New Blaze Foley Compilation

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    Cool. I didn’t realize that this had been released July 6th until I saw a used copy up for sale on eBay. A new Blaze Foley compilation, The Dog Years (1975-1978) is now available. I just ordered a copy (new) from Amazon for $14.

    As stated in the article (first link above),

    The Dawg Years is a collection of 20 Foley songs, recorded when his moniker was Deputy Dawg. They were cut during three different living room sessions between February of 1976 and September of 1978. They may or may not be his first recordings, but they are from the very beginning of the myth and legend that he became. They were intimately cut at the home of Margery & Billy Bouris and sat in the back of a closet for 25 years. This is the first time they’ve been released in total — 20 tracks worth.



    OH, very cool! I will have to order, also. It was released on Fat Possum, the label the Heartless Bastards are/were signed.

    West Words

    All I could find about this was that it was supposed to have premiered at SXSW 2009, got cancelled by unforeseen circumstances, and was/is supposed to be released this year.


    @West Words wrote:

    All I could find about this was that it was supposed to have premiered at SXSW 2009, got cancelled by unforeseen circumstances, and was/is supposed to be released this year.

    Awesome – thanks for posting, WW…



    West Words – It appears that this compilation might have, at least in part, been the reason for the delay in the release of this film. As stated in the AMG article I linked to above, these songs were recorded in the living room of some friends (Margery & Billy Bouris) in 1976 & 1978. Afterwards, they sat in the back of their closet in rural Georgia (yay!) for 25 years until being “rediscovered” by them.

    I received the CD from Amazon today. I haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet, but I have read the liner notes. In them, Basil Bouris states that the discovery “complicated the lives of filmmakers who thought they had the whole story.” I don’t know for sure if the movie whose trailer to which you linked is one & the same, but how many other films have been made about Blaze?


    West Words

    He certainly was an enigma –

    I think you and I had talked about this book – “Living in the Woods in a Tree – Remembering Blaze Foley” that an old girlfriend had written about him. Some parts laugh out loud funny, some very sad.

    Good information, Tom. Thanks!


    OK, I just listened to it straight through, and it is amazing.

    Yes, it is in mono, yes, it is an amateur recording in a living room on a 1970’s reel-to-reel tape deck (on several tracks – three, at least – you can hear a baby cooing in the background!) and yes, many of the songs are little more than ditties, clocking in at just over two minutes each.

    Yet, his humor and humanity come “blazing” through – humor in songs about dismembering Idi Amin (“Springtime In Uganda”), the simple pleasures of life (“Big Cheeseburgers & Good French Fries”) and, believe it or not, a hidden track about sex with an armadillo. And humanity with songs about regret (“I Should Have Been Home”), pain (“Cold, Cold World”) and rejection (“Fat Boy”).

    It doesn’t get any more raw, more real, or more Americana than this. Highly recommended…


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