FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records NEW RECORD UPDATE – "BLESSED"

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    Oh, yes, WW, the video was introduced, first, I believe, under the lwj guise here in the FF. My response, after watching it, was the song and Lu’s delivery was bad*ss. Still is 😉


    Facebook update has album being released in Feb now? BTW…loved the sentiment behind the post.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Facebook update has album being released in Feb now? BTW…loved the sentiment behind the post.

    Well we all know Lucinda has been quoted as a perfectionist umpteen times, so whether the release date has been pushed out from 1/11/11 to February now, it’ll be worth it to have another superior quality album in due course.
    Besides, thanks to West Words and others,we have most of the new songs on You Tube to tide us over.
    p.s. Seems more news is being released via FB now rather than in the Friendly Forum.


    Are the new songs YouTube links in another thread?


    @blureu wrote:

    Are the new songs YouTube links in another thread?

    Look up West Words post in this same thread entitled Early Christmas Present dated October 8, 2010.
    Recorded in Fayetteville, AR recently.
    Enjoy the new tunes blureu


    @LWjetta wrote:

    @Lafayette wrote:

    Facebook update has album being released in Feb now? BTW…loved the sentiment behind the post.

    Well we all know Lucinda has been quoted as a perfectionist umpteen times, so whether the release date has been pushed out from 1/11/11 to February now, it’ll be worth it to have another superior quality album in due course.
    Besides, thanks to West Words and others,we have most of the new songs on You Tube to tide us over.
    p.s. Seems more news is being released via FB now rather than in the Friendly Forum.



    @stoger wrote:

    @LWjetta wrote:

    @Lafayette wrote:

    Facebook update has album being released in Feb now? BTW…loved the sentiment behind the post.


    Ha,Ha Nope, not a member, I’ve so far resisted.
    All you have to do Stoger is click on this logo on the HOME page in the Friendly Forum to stay up to date without becoming a member.[attachment=0:1wkrksml]Facebook logo.JPG[/attachment:1wkrksml]


    No Stoger you don’t have to come out of your cave. Lucinda was on FB the other day and beat me to the punch. I’ll have an update tomorrow.


    Thanks to both of you for trying to twenty-first-centurize me.


    Fight it, man, fight it! 😆


    Is it just me??

    But if I were to post on this board a comment like.. “I’ll have an update tomorrow”..

    I would respect the forum and it’s members enough to do so.

    Just sayin’


    Hmmm… SamishMike, there is a theme here and it’s actually more normal than not to expect massive delays in terms of communication about all things LWs and this website including its forum. It is rather unfortunate really, especially in light of the technological realities that surround us and can actually empower us. As I have posted regarding Elvis Costello’s recent efforts and website, it really doesn’t have to be that difficult but some seem to be technologically challenged. My ultimate thought and positive energy goes out to Lucinda and hope all is well. It makes me think of the beginning of her classic Side of the Road:

    You wait in the car on the side of the road
    Lemme go and stand awhile, I wanna know you’re there but I wanna be alone
    If only for a minute or two
    I wanna see what it feels like to be without you
    I wanna know the touch of my own skin
    Against the sun, against the wind

    Go, Lucinda, go. I know several of us will be waiting in the car, on the side of the road, against the sun, against the wind.


    Please accept my apology-certainly no disrespect to anyone was intended-I hope, and believe that most in here know that. I made that statement fully expecting that I would have an update the next day-in fact I had already started to work on it but ran out of time before I was finished so I quickly posted the short message- and then couldn’t get back to it-nice job on my part.
    Not an excuse -but right now we are at the stage where everything is being proposed, scheduled and coordinated so it all fits together like its supposed to. When I say “everything” I am referring to the record, the artwork and packaging, the tour, the website and all the marketing opportunities and ideas that need to be timed around these to make it all work. This is the time everything changes daily and when one thing changes it is a domino effect with all the others. I don’t like to come in here unless I have solid or at least reasonably solid information to share and when we have a delay in getting the record across the finish line the result is that there isn’t much info to share until the record is done because everything is planned around the the release of the record. Nobody gets more frustrated than me when i come here and say that the record is coming on xx date and then it doesn’t. Anyway, enough of all that, here is what I know right now:

