New to Lucinda

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    Hello all,

    I was watching the credits “Talladega Nights” and the song playing was “Gentle on my Mind”, and asked my husband who was singing it. I said it reminded me of Emmy Lou Harris. He said no, it wasn’t her, and after finally reaching the end of the credits finally saw that it was Lucinda. And after finding this site and reading the other posts I find she has a history with Emmy Lou. Probably why I hear a little of her in Lucinda. Anyway, I am now intrigued, and plan on buying a CD of hers. This from someone who listens to mostly Motown. But my husband and daughter love country. So I’ll buy 1 for each and be able to try her music though them. I just wanted to offer those that did mention how they too listen to other types of music than country and would like to suggest a home town girl who tragically died before she was really discovered by many. Her name was Eva Cassidy. Try out the web sites and I promise you won’t be disappointed. Especially her rendition of “What a Wonderful World”.

      dr winston oboogie

      Hi there,
      Glad you have “discovered”, Lucinda..I am quite sure that you will not be disappointed in your quest tio find out more, but please do not classify Lucinda as “country”…One of the main attractions of Lucinda is that it is almost impossible to “pidgeon hole” her as most people try to do.
      Certainly the country influence is never far away from her music, but just as close is the blues influence along with many other genres which Lu captures in her music and words.
      She is indeed a treasure and her lyrics really have to be listened to and understood to get the full on Lucinda effect, this is where she suffers in the mainstream of things as the majority of people today just want a song with a good hook.
      I really cannot advise you which CD`s to try first, because I find that all are equally as good as the next and it depends on yourself and the momemnt which particular CD I put on, however if you are new, the award winning Car Wheels On A Gravel Road is as good a place to start as any, I am finding that World Without Tears is finding its way to my CD player most just now…and if you like live albums, there is the double CD Live @ The Filmore.
      If you get a chance go see Lu live, I just attended the final gig of their recent tour in Dublin Ireland and it really was a superb night, right up there with the best I have ever been to.

      Enjoy the journey.

      Love,Peace and Revolution.

      btw Eva`s version of What A Wonderful World is being released in the UK as a Christmas single and is one of the favourites to take the Christmas No.1.


      What dr winston oboogie said.

      BTW, a good (cyber) friend of mine has just recently “discovered” Lu, too, and he started with the Car Wheels album. I guess it’s a good start…

      Also, there’s this “which album to buy next thread” in the Lucinda Records section:
      You should check that…


      I think my mind just exploded. Too many coincidences.


      What a lucky person, to have just discovered Lucinda!

      I remember when I first heard her and saw her, singing “Passionate Kisses” on Letterman. That led to me buying her older stuff, and then waiting unpatiently (sometimes for a long time) for her next releases. Also, buying bootlegs whenever I could find them, but that’s illegal, and I’m really sorry (except some of them are amazing!).

      Btw, my wife really hates Lucinda. I think she’s jealous. 😉


      What a coincidence, my wife hates Lucinda. On a lighter note, it is interesting to hear how other people “discovered” Lucinda. For me it was that Crossroads show with Elvis Costello. I remember thinking. wow… that voice sounded like no other. Pierced my soul, and I’ve been on the bus ever since. I envy all those who have been with her since the beginning. No regrets, better late than never.


      Yeah, Lucinda is definitely not just “country,” particularly TODAY’s country (which Tom Petty recently described as “bad rock music with a fiddle player”; ha, lol). The old school country, that of Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, etc., is definitely in Lu’s music, but so is a lot of other stuff, which is why she’s a treasure. Rather than going after a pre-existing audience by doing just one thing, she’s created her own by doing whatever she wants. I know I’m hooked….

      dr winston oboogie

      Glad to hear about you people “finding” Lucinda, and one thing is for sure..once hooked…always hooked.

      The girly thing is interesting, as I have had it said to me many times , even by my sister, who I am slowly winning over, that Lucinda is a man`s female singer ?? (unsure on that one). although in general females do not seem to listen to female artists in my experience.

      Love,Peace and Revolution.

      nvythe wind

      interesting that many here tend to think more males than females like lucinda . being new to this forum, as i’m reading most of the posts, i had automatically assumed they were women……weird. she speaks to me. my husband loves to hear her rock – i love it all. i would think men would have a harder time identifying with her music. my favorite concert was one that i met three girls my daughters age – they were awesome. lucinda is empowering and vunerable – a sad lonely girl and a happy women – what woman can’t relate to that?


      I come from a musician background, and my love for Lu is her great song writing, and of course the blend of country rock with incredible, sometimes wild, off the wall guitar work.

      Speaking from the male viewpoint, a lot of guys just think…”oh poor Lu, she’s had some heartbreak….she just hasn’t met the right guy yet….like me! Haha.’

      “I pray that one day, Lu will break my heart
      then in one of her songs, I could play a small part.”

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