NPR 12/21

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    On 12/21 Lucinda is going to do a full hour interview on NPR radio at 8 AM. I believe this will also include a call-in section. Now I just gotta get her out of bed that morning.


    @TOverby wrote:

    Now I just gotta get her out of bed that morning.

    Fantastic news.
    This quote is from my earlier post ” LST Lucinda Standard Time” from an 1998 article.

    “I think Lu was born with molasses in her feet,” he chuckles.lwj



    Thanks for the heads up, Tom. I’m gonna see if I can record it on my Mac. That way, *I* don’t have to get up that early! 😈 😆



    Well it will be that very early hour of 11 AM in Atlanta.


    @TOverby wrote:

    Well it will be that very early hour of 11 AM in Atlanta.

    Ah, true, true. You didn’t specifiy, and I assumed EST, being East-centric. I may be lazy, but I am not (usually) *that* lazy… 😳

    Still, I’d like to record it – you never know, Lu might sing a “live in-studio” version of some song or another that might come in handy in the future… 😉



    Awesome, awesome! I’ll be listening AND trying to come up with a question to call in, just in case!

    tnt…NPR usually podcasts their interviews, however, if you’re not a gambling man, then record and maybe start a CD tree for all of us that can’t??


    Is there a link to listen online? The more I think about this, the NPR station I listen to has morning music, no interview shows.

    Details, please! Is there a list of stations we can look at to see if our local area is carrying? Is this on XM? I don’t want to miss this!


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Is there a link to listen online? The more I think about this, the NPR station I listen to has morning music, no interview shows.

    Same with my local NPR affiliate, Lafayette. I had assumed that we could listen at (click the “listen” link at the top right, then “24-Hour Program Stream” on the left). In fact, at 11:48 AM EST, there is a musician interview show on there now, so I assume it is the same show Lu will be on at 11:00 AM EST on the 21st.

    But, that’s several assumptions – maybe TO or someone else more familiar with NPR can verify / elaborate.


    P.S. Assuming (there’s another assumption!) all this is true, I was going to use a program I have on my Mac to capture the audio from the show & save it. I would be more than glad to burn this to an audio CD & start a tree for those who are interested…


    I just realized I may not be at home during this 11:00 a.m. interview, if indeed, we can listen online at the npr site. A was really going to try to call in but still may be able to work that out via mobile if I have a phone number to call into.

    As far as CD tree, that would be great, tnt! We have done these in Mellencamp’s forums, usually offering to burn for x amount of folks that have the ability to continue the tree, and in the spirit of giving, offering to burn for x amount of folks that don’t have the ability to burn and continue the tree. I often send my branch a $5 giftcard to whatever as a thank you for the CD and to help with cost. Just a thought.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    As far as CD tree, that would be great, tnt! We have done these in Mellencamp’s forums, usually offering to burn for x amount of folks that have the ability to continue the tree, and in the spirit of giving, offering to burn for x amount of folks that don’t have the ability to burn and continue the tree. I often send my branch a $5 giftcard to whatever as a thank you for the CD and to help with cost. Just a thought.

    I have participated in something similar, but more of a “vine” instead of a “tree” (in fact, it was called a vine). The “seeder”, starts the vine by burning a CD for someone & mailing it to them, with a promise by the recipient to, in turn, burn a copy for the next person on the vine. And so on, and so on…

    To keep costs / effort to a minimum (and since we’d probably have, at most, 2 dozen or so interested people here I’d wager), I propose we do that. In fact, I volunteer to be the seeder and, Lafayette, you can be the first recipient if you’d like.

    In addition, if someone does not have the ability to make a copy themselves (a friend or family member might be able to help), we can accomodate them I am sure…



    @tntracy wrote:

    But, that’s several assumptions – maybe TO or someone else more familiar with NPR can verify / elaborate

    Just to let you know I just sent an e-mail to NPR.
    Here is my reply so far.

    Dear Listener,

    This is an automated response from NPR. Your comment has been received and is being processed.

    Thank you,
    NPR Services

    Message Information:
    Message #: 5607-10076370
    Date Created: 12/17/2009 3:39 PM EDT
    Subject: Interview December 21, 2009
    Body: I heard that singer-songwriter Lucinda Williams is scheduled to have a live interview with a phone-in-session for December 21.
    I.can’t find any info on NPR’s web site.
    Can you help with any details?
    Thank you.

    Will keep the Forum posted on any further response.

    P.S Count me in on the CD “Tree”


    Thanks, LWJ…



    On Lucinda’s page at, the NPR show is identified as “On Point” with Tom Ashbrook.

    At, you can select programs, then “On Point” at the left under news/talk.

    After you reach the “On Point” page, you can select “Ways to Listen”, and see a list of radio stations and streaming instructions.


    Yay Paul! :mrgreen: Muchas gracias!

    Looks like the live stream from WBUR is going to be the way to go for me. Also looks like no need for a “CD tree / vine” w/ the show’s online archives…



    @LWjetta wrote:

    Will keep the Forum posted on any further response

    Here is the “helpfull”?????? e-mail I received today from NPR Radio

    Dear ,

    Thank you for contacting NPR.

    Unfortunately, we cannot find out about a possible upcoming interview based on the information currently provided. If you know specifically what program the interview is to be aired on, we will do our best to check with that show’s staff. Otherwise, it may be that you are referring to any of NPR programs, or to a number of programs aired on your local station that are neither produced nor distributed by NPR.

    We are always delighted to hear from listeners. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

    Thank you for listening to NPR, and for your continued support of public broadcasting. For the latest news and information, visit

    NPR Services
    (202) 513-3232

    Can’t imagine if I used my “dime” to phone them.

    Thank goodness for the friendly forum coming to the rescue ( muchas gracias Paul from Los Angeles )

    Looking forward to Monday.


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