NPR 12/21

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    Good to see you are still checking in, Paul! We will have to start calling you Paulock Holmes!

    So, just to keep this all straight, because at times that’s hard for me :lol:, Lu is being drug out of bed at 8:00 a.m. PST according to TO’s post a few days ago. On Point airs between 10 – Noon EST which means, according to my math and Tom & TNT’s jivey banter, Lu will be on at 11:00 a.m. Ya’ll following me still? Cool.

    SO, after looking up the information at the On Point site Paul pointed us to, questions will be taken during the live show (which looks like it airs from Boston on WBUR) during the 11:00 a.m. hour. Looks like Boston will be digging out of a snow storm from the forecasts I’ve seen?

    How many are calling in tomorrow with questions? Here is number as copied from their website:

    To join the conversation on the air, call us at 1-800-423-8255 during a live broadcast.

    Hope to hear a few familiar names tomorrow from the friendly forum, live, on the air with LU!


    Thanks goodness they save these at the Web site for listening to later. I forgot all about it this morning. I have not listened to it yet, but will definitely capture it to my Mac for listening to later on my iPod…



    @Lafayette wrote:

    To join the conversation on the air, call us at 1-800-423-8255 during a live broadcast.

    I tried and tried.
    Busy signal, Re-dial, Busy Signal, Re-dial………….Busy signal, Re-dial, Busy Signal, Re-dial………….

    I really enjoyed the interview including the song clips and appreciated Lu’s honesty about a callers comments on alcohol.
    Loved her story when she was 17 living in Mexico City. She started her singing career there under the name of Cindy Williams. ( Wasn’t there another Cindy Williams from the “Lavergne & Shirley” TV show? )

    I really wonder though if some of the callers were kind of pre-screened and they got on the air before we had a chance.

    For example caller Rose Polermo from Nashville knew Lu from many years ago. Lu remembered her and they remininsced for a while.
    Caller Vance Gilbert from Arlington, MA knew Lu personally as well. He has his own band-into folksinging.
    Caller “Lu” can you believe it from Charleston, SC-She talked about “Car Wheels” and then was most direct in the alcohol question.

    If I had got through on air, my question to Lu wouldn’t have been a question but merely a compliment and thank you as a fan and having the good fortune of her hubby Tom for taking such an active interest in the Forum. I feel we can pretty well ask anything about Lu’s career and the future and Tom will give us a response. No need to read about her in the papers. I don’t think there are many other singer’s forum sites with this advantage.
    @tntracy wrote:

    I forgot all about it this morning

    My goodness Tnt I’m 65 years young and I remembered. ha ha



    @LWjetta wrote:

    My goodness Tnt I’m 65 years young and I remembered. ha ha


    What can I say? šŸ˜³ I had Christmas errands on my mind this morning – primarily, how to drive to them while missing all the mall traffic nearby… šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜†



    I took the day off so I could listen. šŸ˜†



    I’m listening to it now. She sounds pretty good considering it was 8 am this morning.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    Caller Vance Gilbert from Arlington, MA knew Lu personally as well. He has his own band-into folksinging.


    he’s playing the Iron Horse Northampton MA on Jan 8 !
    BoB will be there


    Way to go Bob! šŸ˜€


    @tonyg wrote:

    I’m listening to it now. She sounds pretty good considering it was 8 am this morning.

    Ditto! It was my first thought when she started speaking. She sounded chipper.I loved to hear her laugh.

    I couldn’t get through either!


    A very Merry Chrismas to Lucinda, Tom, Buick 6 and the Friendly Forum.

    I’m with my relatives in the country with the fireplace going and fresh snow outside.
    One of them is also a Lu fan and hadn’t heard of the NPR interview.
    So we replayed it. and noticed several comments were posted since the live airing.
    Here is one in case you didn’t check back to the On Point page.
    Felt it was most appropriate to post here.
    BRAVO Tom Overby.
    Ā· I guess sometimes the truth just isnā€™t good enough is it? Sorry to ruin it all for you but some the comments being made above are hurtful, injurious and irresponsible. And when they get as idiotic and mean as Jaronā€™s its hard not to respond. Lucinda was not ā€œon somethingā€ during this interview- I know because I was there when the alarm went off at 630 AM here in LA where we live -she got ready and we had a cup of coffee and then I drove her to the interview which started at 8 am (PST). And no she wasnā€™t hungover either ā€“ in fact she skipped a big reunion of old friends the night before to get to bed early. After we left the interview she was very concerned about the alcohol question and how she answered it. I told her that I thought she handled it perfectly. While the question was completely inappropriate and frankly nobodyā€™s business- and certainly one she didnā€™t have to answer in a public forum ā€“ she did answer it -and to her credit she answered it completely honestly. Thatā€™s who she is- the most honest person iā€™ve ever met-and itā€™s just one of the things that makes her the artist that she is. And for the record she wasnā€™t on something in Poughkeepsie and she wasnā€™t on something at Lupoā€™s in Providence. Iā€™ll be honest the Providence show was not the best of nights, itā€™s live music played by human beings and not every night can be amazing, and this year she played consistently higher level than iā€™ve ever seen her. Out of nearly 100 shows I could count the off nights on one hand. Iā€™m there every night and I donā€™t know how she does it. An off night like Providence doesnā€™t automatically mean sheā€™s on something-maybe she was just flat exhausted after playing 85 different songs over three consecutive 3 hour shows in NYC, which ended a run of 8 shows in 10 nights. Not an excuse but just maybe the real truth. I tour with her and have seen every show she has played for the last 3 years, and I can tell you that no gives everything she has every single night like Lucinda, and no one is more upset when a show isnā€™t what she wants it to be -and sometimes that works against her, because she wears it all on her sleeve. Sorry to bust all the self destructive tortured artist theories but the next time you go out on the internet and blabber on about someone being on something, consider that maybe you donā€™t know the truth and maybe it is really damaging to that person. Being a public figure doesnā€™t mean you have a right to slander them. How would you like it every time you had an off day at the office-or maybe not even an off day- people went on the internet and said you were on something and you were not able to defend yourself?
    Tom Overby
    Hello Cleveland Mgmt. (and Lucindaā€™s husband)l
    PS ā€“Jaron -itā€™s really sad that you donā€™t have anything better to do with your time that go on the internet and take potshots at people. No one made you listen to the show. I hope you get a new life for Xmas this year, because obviously the one you have must be miserable.
    Posted by Tom Overby, on December 23rd, 2009 at 8:23 pm EST


    Good interview, but how rude was the alcohol question? Some people are unbelievable.


    I couldn’t believe the alcohol question, either. Lu should hold her head up high with the way she answered. The truth will always set you free, as old and cliche as that is, it’s something I try to live by each and every day. It amazes me that she said plainly she doesn’t drink on stage, yet reponses to the interview have her incoherent and drunk while she is playing. I would love to shout ” Hey, people, Lu grew up in the south, she speaks the way folks live there, in the slow lane and laid back (and there’s nothing wrong with that!) Right, tnt? šŸ˜€

    P.S. Rah, rah, shish boom bah.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Lu grew up in the south, she speaks the way folks live there, in the slow lane and laid back (and there’s nothing wrong with that!) Right, tnt? šŸ˜€

    Guilty as charged… šŸ˜‰



    I just listened to the interview and saw all the rude comments posted. People are nasty and cruel and it’s sad that Lucinda felt insecure. She is far better than they are, and should not worry about a thing. And Tom really stuck it to them!!! šŸ™‚


    Can someone re-post the link for the interview?


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