New Songs

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records New Songs

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    Question for Tom –

    Is there still a chance Lucinda might bring out an album of covers, as I recall her – on-stage, I think –
    commenting she would next do this. I always enjoy hearing her do others songs as they are so interseting and ones I’m not usually aware of.

    Obviously from your previous post the new album seems to be original songs, but I’d love to hear that covers album.


    Yes -but given the current burst of creativity, it won’t be this next record, and when it does happen it wouldn’t necessarily be a covers in the way other have done them . Actually there are several different ideas for records that she has, and that really speaks to where she is at right now in regards to recording. She feels so confident about her voice and her singing right now, as well as the band and engineer, that she really wants to get it all down.


    I’m glad she’s in such a creative groove – no doubt her settled life with you is helping there. I look forward to the next record whatever it is, the covers album will just have to wait!


    Yeah, I’m with padchio – I’ll take anything – AND everything – I can get, when I can get it!!! 😆



    I cannot wait to hear some new Lucinda! I wonder how they’re going to sound…is it going to be more like her earlier records or more like the recent ones?

    I hope the latter.


    Hey TomO! Any new news on the new songs? 😉 😀



    @TOverby wrote:

    At rehearsals on Thurs prior to the show it was just Emmylou and Lu going thru it with the house band because Patty wasn’t getting to town until that night, so that meant they had to find a time to go thru the song with all three of them on the day of the show. It worked out as they ended up working on it backstage about 45 minutes before they went on–(I actually do have a so-so IPhone picture of this that I will see if TT can post, as I haven’t figured it out yet)

    TomO didn’t forget! He just sent me this pic along with those from Lu’s home studio

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