    The good news is that the Bob Clearmountain mixes came out fantastic and then of course the new mixes had to be remastered and that’s where the delay came in. In the last month we have mastered the record 2 1/2 times with different mastering engineers and I think we finally have it sounding like we wanted it to. To say this was frustrating is an understatement and i’ll leave it at that. In any event, we having a final pow wow with Don and the plan is to officially deliver the record to the label early next week.
    Right now the release date we are trying to make is 2/8, but it is more likely to just say Feb. as there are time variables with some of the things we want to do. One of those things involves the record package -I have proposed not only a deluxe version but also a limited super deluxe version- we are currently figuring out what that will be and the viability of doing it. I am really hoping it can happen as I think it would very unique. The only drawback is that deluxe packaging takes a little longer to make and we definitely want the to versions to be released at the same time, so that is one reason for the possibility of a later release date. I can also add that we have a very special artwork idea that everyone is very excited about, and it will play very prominently in the marketing plan.

    I do have at least a little solid info on the tour front. We will definitely be doing two dates in Toronto opening for Levon Helm at Massey Hall on March 4 & 5. We will also be doing a show in Austin during SXSW 3/18 or 19 I think that will be part of a special Lost Highway Records 10th Anniversary event. That should be quite a night as I know they are reaching out to a lot of special guests to be a part of that. It would be safe to assume that there will be dates that will take us from Toronto to Austin but at this point I don’t know what those will be. We have also discussed dates prior to Toronto but until the record release date gets set those will be tentative.

    In general I can say that I have proposed many things to the label for the set up and marketing of this record -a bigger undertaking than we’ve ever tried to do before. I am really hoping that all of the ideas or at least most of them come to fruition, but nothing is solid enough to say much more than that at this point-but one of them may be a full hour PBS TV show taping in Dec.
    We are also planning to completely redo the website, and have been wanting but the holdup is that we have to wait for the Blessed photo shoot to be completed so we have new images etc. to use.
    I do also still want to create a fan club before we go on sale for next year’s shows -or at least have some mechanism in place so we can do special pre-sales etc. I know I have asked before but I do again welcome any ideas anyone has -or any things that you’ve see someone else do that you thought was great and effective.
    As you can see there is a lot going on -and i’m very excited about what we’re trying to do.
    Again my apologies for the delay in getting this posted -it was my f up. Hopefully there will be a lot more things soon to update.
    Thanks always for the interest and support-it only happens because of that.

    West Words

    Thank you, Tom, for all of the great info.

    I just saw the Levon Helm Band last night – what a party that was! When the horn section started parading around the stage, it was like a New Orleans jazz funeral. I got my ticket at the last minute and consequently ended up in the front row. 😀 The Secret Sisters and Ray LaMontagne & The Pariah Dogs opened, there was a lot of mix ‘n match of who played with who, and at times you couldn’t count how many folks were on stage rocking out. I think Lu (and Levon) are going to have an absolute blast doing these shows, and they are definitely must-sees!

    (FYI, Lafayette, Levon was doing the “I’m not worthy” to the audience. 😉 )


    @TOverby wrote:

    I do have at least a little solid info on the tour front. We will definitely be doing two dates in Toronto opening for Levon Helm at Massey Hall on March 4 & 5. We will also be doing a show in Austin during SXSW 3/18 or 19 I think that will be part of a special Lost Highway Records 10th Anniversary event. That should be quite a night as I know they are reaching out to a lot of special guests to be a part of that. It would be safe to assume that there will be dates that will take us from Toronto to Austin but at this point I don’t know what those will be. We have also discussed dates prior to Toronto but until the record release date gets set those will be tentative.

    Outstanding report Tom O.
    Nice to see a”Canuck” venue in the early part of the tour. I’ve seen Lu twice at Massey Hall.
    Any idea of the composition of the band for the 2011tour ? i.e. Butch, David and Beau Shit (aka Val McCallum)
    Now for a little bit of nostalgia. I was a teenager in the early 60’s in Toronto and saw the band “Ronnie Hawkins and the Hawks” a couple of times. Levon Helm was the drummer in the band.
    Scroll down on the following link on Levon’s media web site page to see Levon on drums from 1959 with Ronnie on vocals.
    Count me in for the “super deluxe” album.
    Will I be able to purchase it from Susannah at Massey Hall ?

    Thanks again for the up date.
    p.s I also see Levon will be at the Centre for the Arts in Buffalo on March 6, 2011. Will Lu be opening there also ?

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