New Songs

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    I am thrilled to be able to report that Lucinda has been on a complete writing binge the last few weeks. I bought her a handheld hi-def audio recorder for Xmas and it has been amazing what an effect that has had on her. She is really loving the ability to hear things the minute she records them. It records 24 bit digital audio and the sound quality has just blown her away. I preset it so she just has to hit record and off she goes. She gets up in the morning and makes some coffee and writes and records nearly all day. As she finishes them I burn them to a master disk and we listen to them all every night. She is really viewing this as the beginning of a new phase and I’ve never seen her so excited –we had Butch and David over to the house the other night to listen and they were also very excited by what they heard. Lyrically there are a couple things that are very stunning and powerful-things that I think will stand with some of the very best words she has written. Musically they are diverse and will be open to different interpretations-it will very interesting to see how they evolve. Seeing her on a roll like this has really been something to witness and hear– I think its very safe to say that it is now all but certain that there will be a new record this year.


    Hmmmm. 2-CD set? 😈 😀 Sorry, I’m greedy… 😳

    In all seriousness, Tom, that’s GREAT news – thanks for the update. Sounds like the immediate feedback she’s getting from the digital recorder is really paying off!



    Great news! Thanks for the update.


    Wonderful news! Thank you, TO, for always providing the fans with the details. I cannot wait to hear more!


    Exellent news Tom, Great choice of gifts. Now please tell us what happened over the weekend. 😉


    can’t wait wife( a HUGE fan) will be pleased. like to take the say how much we loved seeing
    lu at the hamer arts centre down here in australia last apr. don’t forget us when the next tour is due. maybe a show on the little island (tasmania) that sits below the big island!!!!!! this time. take care .


    dr winston oboogie

    Once again a huge thank you TomO, I/We really appreciate this kind of update/information which keeps us in touch with what is happening and what we have to look forward to, helps keeps us going in what has been a long and very cold winter here, look forward to hearing the new material later this year, and it is good to know that we can rely on you to keep us informed.

    Disco Stu

    Very cool! Thanks for the update. 🙂


    Great news indeed. I thought it was fantastic to read the comment from TO: “I’ve never seen her so excited”.

    For someone who brings so much joy to others to be genuinely excited about their work is a wonderful thing.

    I’m eagerly awaiting my next Lu fix.

    PS And it is also great to see everyone sending their support and best wishes. What a great group of fans there are here.


    Today I was listening to my favorite NPR station and my favorite afternoon music host. He played “Unsuffer Me” announcing beforehand the song was from the #5 on the Top 89 records of 2007 voted by fans of WNKU.

    I waited for the song to end, and then gave my buddy, the music host, a call. I thanked him for playing Lu and told him the news Tom had relayed here. He was excited and said “Cool, I’ll mentione that on the air.” Sure enough, he came back on the air and told everyone new music from Lu likely at the end of the year, told to him by a very reliable source. 😯


    Yes -I (and Lu, of course) definitely want to thank everyone for all the support and well wishes before and after the Grammys- and also in regards to the new songs and calls to the local DJ-always appreciated.

    Now in regards to this weekend, -not completely sure what you’re referring to, but it was -and always is a crazy week as there are special events every night leading up to the actual show. I could almost write a whole book about the Neil Young show day/night as it was a bit of a rollercoaster to say the least, so i’ll try to give a few highlights. These things always end up a bit of a fustercluck- as in getting a driver who gets lost on the way to the show (we found out later that several did)–but in the end it was great. At rehearsals on Thurs prior to the show it was just Emmylou and Lu going thru it with the house band because Patty wasn’t getting to town until that night, so that meant they had to find a time to go thru the song with all three of them on the day of the show. It worked out as they ended up working on it backstage about 45 minutes before they went on–(I actually do have a so-so IPhone picture of this that I will see if TT can post, as I haven’t figured it out yet) –in addition Emmylou came down with some type of throat problem so she asked Lu to sing the main melody and verses instead of the harmony they had tried the day before. As one review of the show noted the next day, Lu is just a natural fit to sing Neil and I thought she and Emmylou and Patty sounded just great. I watched backstage with good friend Andy York (Mr. Mellencamp’s guitar player) on the giant screen they had set up for all of the artist to be able to watch–but for some reason it reversed what you were actually seeing on the stage -which meant Emmylou was suddenly a lefthanded guitar player etc. That was a bit strange. The backstage area was basically the rock n roll HOF and after she came off it was quite the who’s who that searched her out and wanted to meet her and say hello. It’s always great to see how respected she is among her peers -especially on this night–and how she is always surprised and humbled by that. After a few minutes of pressing the flesh she was very hungry and ready to go and she wanted go by a friends b-day party – after much consternation we ditched the driver we had earlier and got a ride to the bar where the party was at- with Lu’s requisite luggage in tow ( I can laugh about it now)- only to get there and find out that they didn’t have food. Not good. But down the street was a late night taqueria and we had some of the best damn $1 tacos you could ever have. It was quite a juxtaposition from where we had just come from 15 minutes earlier. But the fun was not quite over-upon going back to the bar we found out that they had run out of red wine 😮 . I’ve never seen Lu move faster than when she flagged down that taxi. 😀


    @TOverby wrote:

    (I actually do have a so-so IPhone picture of this that I will see if TT can post, as I haven’t figured it out yet)

    I can do that – e-mail me what you want posted & I’ll take care of the rest! 🙂

    @TOverby wrote:

    But the fun was not quite over-upon going back to the bar we found out that they had run out of red wine 😮 . I’ve never seen Lu move faster than when she flagged down that taxi. 😀

    Heh! Yeah, I can imagine that feeling, especially after tacos (substitute cold Pacifico for the red wine in my case… 😉 )!

    Thanks for the insights, Tom. Good stuff, indeed…



    Thx for the report Tom.


    Ditto! Thanks for the report. Great stuff!



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