FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records NEW RECORD UPDATE – "BLESSED"

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  • #43181

    Thanks for the updates, TO, I’m looking forward to some Lu time. lwj, I immediately thought of you when I saw the Massey Hall date. Good for you!

    West Words…sounds like an incredible show! Love the I’m not worthy reference…


    LWJ-The makeup of the band is being worked on -Butch and David will be there but Val aka Beau Shit is not able to do the tour next year.
    We are only opening the shows in Toronto so we will not be in Buffalo with Levon.


    Awesome news about the Toronto shows. Will it be a traditional 45-60 minute opening set? Levon is great, but I would love to see a bit more Lu.


    thanks for the info. i’m really interested in learning more about this deluxe/super deluxe edition (esp. if there’s some footage planned). when you are able to give the details, please do.

    i suppose it’s too early to ask, but an european tour next year is a slight or a strong possibility? if it’s strong do you have an estimated month or season?


    i’ve been meaning to say this for a while, and somebody just mentioned elvis costello so… everybody knows his tv show, “spectacle”? it’d be interesting to see lucinda there on the 3rd season. i hope it happens. in fact, i have no idea if there will be a 3rd season.

    dr winston oboogie

    As always Tom O, thanks for the info and updates, always appreciated, looking forward to the new release and hopefully a tour of Europe/UK can be fitted in, also liked the idea of priority pre-sale for tickets, really takes the hassle out of having to be somewhere at a specific time when the sale starts, and sometimes that is your only chance, good idea.Hope to see you all next year.!!!!


    Thanks for the update, TO.



    Answers to the questions above:
    1) I believe it will be an hour opening slot but haven’t confirmed that yet
    2) Too early to say on Europe -we’d like to do it is about all i know right now
    3) In regards to Elvis and Spectacle, I don’t know if there will be a third season -he told me that he surprised that they got to do the second season. He did want Lucinda to do the first season -in fact I think it was for the first episode, but we couldn’t work the schedule to make it happen.


    thank you. i’m rooting for everything to work out.


    @TOverby wrote:

    Answers to the questions above:
    3) In regards to Elvis and Spectacle, I don’t know if there will be a third season -he told me that he surprised that they got to do the second season. He did want Lucinda to do the first season -in fact I think it was for the first episode, but we couldn’t work the schedule to make it happen.

    From the Scotland Evening Times.
    Season Three is presently being planned. Unfortunately, it does not seem destined for Scottish or English screens. This is due to, as they used to say, “circumstances beyond our control.”
    End “Quote”
    Here is the full article. A very good read.


    Thank you, for getting back to us with the info… I’m in for Toronto, but have my fingers crossed for a show in Buffalo/Rochester area. Bummer about Val not being along for the ride, but I heard this Doug Pettibone guy is pretty good. Either way, I’m sure you will come up with a great band. Have a nice day, and keep up the good work. I appreciate all your efforts.


    I apologize to the forum members and to Tom for my bad manners and impatience.

    I offer no excuse and genuinely feel badly that I posted such an out of character remark.


    OK, here we go again, in the same quandary. There’s lots of technology, many, many ways to get the information out within hours, even minutes after it is recorded digitally (sound and/or photographs) yet all we get here are a few crumbs falling from the table.

    Really, when one reads the latest post from LWs management, there is so much verbiage with very little actual content and direction along with explanations justifying further delays. So what really has been updated on this site over the last several months other than lame delays, sweet excuses, and shallow wishes? Anyone who is paying attention knows that the record industry is expiring right in front of us, dying. When was the last time you went to a CD store? Those individuals who really make sense are doing everything via the web and doing it quickly and efficiently without prattling on (and on and on…). What’s up with “super deluxe?” Why so elusive and so sparse with the details? After all, it’s been months…

    Many artists sites are knocking the cover off the ball with access to music–Elvis Costello, Phish, David Byrne, Wilco, Kasey Chambers, Tim Easton, Todd Snider (and so forth!) by simply doing it versus talking about it. Everybody knows that you cannot rely on the “label” so why do it? I am glad some members of this site are pleased with the latest news but all I see is more of the same, which is more than evidenced by searching around this site… This is not about LWs and her music, it’s about how her music is being marketed.

    When Elvis Costello wants to put a tour together with Jim Lauderdale and Jerry Douglas, they make it happen. In here, we hear about musicians that “are not available to tour” etc. When Phish records a show, it is available online. When Wilco hits the road they post pictures, stream shows, have set lists available, take requests. They just do it. In here we hear about “film guys are going to be there tomorrow night” and nothing more… Wow, you may be impressed with the latest entry, but I am simply accepting it as status quo because over the years, nothing has changed. This is clear by taking a look around. Sorry, it’s about the data and the data in this case speaks very clearly and convincingly.


    Really looking forward to this! Damn, if only I had stayed in Toronto… Well I am definitely gonna join the fan club if and when it comes, and Lu, please come to Finland, you could do a show in Helsinki and another one in Tampere. I am sure you have at least as many fans here as you have in Sweden. Come late spring/summer, that’s when the weather is gorgeous. You know it’s the country where Michael Monroe comes from 😉


    I’m really looking forward to the new album too, faidros. And, I hope you get to see Lu next year in Finland!



    Yeah, seeing LWs in Finland would be great in the near future–count me in!

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