Once Again, No Older Material

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Once Again, No Older Material

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    First, let me say I am a HUGE Lu fan. Have been since picking up her eponymously tilted lp from 88-ish.

    However, her constant insistence on playing only her most recent album in concert, along with a few songs from her previous most recent releases and her personal older favourites that she ALWAYS plays live(‘Joy’, ‘Changed The Locks’) has really put my off seeing her live. C’mon, Lucinda, you don’t have to completely deny your past. Throw us a bone, one or two from Lucinda Williams or Sweet Old World wouldn’t kill you. David Byrne says he follows the 30/30/30 rule – 30% new, 30% older elclectic, 30% hits. You don’t have to be like anyone else, but respecting your fans needs and wishes would be nice. I know I will get a lot of negative feedback from this, but, please, consider my point of view. I refuse to salivate over anything Lu is willing to toss at us. Until I see a little more variety in the setlists, I’ll stay home, unhappily.


    Well, hmmm. Another review that is less than stellar from a fan that points to an interesting observation and honest dilemma. I, for one, appreciate and value your observations, lack of emotion in your response, and obvious long-time connection to Lucinda Williams’ music. I am continuing to give up my seat for those who are interested in these set-lists, her most-recent sound, and the direction of her new album. I, too, am afraid of the responses that might be aimed your way… Thanks, for posting and adding balance to this board! ~David~


    Since Lucinda has a new album coming out and is promoting it with this tour, I would expect her to play a lot of songs from it. She has done this with every new record since I first saw her when World Without Tears came out.

    And looking at the recent setlists, it seems to me she is also playing plenty of old stuff.

    It’s a bummer that you didn’t have a good time at the show. What show?

    Disco Stu

    Well, I guess I’m somewhat of a moderate when it comes to this debate. I’ve seen Lucinda, let’s see, 7 times now (all in the past 3 years), and I enjoy the shows enough that I’m looking forward to seeing her again later this month, whatever she chooses to play. That said, I’m looking forward to oneshow…I had initially thought about doing Chicago as well as Madison, but the likelihood that the setlists would be nearly identical is enough to persuade me to just do one show. I’m also less enthralled with her recent material than I am with her old stuff, though that’s not to say I dislike the new songs, so that’s a contributing factor. (And I was planning on saving some money to catch a few shows on Dylan’s fall tour before he decided to thumb his nose at us and mostly stay in Canada this tour, but that’s another gripe entirely).

    As with any artist, what Lucinda chooses to play is her own business entirely. I shudder at the idea that an artist is somehow obligated to do what the fans want. But having said all that…boy, it would be nice if she injected some more changes into her setlist from night to night. And I’m not talking about breaking out 20-year-old songs necessarily, either (though I’d love it if she did more of that). There are lesser-played songs from Essence onward that I’d love to hear. IMO, the setlists have been quite static for a couple years now, with the exception of inserting some brand-new songs. I’d welcome a bit of a shake-up. Until then, I’m content to catch a couple shows a year, and that’s about it for me.


    I more or less agree, although this coming Friday will be my 3rd time seeing Lucinda, 2nd full Lucinda show (2nd time I saw her was opening for Mellencamp), so it’s easier for me to be immediately enchanted by any typical setlist at this point.

    The only full Lucinda show I’ve seen previously was the s/t show at Town Hall last year, which was a REAL treat for me as a relatively new (West’s release, heard ‘Like a Rose’ in Transamerica, etc., only admired her from afar before that) fan who only knew a few songs from the s/t record – it was AWESOME to be introduced to that particular album, most of which I did not know, and Lucinda as a live act at the same time.

    Still, these shows she did last year proves how splendidly she can pull off the older material. There’s really no limit to what she can do. So I will certainly add my voice to the bouquet to encourage her to please pull out some older gems from the first few albums.

    I know I for one would go NUTS to hear “Sidewalks of the City” or “Little Angel, Little Brother” or for that matter anything from “Sweet Old World,” arguably my favorite Lucinda record. I would also LOVE to hear “Those Three Days.”



    I thought the show in Raleigh was great, but if you have seen Lucinda multiple times, I can also see how you might want to hear some of her other work. I was turned onto her about 7 years ago, and own every record she has put out + a few bootlegs. I’ve purchased tickets to 3 of her shows, but I’ve always had some conflict come up,and had to give them away. This is the 1st time that I bought tickets and that I was actually able to use them, so this is the 1st time I have actually seen her live. She probably could have sang the phone book and I would have been happy. Discussing it with my wife afterward, we were kind of conflicted about the experience as well. We too would have loved to hear Pineola or Car Wheels (acoustic version would have been okay). On the other hand, it’s got to be incredibly hard to pick a dozen songs from a volume of work like hers, + the new stuff + a few cover songs, and fit it all into a 2 1/2 hour set. This is probably made more difficult by Lucinda’s propensity for taking chances, and doing things on her own terms. Who else has the balls to end a concert with Fats Domino song, a depression era protest song, and a very respectable cover of an AC/DC rock anthem as she did in Raleigh. The songs don’t always work well, but you have to admire her courage. At the end of the day it was a very good show even if we didn’t hear all the songs we wanted to hear. My wife and I came to the conclusion that it was kind of like sex. Even when it’s bad, it’s still really good.


