NY & LA Live CD’s available on website soon

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows NY & LA Live CD’s available on website soon

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  • #28947
    Inside Job

    Thanks to all of the interest I can now confirm that the live cd’s that are being sold at LA & NY shows WILL be made available thru the website. Details are still being worked out, but look for the official info in the next few days.


    This is great news for the loyal Lucinda fans everywhere. I may go bankrupt after this week (flying across the country, seeing all the shows, buying the live CD’s, etc.) but I’m having a great time. It’s been exciting and Lucinda seems very happy. Thanks, IJ for the info & these great events.


    well if public support has sway, please beg and cajole for me…
    the second sets…..please have the second sets released. these are national treasures, and anyone who’s been there can attest, i’m not being overly dramatic. the lady i met last night said that show transformed her life (and it wasn’t just the merlot, well mebbe a little bit)
    she was kind of dragged along by her husband and she said it really did hit her big (altho she knew most of lu’s music from listening at home)
    so wishing i could go to new york


    Terrific news, I.J.
    I’ll second stella’s request, let’s make the entire show of each night available on disc. Obviously, these have turned into magical evenings that ALL of Lu’s fans (and future fans) should enjoy! 💡


    *Happy dance* Somehow, I had a feeling Lucinda wouldn’t let us down.


    Thanks, this is GREAT news. It would have been a hassle to track these down otherwise and I’m happy to help support Lu and the band.

    I’d love it if you can offer a lossless option.


    There is a God, THANK YOU!


    This is great news. I’m picking one up in LA each night but I’m only able to go to four of the five. Plus I’ll want the NY ones as well, especially with what is looking to be an entirely different set of guests from what I’ve heard so far (maybe some the same but some very different).

    I add my vote for the second sets, even though I think that might be more problematic (getting the permission of all the guests)…

    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for the news IJ, would certainly be very interested, I trust you will keep us updated here, and that they will be available in the UK. ?


    Excellent – thank you for this 😀

    Disco Stu

    Thank you for making these available. I really appreciate the chance to hear these shows since there was no way I could make any of them in person.

    Not to sound greedy, but as others have already said – it would even better to have the second sets available as well, since there are so many special guests and rare performances. 😉


    Both thumbs up!


    Does Lucinda want to release the CDs as they are right now? Will those CDs be edited and mastered again? Either way could be good. I listened to some of the CDs, I have to say that the qualify isn’t perfect due to the on-site processing, but they do sound really freshy and raw.


    this is the best news! I was hoping the Rey shows would become available!


    Any updates on when the El Rey CD’s will become available?

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