Nashville off Radar Show

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    Thanks first of all to Tom O et. al. for entry into the Sunday night Nash show–for which there were no tickets sold. Good to see Vmorris, Lafayette, and others. This time last year, a similar event to cap the Americana conference was held at 3rd & Lindsley–in my book a far superior venue to last Sunday’s, the fourth in a national franchise of City Wineries. The fact that the “general public” was in attendance last year picked up the level, as opposed to the laminate-sporting dregs of the Americana convention registrants who hung around the whole weekend and stayed seated in the middle of the room Sunday–possibly because most were too burnt-out to care. The crowd constitution/energy, the sound system, and the amenities were mediocre at best Sunday. But still. . .

    1 Blessed
    2 Can’t Let Go
    3 Pineola
    4 Drunken A
    5 It’s Hard to Take This Old Heartache
    6 World Without T
    7 Compassion
    8 Lake Charles
    9 Cold Day in Hell
    10 Little Angel Little Brother [with Amos Lee]
    11 Are You Down
    12 Burning Bridges
    13 Everything but the Truth
    14 Protection
    15 Changed the Locks
    16 Something Wicked…
    17 Unsuffer Me
    18 Essence
    19 Joy
    20 Honeybee
    21 Magnolia
    22 Get Right with God [with Amos Lee & Elizabeth Cook]

    Here is my wish list for the City Winery venue for November, when I return for Lu X 3:

    1. If I ask an employee in person 3 days before the show what are the door times and opening set time, give me correct info.
    2. If I have to call the 615 Nash area code number listed on the CW website day of show to confirm the same info, don’t have the phone on call forwarding to NYC and have my Nash-specific question bungled by a CW employee speaking live from the Manhattan branch.
    3. Allow me to pay for drinks with a credit card.
    4. Have more than two beer brands and two wine choices constituting the full menu.
    5. Serve some food, or failing that, allow us to bring food on the premises from outside (banned Sunday).
    6. If I choose to charge my phone during the show, perhaps the first or second outlet I come to on the wall might be operative.
    7. If I visit the men’s room, perhaps the smell of paint and the splinter-granting unvarnished grain of the entry doors could be eliminated.
    8. Perhaps consider revising the policy of valet park costing three dollars LESS than self-park.
    9. If all the valets must leave immediately after the show, put the leftover keys in a prominent place or with a prominently identified employee (Sunday, no less a personage than AMOS LEE HIMSELF had to tell me who had the remaining keys as he exited the premises while I was walking in circles).

    But other than that, good launch CW people! And no, I don’t own stock in 3rd & Lindsley, the Ryman, or anywhere else. Perhaps this will become the “exciting new venue” Lu predicted upon her walk-on. As a certain Aussie singer-songwriter might say, “it’s not there yet.”


    An entertaining read, Professor, albeit at your expense! Thanks for doing what you do… 🙂


    Awesome Stoger. 🙂


    I agree that the brand-spanking-new City Winery Nashville venue was perhaps not quite ready for prime time, but the way Lafayette and I dealt with it was by drinking more wine! The house cab/merlot blend was yummy and took the edges off and softened the vision so I didn’t notice the unpainted walls and construction debris so much 🙂 About the set itself, I think that Protection is going to bring the house down on the fall tour. It keeps getting better and better live. I must say that my favorite moment of Lu’s recent shows (that I’ve attended) has been Unsuffer Me going directly into Essence. There is something about these two songs together, they share the same heart of longing and desperation, the same spare atmosphere, that gets me every time. Brilliant combo. And opening with Blessed where it’s just Lu with her guitar and the other band members join one-by-one is just beautiful and affecting. Thanks to Lu and Tom for all they do! Viv


    Quite the report stoger as usual.
    Many businesses, in particular bars / restaurants seem to be in a rush for opening and staff aren’t fully trained..
    I waited until your post even though a setlist was posted early Monday a.m. on Setlist FM because I knew yours would be 100% on.
    City Winery’s web site-clicking on menu simply states now hiring a chef and kitchen staff. hence no food on Sunday.
    You might express your concerns to:

    David Richter
    Usually management appreciates comments from their guests.

    Keep up the fine reports. ( Any chance you will head to Toronto on Nov. 20th ? )



    Stog- Maybe it will change your perspective a little by letting you know that they were rushing like crazy to get it ready for Lu’s show – they emailed me the minute they passed the city inspection less than two weeks ago – that’s when Lu’s shoe became official and why it was confirmed very late. At one point it didn’t look like they were going to make it but they passionately wanted Lu’s show and got it done. They are actually closing again for 2-3 weeks to finish the rest of what they need to do for a real open. They did a cool thing getting open in time all the artist to play there this week – it was truly down to the wire so I don’t think I would pass judgement yet.


    I just bought tix to the pre-Thanksgiving Nashville shows at The City Winery from their website. I’m not sure how I bought the tickets because it doesn’t appear to be public at this point, but I did try “sprit” as a presale code and that might have gone through, but they also might have recognized my membership in the Chicago City Winery… Not sure which. Anyway, go forth and good luck! Viv


    Thanks for the report, stoger! You forgot to note the backup dancers in the room. I do hope you weren’t too tired for Monday classes/meetings.

    I’m sorry you were so annoyed by the night’s events.

    I actually had someone hand my car keys to me, as I valet parked, and then realized on the drive home I forgot to pay for my parking and tip the attendants. I’m going to contact management and send payment and a tip.

    Ah, yes, the cab/merlot blend. LOVE! I hope they sell bottles and I have someone to split it with on my return to the Music City.

    Speaking of love, y’all can imagine my excitement when Amos stepped onto the stage to sit in with Lu! Two of my favorites, together again, even if for a song or two. Such a great night.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Thanks for the report, stoger! You forgot to note the backup dancers in the room. I do hope you weren’t too tired for Monday classes/meetings.

    I’m sorry you were so annoyed by the night’s events.

    I actually had someone hand my car keys to me, as I valet parked, and then realized on the drive home I forgot to pay for my parking and tip the attendants. I’m going to contact management and send payment and a tip.

    Ah, yes, the cab/merlot blend. LOVE! I hope they sell bottles and I have someone to split it with on my return to the Music City.

    Speaking of love, y’all can imagine my excitement when Amos stepped onto the stage to sit in with Lu! Two of my favorites, together again, even if for a song or two. Such a great night.

    Hah: well done Lafayette. I was given the option of paying before or after, and I clearly messed that up by pre-paying.


    @TomOverby wrote:

    Stog- Maybe it will change your perspective a little by letting you know that they were rushing like crazy to get it ready for Lu’s show – they emailed me the minute they passed the city inspection less than two weeks ago – that’s when Lu’s shoe became official and why it was confirmed very late. At one point it didn’t look like they were going to make it but they passionately wanted Lu’s show and got it done. They are actually closing again for 2-3 weeks to finish the rest of what they need to do for a real open. They did a cool thing getting open in time all the artist to play there this week – it was truly down to the wire so I don’t think I would pass judgement yet.

    Yes, as I tried to say up front, I was grateful for you/”management” getting us into this event–and certainly don’t regret that it came together or that I was there. Truly, Lu played MInglewood Hall in Memphis the week it opened a few years back, and some of the same paint and varnish issues obtained. That night, the venue even gave away beer because they were yet unlicensed! Such a phenomenon might have eased my ire Sunday. And Thursday’s showcases there seemed to go OK, at least the 45 minutes I was there. Anyway, I do look forward to Lu X 3 in November at the new and improved (if still barely legal) City Winery Nash.

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