No rest for the…

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    @LWjetta wrote:

    Have a listen to Jimmy and Lu from the new album “Just Across the River”


    p.s. to tntracy
    For all the new guest appearances coming out in 2010, it’s a good thing that MS Excel is almost limitless in its capacity for updating your spreadsheet.

    Cool! I’ve been waiting for a preview to show up. I do believe it is still slated for a June 29 release, so we’ll have the whole song soon…

    And, yes, I have some Excel updates to do! I have already been updating Lu’s Wikipedia page’s “Guest Appearances” list, but haven’t gotten around to my own spreadsheet…



    @TOverby wrote:

    In the past couple of weeks Lu has been busy -I guess we just can’t give her a break 🙂
    She did a wonderful duet with the legendary Jimmy Webb on his song Galveston. He is finishing up an album of duets. We just got the finished version and Jimmy was so thrilled with it he is saying it may be the single.
    A few days after that she also sang harmony on a song for Blackie & The Rodeo Kings, which is her longtime friend Colin Linden’s side band.
    And this past Saturday a film crew came to the house and filmed Lu for a documentary about legendary delta blues singer Honeyboy Edwards. He is 94 years old and is still touring -in fact he is playing Cozy’s Blues club in LA on 1/15 & 16. As you might imagine he has an amazing story-for example he was with Robert Johnson the night he was poisoned in 1938. Anyway, Lu talked about Honeyboy -but she also talked a lot about the blues which is a topic she loves to talk about.
    In addition to Lu, the movie will also include Keith Richards, BB King and Billy Gibbons among others.
    Here is a link to a clip of the movie—

    Just uploaded on You Tube The “Official” “New” Honeyboy documentary trailer.
    No idea when it’s being released.
    Lucinda is shown 2 0r 3 times speaking on the “Blues”

    Have a look.



    I love TJW and would love to see him.

    I also love Blackie and the Rodeo Kings, and the many different bands and personals the individual members have been in. These guys are so cool. I love Tom Wilson as Lee Harvey Osmond. I love the songs of William P. Bennett .

    I would love to see Lucinda and BRK do a small venue that has a dance area.

    I just want Lucinda to keep doing Lucinda songs, and whatever makes her happy.

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