New band?

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  • #38632

    @Tim wrote:

    I think alot of the older fans have a decent sense of what goes on behind the scenes.

    It’s true, very true. Many of us “older fans” not only have a decent sense of what goes on behind the scenes but much first-hand knowledge that is far better off being left out of forums/blogs such as this one. Not only does TO viscously take some to task but other participants on this board do as well… It’s not hard to hear a train coming as long as you have an ear on the rail. Glad I didn’t buy tix–sounds like there might be a few available at less than face, unfortunately for LWs…


    my other post got eaten, so excuse the duplication, if it happens.
    anyway, it’s a big change for LW indeed, if Doug P is gone, but life goes on and god knows we have a buttload of great audio from the “Doug P era.” It was a hit when Gurf M left, and obviously she survived and grew, so lets see what happens before slamming the door…


    @coffee4throad wrote:

    but life goes on and god knows we have a buttload of great audio from the “Doug P era.” It was a hit when Gurf M left, and obviously she survived and grew, so lets see what happens before slamming the door…

    Well said.

    I will certainly miss Doug as much as anyone. He was always very nice & gracious to me (as were all the band members, and Lu & Tom as well) after shows, and no one could doubt his musicianship. His guitar playing was masterful – a real pleasure to watch & hear.

    However, all the hand wringing aside, I still look forward with great anticipation to the shows in Birmingham & Atlanta at the end of this month. I have every confidence that Lu & Tom will find another gifted lead guitar player to take Doug’s place. After all, before Doug, there was Gurf Morlix, Bo Ramsey, & Kenny Vaughan. When each of these gifted guitar players moved on, I am sure there were many fans who were equally upset & concerned. Yet, life went on, Lu went on & many more great shows were staged.



    @tntracy wrote:

    After all, before Doug, there was Gurf Morlix, Bo Ramsey, & Kenny Vaughan.

    Not sure that BR and KV can be put in the same light as Gurf and Doug, Tom (don’t forget Charlie Sexton stopped in for a bit, too). Bo’s touch on LWs music was very light along with some saying the the relationship between the two boarded on “controversial/confrontational” as well–concerts were tense that’s for sure (let us not forget Bo’s many years with Greg Brown as a contrast to only a few months with LWs). In addition, Kenny’s role was equally short-lived and simply filled the role as touring musician. Without question, Gurf and Doug added much appreciated dimension and backplane to her music from many different perspectives–perhaps most important, they filled the role of bandleader as well. They also brought many years of tenure to LWs so they arguably and intuitively knew how to work with each other. It will be interesting to see where this heads especially in consideration of TOs new role as artist manager. For example, what does this mean to Buick 6 and their new record/recently announced tour opening for LWs? The list could go on…


    well tim, as you and i discussed a couple of years ago
    at the time of the unfortunate reconfiguration of the rhythm
    section, it seemed as it was just a matter of time until all of
    the so called love band would be history. and so it is. things
    do constanly evolve. everywhere. not always for the better but
    that’s the way it goes.

    although he is a bit too close the the situation to be completely
    objective, i really did appreciate overby’s insights and input here,
    regardless of his taking me to task over expressing over what
    seemed to be an obvious observation at the time.

    as someone who was, uh, devoted to a band i saw 150 or so times
    over 20 years, strange (or maybe not so strange considering the
    dynamic) thing is i had no interest in what went on back stage.
    the only thing i cared about was the time between the lights going
    down and coming up. even though i knew the stuff backstage was
    affected what happened on stage, no interest, keep it, dont’ care.
    even turned down laminates a couple of times.

    i was probably scared off by the observation of one semi-famous fan
    *the grateful dead are like a star, brilliant and beautiful from a
    distance, terrifying and hideous up close*

    brilliant and beautiful from a distance.


    Good post, Jackstraw. I guess after 8 years its time for a new direction. Still bummed though. I wonder if this is the only change?

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