Napa Show 8/25

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Napa Show 8/25

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  • #30299
    West Words

    Lucinda rocks!!!

    Will post the show recap tomorrow. If I did it tonight, I’m sure I’d miss my flight to SoCal tomorrow. 😳

    Let me just say that my Pretenders’ friends who came to these shows in order to see Chrissie, are now also Lucinda lovers. I hope they join our forum and post their fresh perspectives.

    Guys, if you can get to these last two shows, DO IT!

    Sandy 😀


    A very energetic and exciting show. A very beautiful, large theater, with the most enthusiastic audience of the shows I’ve seen this tour. As West Words hinted, this tour is encouraging an interesting mix of audience–Chrissie fans warming to Lucinda, and Lucinda fans warming to the Chrissie trio format.

    Not surprisingly for Napa, the theater sold many varieties of wine in cups, and the theater encouraged the audience to bring the wine to their seats, with functional cupholders at each armrest.

    Chrissie and friends have adjusted to their 1-hour setlist, and played a wonderful crowd-pleasing set.

    Lucinda played a heavy rock set, and the band worked exceedingly hard all night. Val, Butch, and David were outstanding, and drew frequent applause for solos and dramatic riffs.

    As the main set ended, the audience stood, danced in the aisles, and remained standing for the encore songs. Again, a very excited audience.

    Lucinda’s setlist:

    1. Happy Woman Blues
    2. I Just Wanted to See You So Bad
    3. I Lost It
    4. Something About What Happens When We Talk (pronoun corrected for stoger)
    5. Sweet Old World
    6. Blue
    7. Fruits of My Labor
    8. Copenhagen
    9. Right In Time
    10. Drunken Angel
    11. Out Of Touch
    12. Convince Me
    13. Seeing Black
    14. Bleeding Fingers
    15. Essence
    16. Changed the Locks
    17. Honeybee
    18. Righteously
    19. Sweet Side
    20. Joy


    Great report Paul! See you tonight.


    Awesome! Glad to read about an enthusiastic crowd. Onward to Long Beach!



    For this long time Lucinda / Chrissie fan, the past couple of weeks have been some kinda heaven and last night at the Uptown Theatre in Napa (my hometown) went to the next level (didn’t even know there was one). It just keeps getting better… both bands rocked last night – strong voices (Lu/JP/Chrissie), some blistering guitar (Val and Patrick) and one of the best rhythm sections around! and I agree with Paul’s great review that the audience was VERY into all of it – GREAT energy from the stage and the crowd throughout the evening.
    Looking forward to Sandy’s review as well!


    no buttercup, surprisingly. judging by the previous setlists i was hoping to see it here as well (it’s the only new song played on every show, including the “compact” one, no depression festival).

    she’s been playing copenhagen and seeing black a lot. must be a good sign.


    I noticed the omission of “Buttercup” also from my North American perspective, punch drunk, but still, sounds like a great show with the sophomore appearance of “Convince Me” and two [sweet] tour debuts, “Old World” and “Side.” I’m surprised tntracy hasn’t jumped Paul for inaccuracy on that long title “Something. . .,” but maybe getting a pronoun wrong is not as serious as screwing up the verb 🙂 Here’s hoping both tntracy and west words will find computer access to supplement these fine reports of Paul, TonyG, and others. . . .


    I will be checking in the the Queen Mary Hotel around 4:30 or so and I have been told the Maya Hotel, which is on the other side of the park from the Queen Mary, is a nice place to go for eats and drinks so I may head over there. I would not mind getting some relief from the 107 degree heat here at the office in Woodland Hills, which I bet our Webmasta is suffering through as well.

    West Words

    Napa was a night of glorious juxtaposition, with JP, Chrissie, and the Fairground Boys playing the sweet, sad songs, and Lucinda bringing down the house. The night was cool and the moon was big and bright; some might say there was magic in the air.

    Lu came out of the gate kicking arse, with a strong, powerful voice –

    1) Happy Woman Blues

    2) I Just Wanted To See You So Bad

    3) I Lost It (“How I feel right now”)

    This next group of songs filled up your soul like going to church –

    4) Something About What Happens When We Talk

    5) Sweet Old World – exquisite

    6) Blue – stunning – wish you were there TomT!!!