    I still don’t understand why Lucinda should care what David Byrne does. I like David Byrne but shouldn’t each artist develop their own program? This is her “Little Honey Tour.”


    Glad to see some like minded opinions and counterpoint. So, to clarify somewhat…

    Lu shouldn’t care about David Byrne, I only pointed out his approach to live material to show how a bit of balance between old and new material might make everyone happy.

    I first saw Lu around 1990 at an outdoor festival. I’ve seen her in small and big bars, intimate theatre and proper concert halls, about 10x. Before Car Wheels, she obviously played lots of *eponymous* and Sweet Old World. However, in the last 5-7 years, she has almost totally neglected these (except Changed The Locks, which she has played EVERY time I’ve seen her in the last 5-7 years). Why neglect these great and much loved albums?

    I saw some playlists from last year where she played multiple same-city shows on the East and West coasts and on each night she played a different older album complete and in track order. Not sure why she did that, but it shows she can play it with her current band – so why not toss a few in each night to make us older (and newer) fans happy?

    Finall, I do like her newer stuff – don’t get me wrong. Her current tour takes her to our city before it’s even released, so it will be a lot of unfamiliar material. I also see in her news postings that a show at the start of the tour had to be moved from a 2500 seater to a much smaller hall – perhaps symptomatic of what others are feeling about her performance preferences?

    For those just seeing Lu for the first time, enjoy – you are in for a real treat. In my humble opinion, it could be just that much better. Thanks for the civil discourse – is the artist or her management listening?


    Thanks JohnInTO. That was well said. I guess the reason I defend her recent setlists is that I am excited about the new material, so I’m eager to hear it live. I love the old material too, but I more excited to see in what direction Lucinda’s music will evolve. Sure it would be good to throw in an older nugget or two in each show, but the more recent songs she throws in are cool too.

    mister e

    I’m a huge fan as well. Was taken to see my first show at Central Park Summerstage I think in 2002 and haven’t missed an NYC appearance since. Not a week goes by when she’s not on the stereo, and not a day goes by around cd release times. But having said that, I’m passing on the Garden show this week because of the set lists. I joined the board here a few years back to plead to the gods that she’d do older material because each time I saw her she was premiering new material. In Central Park, a year before WWT released she sang something like 5 songs (forgive me if I’m not totally accurate here). A few years back we already saw her do Jailhouse Tears and other Little Honey material.

    The gift she gave us all were the full album nights. They were too good, really, and fortunately we were able to savor them with the cd releases.

    But as someone posted in the Records forum, it’s time to stop complaining and accept she’s moved on. At least those who want to hear the remaining half of Little Honey they haven’t already heard live before will have something to look forward to (along with Change the Locks again, and, I’d add, Joy).

    But I wouldn’t be surprised if I buy a last minute ticket on Friday afternoon, though…


    Here is my take:

    I’ve seen Lucinda 3 times, all in the last 2 years (I was a late Lucinda bloomer). I saw her at Wolftrap last summer, Atlanta this summer, and last weekend in Charleston.

    I’ve honestly loved each show more than the previous one. There are definately songs I’d love to here (still chasing Metal Firecracker, my favorite). Luckily I saw Lake Charles (my second fav) twice in Atlanta, the second was the first encore, solo acoustic.

    Sure, I’d love to see something in the place of Joy, Real Love, or I Live My Life. But, these are all good songs in my opinon.

    She’s promoting an album now, and I’m already a fan of a number of songs just because I’ve already seen a few of them live 2 or 3 times.

    I saw Jailhouse Tears for the first time in Charleston, and I’m absolutely in love with that song.

    Older albums? Hell, I’d still like to hear more tunes from “West”.

    Anyway, I guess my point is I love every show and wish that there were more. So many songs I want to hear, but I’m never disappointed.


    @andy wrote:

    Anyway, I guess my point is I love every show and wish that there were more. So many songs I want to hear, but I’m never disappointed.

    Yup, I’ve seen her 12+ times, and that’s still my take. Yeah, I’d love to see “Hot Blood” and / or “Side of the Road”, but every show is a blessing & I’ll take what I can get… 😉


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