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  • #30202

    In addition to the new record and S/T reissue, there are several other projects coming up, some of which have been previously mentioned here, that should be coming out over the course of the year. These include:
    The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan for the Shel Silverstein Tribute– I believe this is coming in June

    Galveston w/Jimmy Webb— for his duets record–also coming in June I believe

    A Long Way From Home w/ Ray Davies – a great track that Lu and Ray recorded in London last summer at the Kink’s legendary Konk Studios. Supposedly Wilco was going to add the backing track, but that is a little unclear at this point. Not sure when this is coming out, but it should be this year.

    Squidbillies theme song—Squidbillies is animated cartoon on the Adult Swim/Comedy Central Network –it is way out there and way funny and I think the best that I could describe it would be Deliverance meets South Park. Anyway Lu recorded two little musical bits including the theme song which is, well, hysterical.

    I may be jumping the gun a little bit but it looks like she will also be recording songs for two more amazing tribute projects–Loretta Lynn and Nick Drake. The day she got a handwritten note from Loretta in the mail asking Lucinda if she’d do a song –well let’s just say it was very very special and there were more than a few tears.

    Wait -there’s more -Lu will also be doing guest appearances on two other artists records -one of which I think is going to make a certain someone in this forum very happy.

    So this is how Lucinda is going to spend her summer vacation.

    Oh yeah–Still no word on the long in the can Hank Williams project (I’m So Happy I Found You). This one seems to have been shelved.


    Thanks for all the great info! (Squidbillies!?!? HA! 😆 )



    @TOverby wrote:

    I may be jumping the gun a little bit but it looks like she will also be recording songs for two more amazing tribute projects–Loretta Lynn and Nick Drake. The day she got a handwritten note from Loretta in the mail asking Lucinda if she’d do a song –well let’s just say it was very very special and there were more than a few tears. ]

    My recent course work in Luology, as I was reading items of interest about her days on Broadway in Nashville, had me stumbling across an interview that reminded me of Lu’s reaction to the handwritten note from Loretta. Lu was asked what she planned on taking with her as she was beginning a new tour. Lu’s response was she was taking some correspondence, she loved writing letters and sending greeting cards. Handwritten letters are something lost in translation with today’s technology so I can only imagine how much it meant to her. Thanks, TO, for always providing such great insight to events that are personal to Lu and sharing those with her fans. AMAZING!

    @TOverby wrote:

    Wait -there’s more -Lu will also be doing guest appearances on two other artists records -one of which I think is going to make a certain someone in this forum very happy.]

    Hmmm, could it be the “Methuselah of Righteous Cool,” Neil Young, Anne McCue ( doubtful, she just released new record,) Erika Wennerstrom (doubtful, touring), John Mellencamp (doubtful, he’s releasing record Aug 3 but could he add Lu, theres’ a TBone Burnett connection here, of sorts), OR could it be Amos Lee, who is recording material he was previewing at some recent shows, saying he was going into studio end of May. Let me go on record, that IF it is either Mr. Mellencamp or Mr. Lee, this fan will be near an orgasmic state, to say the least! 😆 😮 😛

    @TOverby wrote:

    Oh yeah–Still no word on the long in the can Hank Williams project (I’m So Happy I Found You). This one seems to have been shelved.

    My hope is Lu plays this from time to time at her shows. I LOVE this tune and knowing she played it the night of the wedding, even better!


    Boy Other Stuff TOverby is an understatement. Great news and thanks.
    So here is some more “Other Stuff”
    I was intrigued by Squidbillies and when I found the info I also stumbled across something that those forum members living in the LA area might find interesting.
    The Rhino Records store returns May 17-31, 2010.
    Seems Richard Foos the founder of now defunct Rhino is re-locating to NYC and is selling off his entire music, etc. collection as a fund raiser for a non-profit organization that helps in the transition of the unfortunate into employment.
    Here is an excerpt from the Rhino site.
    Friday, May 28: Life After Rhino: former Rhino employees plus in-store signing of Record Store Days by authors Gary Calamar and Phil Gallo: Screening Final Vinyl film chronicling historic Rhino Records in-store performances by Nick Lowe, Del Rubio Triplets, They Might Be Giants, Lucinda Williams, Steve Wynn and more
    And here is the full link to the article.

    So Mr. TOverby, is Lu going to be in attendance?
    Also I wonder what song or songs Lucinda did in the Record store and when.
    Might as well add the ad for Rhino Records sale.



    The squidbillies info was a wind-up, right?


    @TOverby wrote:

    Wait -there’s more -Lu will also be doing guest appearances on two other artists records -one of which I think is going to make a certain someone in this forum very happy.

    What- she’s doing a guest appearance for David Byrne?


    This must have slipped your mind with all the other great news you reported on, TO. I would think Lu is touched Pegi Young is covering one of her songs on an upcoming release.

    Article follows:


    Track Listing of Record:

    FOUL DEEDS track listing is as follows:

    1. Pleasing to Me (W. Jennings)
    2. Broken Vows (P. Young)
    3. Foul Deeds (P. Young)
    4. Starting Over (P. Young/A. Crawford)
    5. Who Knew (P. Young)
    6. Side of the Road (L. Williams)
    7. Blue Sunday (B. Boatman)
    8. Traveling (P. Young)
    9. Body Breaks (D. Banhart)


    @bob wrote:

    @TOverby wrote:

    Wait -there’s more -Lu will also be doing guest appearances on two other artists records -one of which I think is going to make a certain someone in this forum very happy.

