New Songs / Label / Record Plans Update

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records New Songs / Label / Record Plans Update

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    I believe I had mentioned before that Lucinda fulfilled her contract with Lost Highway last Nov. We have been going thru the process of finding a new home and are getting closer to that. She has been writing up a storm and continues to so we’re not rushing into anything on either front (songs/label) -as long as she’s in writing mode there’s no reason to have her stop because she has enough songs for an album–the plan/hope this time was to have a lot of songs to choose from and it looks like we’ll have that. The other thing with a new label is the minute they write a check it’s “when do we get the record”. In addition we ended up with all these summer dates which we didn’t really expect which pushes back any recording. Given all this, the loose plan is that we’ll be recording at the very beginning of the new year with Don Was on board again. Of course you never want to over hype things but I will say that I am very excited about these songs.

    I didn’t expect to blabber on here so maybe we should have a new thread with this one.


    Good update Tom.


    @TOverby wrote:

    I didn’t expect to blabber on here so maybe we should have a new thread with this one.

    New topic created!

    And thanks for the great info, TO – “blabber” all you’d like – please! 😆



    Thanks for moving it Tom T.


    @TOverby wrote:

    Thanks for moving it Tom T.

    De nada… 😉



    Best “new thread” of the year! 💡


    @Lefty wrote:

    Best “new thread” of the year! 💡

    I’ll second, third, fourth, etc. that.

    Thanks. Tom O



    Thanks-I should also add that the Rough Trade reissue will also be a part of this new label deal and will be released as soon after the new deal as makes sense.

    (also fixed the quote to say “when do we get the record)


    What a great way to kick off 2013. 😀

    Thanks for the ‘inside info’, TO.


    It’s now less than two months before Lu and Doug start a very ambitious tour of Europe.

    I see from Doug’s Facebook that he is in the studio now working on his new album, but what’s the scoop on Lucinda’s much anticipated new record ?
    Is she at the kitchen table recording ?
    Studio time booked ?
    Don Was on board ?
    Eric Liljestrand on board ?

    Questions, questions, questions for ya Tom O please.

    p.s. Perhaps our Moderator could make this topic a “sticky”

    dr winston oboogie

    As ever TomO, thanks for the update, very much appreciated, exciting times ahead for you both and us as well,
    just helps build the anticipation for the forthcoming tour.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    Perhaps our Moderator could make this topic a “sticky”

    Good idea! 😉 Anticipating lots of news on this front in the coming months!



    @dr winston oboogie wrote:

    As ever TomO, thanks for the update, very much appreciated, exciting times ahead for you both and us as well,
    just helps build the anticipation for the forthcoming tour.

    Did I miss said “update,” Dr. W?

    dr winston oboogie

    @stoger wrote:

    @dr winston oboogie wrote:

    As ever TomO, thanks for the update, very much appreciated, exciting times ahead for you both and us as well,
    just helps build the anticipation for the forthcoming tour.

    Did I miss said “update,” Dr. W?

    Sorry Stoger…rest mistake….

    P.L.& R.


    To answer your questions below:
    Yes Lucinda has been writing – mostly in the guest bedroom which has become the new places of recording. So I guess you called call them the Bedroom Tapes. At least three brand new songs in the past two weeks and fine tuning some other ones including some that were played with Doug in Jan. Very excited about these songs. Of course I’d say that but I really am.
    In regards to the new record label -the news is that a complication arose and it has caused a big delay in the process. We had hoped to possibly record in April but that is now not going to happen. That was probably more wishful thinking and in the long run will probably be for the better given the way she is writing right now. It’s just a thought that’s in the idea stage at this point but something that I’m thinking about is planning the next two records -being different but maybe being connected and coming out a few months apart. Like I said it’s just a thought at this point but given the delays on this one it wouldn’t be out of question. We didn’t want it to take this long after Blessed (already over two years) and we don’t want it to take this long going forward.

    @LWjetta wrote:

    It’s now less than two months before Lu and Doug start a very ambitious tour of Europe.

    I see from Doug’s Facebook that he is in the studio now working on his new album, but what’s the scoop on Lucinda’s much anticipated new record ?
    Is she at the kitchen table recording ?
    Studio time booked ?
    Don Was on board ?
    Eric Liljestrand on board ?

    Questions, questions, questions for ya Tom O please.

    p.s. Perhaps our Moderator could make this topic a “sticky”

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