telling Dana, alrightā€¦ Iā€™m gonna test this out on you. I was telling Dana that 8 years ago we did something at South by Southwest and we were on stage- we opened up for Hot Chip, do you know them?

    FPH: Yeah.

    DAVE: There you go Dana. Dana was like ā€œI think thatā€™s a lie, I donā€™t even think a band exists with that name.ā€

    DANA: No no no, theyā€™re not famous, Elvis is famous. Hot Chip Iā€™ve never heard of.

    DAVE: Yeah, but the only thing you listen to are like novelty records and things that you get out of a vending machine.

    DANA: That is true.

    Dave : Yeah, we just recorded Lucinda Williams for Squidbillies, we got a bunch of good people, Gillian Welch, Bonnie Prince Billy and some others. But yeah, I donā€™t listen to much Hot Chip. I just thought it was pretty amazing that technically we opened up for them. I listen to only old music. I donā€™t know anything new or modern. The older and weirder the better. And of course, on Aqua Teen we recently had Chickenfoot: Sammy Hagarā€™s super group,

    FPH: Speaking of Sammy Hagar, Van Halen. They had their infamous ā€no brown M&Ms in the green roomā€ contract rider. Now that you guys are on tour, how do you guys plan to push your weight around?

    DAVE: We have a rider that insists that both of us receive a massage with raw Ahi tuna, right before we go on stage actually, so, you know. Weā€™ll see how the venues respond to that.

    DANA: I like to request buckets of Miller Lite beer.

    DAVE: Thatā€™s right. If you see us, just hand us a Miller Lite. I think Iā€™ve learned from you thatā€™s just got a little more kick than water, you can drink about twenty and still remember the lyrics, and what youā€™re supposed to be doing.

    FPH: Do you think that the success of ATHF has helped ā€”

    DAVE: ā€” helped other people with shitty ideas to get shows made?

    FPH: Haha exactly.

    DAVE: Of course! Itā€™s wonderful. I feel like we just shattered the glass ceiling for idiots with terrible ideas everywhere.

    FPH: Now, I read online that Dave went missing for a while, can you guys tell me what happened?

    DANA: Dave has a number of properties around the worldā€¦ (laughter)

    DAVE: Yes, Iā€™m an international slumlord. Well what I actually do is I provide low-income housing for people in, you know, ā€œspecialā€ financial situations where they canā€™t afford to pay for housing. I use that as an opportunity to trap them in a situation where I can sue them.


    Squibillies season finale (tomorrow) features music by Lu, Drive By Truckers, and others.



    lucinda contributed two songs for the ep. 30-seconds-only “ain’t it odd” with gillian welch (a match made in heaven in my opinion), and “listen to the animals”, with drive-by truckers, gillian/dave, will oldham et al. alas, she got just a couple of verses of the latter.

    lucinda’s a blue bird and gillian, a red one. bring those birds back for season six.


    oh, and two screenshots: http://twitpic.com/273yhn / http://twitpic.com/2741nk

    the funny thing about the first one is that after being directly responsible for a car crash, the blue bird just starts singing through the windshield, and then it finally removes its beak from there and resumes the song. you must see it.


    Here is Lu in the studio re:Squidbillies musical episode.
    Sure sounds like she had a lot of fun on this one.



    Great link!


    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    lucinda contributed two songs for the ep. 30-seconds-only “ain’t it odd” with gillian welch (a match made in heaven in my opinion), and “listen to the animals”, with drive-by truckers, gillian/dave, will oldham et al. alas, she got just a couple of verses of the latter.

    lucinda’s a blue bird and gillian, a red one. bring those birds back for season six.

    Here is Lucinda ” Blue Bird ” in action.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    @TOverby wrote:

    I may be jumping the gun a little bit but it looks like she will also be recording songs for two more amazing tribute projects–Loretta Lynn and Nick Drake. The day she got a handwritten note from Loretta in the mail asking Lucinda if she’d do a song –well let’s just say it was very very special and there were more than a few tears. ]

    Lafayette wrote:
    My recent course work in Luology, as I was reading items of interest about her days on Broadway in Nashville, had me stumbling across an interview that reminded me of Lu’s reaction to the handwritten note from Loretta. Lu was asked what she planned on taking with her as she was beginning a new tour. Lu’s response was she was taking some correspondence, she loved writing letters and sending greeting cards. Handwritten letters are something lost in translation with today’s technology so I can only imagine how much it meant to her. Thanks, TO, for always providing such great insight to events that are personal to Lu and sharing those with her fans. quote]

    Just announced, some details on Loretta’s Tribute Album with Lu slated for a November 9th release.
    Boy another banner year for Lucinda that this is playing out to be.
    New album, mini tour, Americana Music Awards, duo with Elvis, appearing on Over the Rhine, appearing on Blackie and the Rodeo Kings, Lucky Peterson, Blue Bird on the Squidbillies šŸ˜† and the list just goes on and on.



    Boy another banner year for Lucinda that this is playing out to be.
    New album, mini tour, Americana Music Awards, duo with Elvis, appearing on Over the Rhine, appearing on Blackie and the Rodeo Kings, Lucky Peterson, Blue Bird on the Squidbillies šŸ˜† and the list just goes on and on.


    Amos, you forgot…Amos! *jumping up and down*


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Amos, you forgot…Amos! *jumping up and down*

    OMG me bad, certainly the list just keeps building Lafayette, and again have a safe and happy road trip to the Ryman and hope you have enough energy left for the U of C game and Over the Rhine at the Moonlight Gardens.


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