    What- she’s doing a guest appearance for David Byrne?



    @Lafayette wrote:

    Hmmm, could it be the “Methuselah of Righteous Cool,” Neil Young, Anne McCue ( doubtful, she just released new record,) Erika Wennerstrom (doubtful, touring), John Mellencamp (doubtful, he’s releasing record Aug 3 but could he add Lu, theres’ a TBone Burnett connection here, of sorts), OR could it be Amos Lee, who is recording material he was previewing at some recent shows

    OK Lafayette, since you, tntracy and myself seem to have the distinct honor? of having posted the most in this forum of late, let’s not forget these possibilities.
    for both tntracy and myself Kathleen Edwards and Pieta Brown.
    I’ll let tntracy post his other wish list but I have a pretty good idea what it may include.
    We already heard from the threesome( sorry twosome) for David Byrne-Bob and tonyg.
    It’s not beyond the realm of possibilities for Erika as I know they are working on a follow up CD from the Mountain and Kathleen was recording last winter on the west coast.
    Mr TOverby certainly knows how to tease us fans.


    I believe long shots for both JM and Amos. It’s fun guessing, though!


    @LWjetta wrote:

    Mr TOverby certainly knows how to tease us fans.

    Speaking seriously for a minute, I am not so sure it’s a good thing that the facilitator/manager of this website, etc “certainly knows how to tease us fans.” I, for one, am not one of said fans rather and as I have said continuously, I would much rather a pipeline of direct and pertinent information versus the infrequent, cryptic, and often disjointed skinny that “tease(s) us fans.” An example of this is as follows: There are two dates on the books and there is virtually no information about these dates in terms of players, further direction of the tour, etc. Instead, we get the occasional fuzzy collage describing a sorted chain of phone calls and hearsay. In today’s world of technological tools and channels that enables and supports real-time video/music/streaming communication, I am not sure that I want to be among those that are proud to be “teased.” Someone mentioned in this thread: Thanks, TO for throwing us a bone–I think that says it all at this juncture…

    And for further review:

    “True Blood Volume 2” is released on May 25th

    The album contains a newly recorded Lucinda Williams song, “Kiss Like Your Kiss” which features a harmony vocal from Elvis Costello.

    Speaking to minister of information, The Right Reverend Jimmy Quickly, Costello said:

    “This is one of the best vocal performances of Lucinda’s recording career. I just tried to stay out of the way and add a little harmony where absolutely needed. It didn’t need a thing more. The show may make you want to bite someone on the neck but this song is going to make you wish you were loved or in love with someone enough so you could sing it to them.”

    The complete track listing of this fine compilation can be found at this address:



    @TOverby wrote:

    In addition to the new record and S/T reissue, there are several other projects coming up, some of which have been previously mentioned here, that should be coming out over the course of the year. These include:
    The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan for the Shel Silverstein Tribute– I believe this is coming in June

    WNKU 89.7, my listening choice while puttering around the house, just spun this song. I have to agree with some of the blogs I have read regarding arrangement of song. Plaintitive. Some twangy electric. The record is due for June 8 release titled Twistable, Turnable Man: Shel Silverstein Tribute

    You can listen to samples on Amazon:



    @TOverby wrote:

    Oh yeah–Still no word on the long in the can Hank Williams project (I’m So Happy I Found You). This one seems to have been shelved.

    Quote from Lafayette.
    My hope is Lu plays this from time to time at her shows. I LOVE this tune and knowing she played it the night of the wedding, even better![/quote]
    Here is the song and report from Charlottesville Sep. 26/09 in case you missed it
    End Quote


    Just for the record, it was not my intention to tease anyone. At times there is only so much I can say about certain things that are being discussed and the hint that I mentioned was meant only in fun. I also couldn’t divulge the name because it was/is not a complete certainty that appearance will happen-although it very probable that it will.
    I also was not just trying to throw anyone “a bone”. I provided almost all of the info that I was able to at that time-with the exception of the tour which I intended to do in a separate update, but unfortunately it took me a few days to get back here and do that part. I very much appreciate every ones interest and support of Lucinda in here and am happy to provide any information that I can. To be honest I haven’t been in here providing info as much as I would like to but am going to try and be better about that. I can specifically say that I very much appreciated the suggestions about updating the website, which was very much already on the priority to-do list, but the feedback I got helped light that fire a little more, and Mr. Webmasta are all over it. In his day job he has access to some cutting edge technologies and we are continually discussing how to best put them to use. This website is very important to me and I want get it to where it is one of the best artist websites around. In that spirit please continue with the suggestions/ideas or things you may have seen on other websites that would make this one better.
    Also always feel free to keep the questions coming and hopefully I will have the answers. I have thought about having a separate thread topic for Q&A so if anyone has any feedback on that idea please let me know.


    @TOverby wrote:

    The day she got a handwritten note from Loretta in the mail asking Lucinda if she’d do a song –well let’s just say it was very very special and there were more than a few tears

    Great news-A tribute album for Loretta.
    Loretta just turned 75 years young ,she will be doing two gigs at this year’s Lilith Fair and on a more sombre note her Ranch in Hurricaine Mills, TN has temporarily closed due to the severe flooding.

    On a brighter note TOverby, can you ask Lu the origin of this photo?[attachment=0:125hu87k]Lu Vintage.jpg[/attachment:125hu87k]

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