my top five lucinda’s songs

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    Stan – I saw Lucinda on that same tour in Columbus and she started the concert with Rescue there too, and like you I think it was a great song to open the evening with and has become one of my favorites because it draws me back to that geat show.

    I think my five favorite Lucinda Williams songs are dependant on which CD is playing. The first I remember was her Lucinda Williams album and from there:

    I Just Wanted to See You So Bad
    Big Red Sun Blues
    Like a Rose (Probably my all time favorite)
    Am I Too Blue
    Something about What Happens When We talk (Top five also)

    And then an old high school crush, who is credited for turning me on to Lu showed me Essence. Which has some great songs.

    Essence (One of my favorites as you can tell by the signature)
    Steal Your love
    Lonely Girls
    I Envy The Wind
    Bus to Baton Rouge

    But of course Car Wheels was the Grammy winner and is packed with great songs. I know its not five but these are the best here:

    Right in Time
    Drunken Angel
    Metal firecracker
    Still I Long for Your Kiss

    I saw Lu in San Diego at a place I think was called Humphrey’s by the Bay after she put out World Without Tears. And what I like best about that show was how passionate she was about these songs:

    Rightously (Totally sexy)
    Those Three Days
    Minneapolis (Number three favorite)

    I’m not sure why the last Album I bought (Besides Happy Woman Blues which is excluded here) is Sweet Old Worldbut I think it my favorite. So many good songs here and I see many love this one too.

    Which Will (It still breaks my heart when she says “If you wont choose me” – last top five)
    Six Blocks Away
    Little Angel, Little Brother
    Lines Around Your Eyes

    Did I excede the limit of five? Can I have twenty top five favorites?

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