FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records NEW RECORD UPDATE – "BLESSED"

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    And I forgot to mention that yes we will definitely be doing vinyl.


    That’s great news. Love my vinyl!! 8)


    Something to look forward to in the New Year. Plus, I like the “numerology” of the release date: 1.11.11… :mrgreen:



    So both tntracy and Lafayette have reported from the Fayetteville thread on a deluxe version of “Blessed” with a 2nd CD of the “Kitchen Tapes” and Lafayette’s wish of a bonus track of “Port Arthur”
    This would be an awesome release.
    Now to make it super deluxe TOverby, how about an advanced sale to Forum members complete with an autograph ?
    Didn’t some discs of the 5 set El Rey / NYC come autographed, I think I read that somewhere.
    Yup I did read it.
    Here is a quote by forum member nammy50 on Oct. 23/07 under Live CD’s-General
    I just got the 5 CD ste Live at the El Ray Theatre in LA.
    My wife and I flew from NY to LA to see the Sept 10 show. It was amazing.
    When I opened I saw that the CD for the 9/10 show we had been at was signed by Lucinda! The others were not signed. What an amazing coincidence!
    Check out any of the live CDs- Lucinda is just so free and funny. And the band and guests show just so much love for her music.

    If this can happen, I promise I wouldn’t “auction off ” my copy as a RARE set 10 years from now on E Bay 😆


    I just wanted to share some of the recent developments that have been happening with Blessed. Shortly before we left for the Nashville/Fayetteville trip there started to be some concerns as will happen sometimes when you have been working to keep on schedule and trying to make a release date before the end of the year etc. After having had a chance to live with the version we had some of the mixes were not feeling quite right. At that point it was decided to have legendary mixer Bob Clearmountain remix Buttercup so we could see what the difference was. The difference was very clear, and we realized, though it was a difficult decision for several reasons, that we needed to do more than just one or two songs. In the end the record is the most important thing and while that may seem obvious its easy to let other things affect your focus. When all was said and done we knew that we had to remix the entire record.
    Which brings me to today. Mr. Clearmountain started yesterday and so far, in addition to Buttercup, he has remixed Copenhagen, Seeing Black, I Don’t Know How You’re Livin’ and Born To Be Loved and the results are simply stunning. It can be very easy to “lose” a record in the mixing and mastering stages and we are really feeling like we have found the record that we were so excited about when we recorded. It’s really been a very eye opening experience.
    The good news also is that I don’t expect this to affect the 1/11 release date–in fact once we decided to go with that date it made the decision to remix the record a lot more easier. The 1/11 datea also gives us the time to do a deluxe version, which has been reported elsewhere in here, but I can now confirm that. It will include the Kitchen Tapes, and possibly any tracks that don’t make the regular version – it will definitely be available at the same as (or maybe even before) the regular version. I can’t stand it when the deluxe comes out a couple of months after the original release so I would never do that.


    @TOverby wrote:

    the results are simply stunning.

    The good news also is that I don’t expect this to affect the 1/11 release date

    The 1/11 datea also gives us the time to do a deluxe version, which has been reported elsewhere in here, but I can now confirm that. It will include the Kitchen Tapes, and possibly any tracks that don’t make the regular version – it will definitely be available at the same as (or maybe even before) the regular version.

    “GOOD NEWS” all the way around! 😀

    Thanks for the update, Tom…



    Great news. Kitchen Tapes…bonus!


    wonderful news.

    but what exactly will be the kitchen tapes? it will concern only the new material or older (‘lost’) songs will be made available as well?


    @fuji81 wrote:


    I think they call that “lagniappe” in NOLA… 😉



    I’ll give a big “WOOT” on this news.

    Strange, I have had Essence for a long time, got it out to play on our 7 hour ride home from Farm Aid, and there is a photo, as I’m sure many of you are aware, but somehow slipped by me, of Lu’s “desk”, the kitchen table, coffee cup, tape machine, lyrics on writing pad, etc. Made me think about the possible release of the “Kitchen Tapes” and voila! .


    It would be nice if all of the Kitchen Tapes and the other extras are available in one place instead of being scattered across several bonus discs.


    This is so cool! So glad that the tough decision to remix allowed Bob Clearmountain to work his magic once again.
    “In the end the record is the most important thing…”
    Thank you for that!

    West Words

    Hi Everyone –

    Here are videos of some of the new songs from the George’s shows in Fayetteville, AR. Please excuse the quality, but it gives you a great sampling of the awesome new tunes. I suggest having many, many drinks first, and then the video will appear just fine. 😉 (Please know that I have since gotten contact lenses for up-close vision… 😯 )

    “Blessed” may be the best album ever, and that is saying something! 😀

    I Don’t Know How You’re Livin’

    Somebody Somewhere (Don’t Know What He’s Missing Tonight) – Loretta Lynn song

    Blessed – such a beautiful song!

    Kiss Like Your Kiss – True Blood soundtrack

    Hard Time Killing Floor Blues (Lafayette – “We’re not worthy!” 😀 )

    Born To Be Loved

    The Ugly Truth – the 2nd night at George’s was the first public performance of this awesome song. You may notice improved video quality – thanks TomT for resetting my camera at the brewpub!

    Buttercup – with some funny dialogue about making it cool to have one’s lyrics on stage

    Port Arthur – Janis Joplin tribute song

    Enjoy and see y’all on the Blessed tour!



    Oh, thanks for the “Hard Time Killing Floor Blues” video coverage. True, that, it was an “I’m (we’re) not worthy” moment, WW! 😀

    West Words

    Hey Lafayette –

    Check out the “Media” tab – great ‘Hard Time Killing Floor Blues” video there from the Bo Ramsey days. Don’t know how I’d missed that! 🙂

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