    7) Fruits of My Labor

    8 Copenhagen (“This is a new song on the album that will hopefully come out in October. We got a helping hand from Mr. Don Was. I wrote this song when we were on tour in Copenhagan and got word that my former manager, Frank Callari, had suddenly passed away. It was in October, but it had already snowed. I wrote this song after hearing the news”) This is the first time I’d heard this new song, it was heartbreakingly beautiful – “you have disappeared”.

    Then mass was over, and we were back to the bidness of rock ‘n roll –

    9) Right In Time

    10) Drunken Angel – I might say I never heard Lu’s voice sound better on this song, it gave me goosebumps

    11) Out of Touch – rocked hard!! It was almost unbearable to remain seated. Lu got a standing O for this.

    The new album cannot come out fast enough for me, we went back to church again on the next one –
    “Here are a couple other new songs, as I turn the pages of my journal” –

    12) Convince Me – “that track was really cool when we recorded it. Matthew Sweet sang harmony, and Elvis Costello played guitar on a few tracks”

    Val’s guitar was on fire! I thought we might have to break out the fire extinguishers. As a matter of fact, one of my Pretenders’ friends got a picture where his guitar is glowing from the heat. I’ll see if I can get that from her, to post here.

    13) Seeing Black – “another song about death that I wrote after I found out Vic Chesnutt had taken his sweet life. Also Mark Linkous. It’s been really intense these last few years. Different things inspire these songs – Pineola, Lake Charles, Sweet Old World, Seeing Black. In the end I feel it’s a positive message – cause you’ve gotta deal with this shit.”

    14) Real Live Bleeding Fingers – kicked, of course. By now I just couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot. 😀

    15) Essence – “Val, you’re kicking ass tonight, baby!”

    16) Changed The Locks – it was getting more and more difficult to stay seated. You know it’s a great night when Lu gets into growling mode in this song (always makes me think of Patsy Cline). “That’s what I’m talking about!” At that point, Val flipped his guitar pick into the audience. The gentlemen sitting on either side of me were mannerly enough to refrain from grabbing it from where it fell, smack dab in the middle of my lap. 😀

    17) Honey Bee – no more sitting

    18) Righteously

    “I can’t say enough about Chrissie Hynde’s music and how much it has influenced me. I couldn’t believe it when I found out we’d be able to do these shows. When I heard the first Pretenders’ album when it first came out, it sent me in a whole new direction.”

    Side note – pay attention to Butch every once in a while. He is hilarious – singing along, holding a drum stick in his teeth, sticking his tongue out, etc., but we the audience are so focused on everything else, we don’t even notice.

    Encore –

    19) Sweet Side – many of the folks by now standing and rocking in the front row had come to the show because of Chrissie, and Lu mesmerized them – the same as she’s done the rest of us. For me, watching them fall under her spell was as much fun as watching kids open Christmas presents. 

    20) Joy

    “Love, Peace, & Revolution, and not the Tea Party kind – the real kind!”


    @West Words wrote:

    Napa was a night of glorious juxtaposition, with JP, Chrissie, and the Fairground Boys playing the sweet, sad songs, and Lucinda bringing down the house. The night was cool and the moon was big and bright; some might say there was magic in the air.
    Lu came out of the gate kicking arse, with a strong, powerful voice –

    Outstanding color commentary West Words.Thank you.
    Great to hear your enthusiasm on the new songs and to hear about the background of them.
    That’s one thing I really like about attending a Lu concert when she treats us with this dialogue.



    Great report, Sandy!


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Great report, Sandy!




    The show in Napa as noted above was fantastic! Lucinda is a true treasure! Thank you & do look forward to the new album as the new songs introduced where wonderful. Magical night, indeed!!!


    @paul_from_losangeles wrote:

    A very energetic and exciting show. A very beautiful, large theater, with the most enthusiastic audience of the shows I’ve seen this tour.

    Speaking on behalf of the town in which I spent my childhood and half of my life, I was very gratified at the audience response to both bands. Before domestic wine became tres chic, Napa was a small, working class town supported by a steel mill and naval shipyard. That “common working person” spirit must still be alive because it was in full force at the Uptown in an audience that was obviously very familiar with Lucinda’s words and music not to mention being very receptive to the heart-breakingly beautiful experience written and sung about by JP, Chrissie and Patrick. Hope they all feel the same about Napa and remember to come back again someday!


    Thanks to all for the outstanding reportage.

    Note to stoger: You are held to a high standard, sir ❗

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