New Orleans Jazz Fest

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  • #30478

    Tom, I know how crazy busy you all must be and thank you for providing us with such timely and needed info. Sincerely.

    If you get a moment and could answer wether the Fayetteville show has been confirmed yet, and wether the tickets to the NO Jazz Festival includes all the concerts (or will there be additional tickets required?) We are coming either way, but I have not been able to figure the last one out by myself yet.

    Or if anyone else knows, I would appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance!



    Just a brief reply to Mike about Jazz Fest; obviously, this is off-topic from Austin.

    A 1-day Jazz Fest ticket is good for all concerts on the grounds for that 1 day, with no in-and-out. There are about 10 stages, each operating concurrently from about 11 AM to 7 PM. The detailed schedules, known as cubes, for performers and stages, are usually announced in mid-April. The highlighted feature performers, such as Lucinda, generally have a 90-minute slot, somewhere between 3:30 and 7 PM.

    Full official details on

    There is also a very useful non-official site:

    The swagland site contains a treasure of data about past and current Jazzfests, plus scheduling grids for New Orleans clubs having night events during the Jazz Fest period. Be sure to probe all the swagland tabs for info on travel, food, past attendance numbers, etc.


    Note: I split this from the Austin show thread where it was originally posted into a separate thread about the Jazz Fest in NOLA…



    Thanks, Tom, for splitting out this thread.

    To amplify my earlier note, the link for the off-site club events is

    Right now, the grids are essentially empty, but they will be filled-in as more clubs announce their schedules.


    Mike–I believe Paul did a great job of answering your question -Lucinda will be playing late afternoon at the fest but I should that I don’t believe her set will be a hour and a half- I have to go back and look but I believe we are contracted for 70 mins -and the next night at HOB is a full show.

    Yes -Fayetteville is now confirmed. Everything from 4/29 – 5/8 is confirmed.


    THANK YOU!!! (All for the info and help!))

    This is going to be a trip like no other!!

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