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  • #33131

    not sure how long this link will last — NY Times 10/28, Jon Pareles article — includes mp3 links, too. 🙂


    Thanks for that link, Ray. I’m enjoying C.D. II – – God bless, NEIL! 🙂


    Born on this day, happy 62nd birthday, NEIL… 🙂


    Cheers, Neil!


    Interview excerpt:

    You’ve been around a lot of amazing musicians over the years, including Neil. Who are the biggest inspirations for your musical style?

    Lucinda Williams is one of my favorites. One of her songs is the first song I recorded, actually; that didn’t make it on this record, but it’s in the vault. Billie Holliday is a big influence; I love the truth of her singing, it’s so real and honest. Joni Mitchell—now here’s an incredible writer, player and singer. I admire her.


    nytimes review


    Here came the body thrills. What did Old Black sound like? The same as always: something loud and indistinct and far away, like a foghorn on an enormous boat as heard from the shore. Hearing this sound in a giant arena or an outdoor festival makes sense: one comes to think that it needs that much space. It doesn’t. Up close, with all the sonic detail, it was fascinating, more physical. Mr. Young’s alterations to the sound — manipulating the vibrato bar, shaking the guitar or moving it like an oar — made it clear that the sound was all part of him, and more personal at close range.


    And the Euro Tour 2008 will start soon… 8)


    This Day In Music History … (from Associated Press)

    In 1963, 17-year-old Neil Young performed his first professional date at a Winnipeg country club.


    In 1949, RCA Victor introduced the 45 rpm record. It was designed as a rival to Columbia’s 33-and-one-third rpm long-playing disc, introduced the previous year. The two systems directly competed with each other to replace 78 rpm records, bewildering consumers and causing a drop in record sales. By the end of 1949, all the major companies, except RCA, had committed themselves to the LP record, seemingly putting an end to the 45. Even RCA itself announced it would issue its classical library on 33-and-one third rpm discs.

    Ronny Zamora

    I have a spare ticket for this sold out gig. It’s row FF in the rear stalls – that’s 6 rows back in the second block.
    I only want face value (no more and no less) ie £70.00. For personal use only – no touts please. You’ll probably pay a lot more on Ebay nearer the time or on the night.
    Will meet you at the venue with the ticket given the close proximity.
    Probably the last chance EVER to see him in the UK. Great set-list.

    It’s at the Apollo Theatre, all seated (approx 2500) – so pretty intimate.

    PM me asap if interested.

    NB need to be in seats by 19.30 – or will have to wait for the interval! (you know what he’s like!!!)


    Enjoy the show, RZ 8)
    Hope you’ll share a review here next week…

    Participant 🙄


    “Reminded that many music fans these days download and play songs on portable MP3 players, Young said: ‘My heart goes out to them.'” 🙂


    Reactions to Neil’s “Archives” project…

    A while ago, Neil said:

    “Y’know, I don’t give a sh*t whether anybody BUYS it or not. I just wanna do it. And there may only be two hundred copies, signed by me. But it’s gonna f*ckin’ exist. When it’s done, people can do whatever the f*ck they want, make any f*ckin’ order they want out of it. But they’re gonna have the whole f*ckin’ thing to choose from. They’re not gonna get part of it. Everything – the good, the bad, the ugly.

    “So you know the difference. Some of it is good, some of it is crap that wasn’t released – there’s a reason. Take a look, see what it is. That’s what a f*ckin’ archive is about, not ‘Here’s Neil Young in all his wonderfulness -the great, phenomenal f*cking wonderfulness.’ That’s not what I want.

    “I want people to know how f*ckin’ terrible I was. How scared I was and how great I was. The real picture – that’s what I’m looking for. Not a product. And I think that’s what the die-hard fans want – the whole f*ckin’ thing.”

    Last week, Neil said:

    “Ten Blu-Ray disks doesn’t lend itself to P2P. They [the fans] are going to do that anyway – people are going to copy all this music. We don’t have to deal with that. All we’re doing is supplying the mother-lode, trying to give them quality, whether they want it or not. You can degrade it as far as you want, we just don’t want our name on it.

    “It’s up to the masses to distribute it however they want. The laws don’t matter at that point. People sharing music in their bedrooms is the new radio.”

    “Being right can stop all the momentum of a very interesting idea. ”
    – – Robert Rauschenberg (R.I.P.)


    Young still voice of change
    Rocker Neil Young pushing benefits of electric cars
    By AP

    WICHITA, KAN. — Neil Young, the rocker who provided some of the soundtrack to Vietnam-era protests, is trying to change the world again — with his car.

    Young has teamed up with Johnathan Goodwin, a Wichita mechanic who has developed a national reputation for re-engineering the power units of big cars to get more horsepower but use less fuel.

    The two are looking to convert Young’s 1959 Lincoln Continental convertible to operate on an electric battery. Ultimately, they said, they want the Continental to provide a model for the world’s first affordable mass-produced electric-powered automobile.

    “Johnathan and this car are going to make history,” Young told The Wichita Eagle. “We’re going to change the world; we’re going to create a car that will allow us to stop giving our wealth to other countries for petroleum.”

    Young has poured about US$120,000 so far into the project, Goodwin said.

    What’s more, the prototype power system worked during a 19-kilometre test drive of the car last week — albeit with a few glitches.

    “She was awesome,” Young said of the battery-operated car. “Her acceleration was incredible, she moved with hardly a sound”

    The drive almost ended in disaster when Goodwin, who controls acceleration with a knob in the back seat, twisted it the wrong way while approaching an entrance ramp and the vehicle lurched toward the rear of another car. Young, in the passenger seat, was able to hit the brakes in time.

    “Still needs work,” said Goodwin, 37.

    Young, 62, said he came across taped interviews of Goodwin eight months ago on the Internet, including a segment for the MTV show Pimp My Ride. Goodwin’s clientele includes California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who had Goodwin work on his Hummer.

    Young said he set out wanting his car to be able to use biodiesel, but later asked Goodwin whether they could instead power it with batteries and use it as a template to make electric cars more mainstream.

    “The technology to make a practical and affordable electric cars has been around for a long time,” Goodwin said. “There are all sorts of ways to work out how to make it work on a national scale.”

    For Young, the project may complete a mission he set for himself with his music.

    “You know, I thought long ago you could change the world by writing songs,” he said. “But you can’t change the world by writing songs. But we could change it with this car.”

    Wear your seatbelt, Neil!


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