New to Lucinda music

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    Ive just been reading all of your posts with great intrest, Iam also quite new to Lucinda, I first heard her about two years ago , by accident, until then I had heard her name and associated her with country music, and assumed that she was probably Don Williams daughter. One evening listening to radio 2 [uk] , there was a documentry on Gram Parsons, and Iwas impressed with his style of music , so purchased a couple of albums and since then enjoyed them, but more importantly I purchased a Gram Parsons tribute dvd [return to sin city] . I enjoyed all of the artists performing all of there versions of Grams songs, but I was blown away by the lady singing near the end of the dvd. Since then I have been a big Lucinda fan , I had the great pleasure of seen her in Glasgow last year , and next week , all been well, I am heading to The Nether lands to see her in Rotterdam and Harllem, Iam really looking forward to the combination of Lucinda and the good Dutch crowd. To sum up, I personally couldn,t describe her as anything other than a master of her craft , pure genious, nothing has moved me so much for years, [maybe Pink Floyd when I was seventeen , and that was along time ago]


    Life isn’t fair. Just remember when you all are having a good time watching Lucinda, I’m going to be back here in cold Minnesota listening to my bassett hound howling in the back yard. It just isn’t right.

    Anyway, excellent insight on my singer songwriter dilemma. Very well said. I think you are right on all counts. I guess I was just thinking that it’s unfortunate if people automatically don’t give her music a chance because in their mind it fits into some kind of preconception.

    I consider a diva to be someone extremely talented yet doesn’t consider themselves superior to others. A real person deep down inside who can relate well to others. More of a play on words.

    So what’s a good Dutch crowd?


    A good Dutch crowd, well you know, a lot of nice people from the the Netherlands gathered together for the appreciation of something really good. I just listened to Minneapolis , I see what you mean about your winter, and can relate to that I live a 100miles North of where Annie Lennox is from [ same latitude as Moscow] nobody comes here, so I really need this fix.


    Well I’m glad she’s coming to your area so you can see her. Have a great time! I was just joking around talking about life isn’t fair and cold Minnesota. Actually, isn’t too bad outside right now. I was going to attach a picture from last winter of my daughter shoveling snow off our trampoline in near blizzard conditions. I thought it was kind of funny. But, I wasn’t able to figure out how to imbed a picture into a post. This is the first time I’ve ever joined a forum, so I’m a little clueless. The song Minneapolis is gut wrenching isn’t it? I’m surprised she’d ever want to come back here at all. The woman has a definite way with words. I’m a numbers person, so I really appreciate the way she can articulate her feelings and paint images.

    I would love to travel to that part of the world someday. My great-grandparents were born in Sweden. My grandmother would tell me endless stories about them and what it was like there. To this day, I can still recite a Swedish prayer.

    Took the kids to see the broadway musical “Lion King” today. It was very good. I would recommend anyone to go see it if they have the opportunity.

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