FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records NEW RECORD UPDATE – "BLESSED"

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  • #43258

    Just ordered mine! Downloaded “Buttercup” on itunes this morning. Next month is going to be a good music month! 😀


    Pricing has sure fluctuated since first listed on Amazon.
    Here is a recap now.
    Amazon.Com. Amazon.CA
    CD $13.75 $14.99
    Deluxe $12.99 $15.99
    LP/CD $23.24 $26.99

    Doesn’t compute to have the single CD selling for more than the Deluxe.

    Also the Canadian dollar has been at par or valued slightly more than the US greenback for some time now.

    So Tom O, what will be the pricing on this forum ?

    ****EDIT***** No sooner than I typed my question above on Forum pricing the HOME page comes thru with some nice freebies ( Convince Me-long version, Ugly Truth-slow version plus the BBC Bob Harris interview).
    Nicely done Lu, Tom O and WebMasta on the HOME page-new photos plus outstanding promo videos.
    Seeing these, now we get a glimpse of what more of the Deluxe version artwork will look like.



    On the website of Swiss National Radio (SR DRS) you can hear short clips of
    all the songs of “Blessed” plus short clips of the “Kitchen Tapes”:

    Enjoy, this new album is pure beauty!!


    @swisschris wrote:

    On the website of Swiss National Radio (SR DRS) you can hear short clips of
    all the songs of “Blessed” plus short clips of the “Kitchen Tapes”:

    Enjoy, this new album is pure beauty!!

    COOL!!! Our first “taste” of the “Kitchen Tapes”!!

    Thanks for the link, swisschris!!!



    Just posted on Lu’s Facebook fan page: Lucinda Williams BLESSED Video 1

    It features the lady from the cover of the lp version of Blessed!



    Likewise thanks swisschris, seems the Euro community is ahead of us again.
    On November 20, 2010 I posted the following:
    Seems to me, after searching the mini tour and Fayetteville the only track we have yet to hear from the new album is “Sweet Love”.
    “End Quote”
    Now we have the great samples.


    Wonders never cease -I had no idea about the Swiss Radio thing -looking into how that got up. Not upset about it necessarily just don’t like surprises.
    To answer some of the other questions -I’ve mentioned it before that Amazon uses something they call dynamic pricing which basically means as I’ve had it explained to me that the more something is ordered the lower the price goes. Because the deluxe is being ordered far more than the standard it has a lower price. The standard was created to appease a couple of big retail accounts who insist on having a choice between a standard and a deluxe if there is a deluxe version. If not for that the deluxe would’ve been the only version.

    In regards to the bonus tracks we jumped the gun a little on that -those two tracks will be included but i’m looking at adding something additional, but won’t know further until tomorrow.

    If you click on the right hand of the video on the home page you can see four more videos, and if you play them all in order you hear the entire version of the song Blessed.
    Just trying to get all this stuff out there and working -we think they’re really special videos -I hope you all enjoy them.


    @TOverby wrote:

    If you click on the right hand of the video on the home page you can see four more videos, and if you play them all in order you hear the entire version of the song Blessed.
    Just trying to get all this stuff out there and working -we think they’re really special videos -I hope you all enjoy them.

    Loved the videos, Tom – well done, indeed. Would be cool to hear the “back stories” behind who the people are, how y’all found them for inclusion in the video, etc….



    Why didn’t the song Port Arthur make the cut? Just curious… sounded great to my ears. Nevertheless, looking forward to March 1st. It’s been a long cold winter in Western New York, hoping March comes in like a lamb.


    I’m loving the whole “Blessed” concept, .ie. the album covers and the video which reminds me of David Lynch’s “Interview Project.”

    Participant has the Blessed vinyl pre-orders as being on clear vinyl. Will vinyl copies bought from Amazon also be on clear vinyl, or black? Thanks.


    Good timing on your question- I was just informed this morning that the pressing plant where Lost Highway does there vinyl ran out of clear vinyl so on the first pressing of 2500 there will be 1000 clear vinyl and 1500 white vinyl and all future pressings will go back to clear vinyl.


    There were a couple reasons why Port Arthur was left off -mainly because Lucinda wasn’t sure if it was the best version -though we all thought it was. There were a couple other thigs like that. In addition we weren’t really sure if it fit with this group of songs. It will appear -since the Blessed sessions she has continued writing and already has several great things written for the next record.


    Thank you for responding. From what I have heard, your right about the “fit” thing. It’s good to know that the song won’t die on the vine.


    Love the samples! I can’t wait to hear the whole thing! The Kitchen Tapes sound pretty amazing. “Seeing Black” sounds AMAZING. That’s one I’M REALLY looking forward to.

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