my top five lucinda’s songs

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  • #32370
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    This is difficult. I, too, change my list daily. Here tis’ (in no particular order and sorry, it’s over 5)

    Are You Alright
    Which Will
    Passionate Kisses
    Hot Blood (Can someone tell me how to get this unstuck from my head?)
    2 Kool 2 Be Forgotten
    Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
    Those 3 Days
    Unsuffer Me (Live, oh my goodness)

    I should also mention Honey Bee. It’s probably too early to add this to a “favorite 5” list but that song was pretty great. Curious to see that album cover!


    1. Blue
    2. Sweet Old World
    3. Essence
    4. Pineola
    5. Greenville

    Drunken Angel

    ~ Lake Charles
    ~ Blue
    ~ Those Three Days
    ~ Which Will
    ~ Greenville

    That was too hard…


    Very tough, here they are for today, tomorrow this list could be radically different

    Side of the Road
    Everything Has Changed
    2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten (That “Hey hey” she gives….shivers down my spine…)

    It’s almost a sin to rank them. Crescent City, I Lost It, Changed the Locks, Right in Time, Righteously, Fruits of My Labor, Learning How to Live, Mama You Sweet, Passionate Kisses, Sharp Cutting Wings, Am I Too Blue, Those Three Days,Sundays, Pineola, Out of Touch, Essence, Are You Alright?, Get Right With God, Jackson, Lonely Girls, Sharp Cutting Wings, Which Will, Maria, Lines Around Your Eyes, Overtime, Sidewalks of the City, Car Wheels, Honey Bee, Minneapolis, Jailhouse Tears, Like a Rose, Fancy Funeral, Bus to Baton Rouge, Greenville, etc….. Could all be there next time I write the list.


    1. Come On
    2. Right in Time
    3. Sweet Side
    4. Everything Has Changed
    5. Broken Butterflies

    I also found that I really like running to “Joy”. Like everyone else, it’s hard sticking to just the top 5.


    1. Over Time
    2. Unsuffer Me
    3. Atonement
    4. Mama You Sweet
    5. Side of the Road

    this was hard, hard, hard!


    Hi all. For my first post on this site, I’ll go with these as my favorites:

    1. Something About What Happens When We Talk
    2. Hot Blood
    3. Changed the Locks
    4. Drunken Angel
    5. I Lost It
    6. Crescent City


    Great topic. Hard to answer but I gotta go with these:

    Lake Charles
    Crescent City
    Side of the Road
    Wrap My Head Around That

    Any one of the following could jump into the top 5 from time to time:

    Right in Time
    Passionate Kisses


    😕 ain’t so easy coz she’s got a lot of tracks that blow/tear up ur mind/soul
    I’ve just noticed as Ripley that i enjoy less her “rock” songs even though i used to be a hard/punk rocker 😆

    @Memphis pearl
    @Lake charles
    @Bus to baton rouge
    @Sweet old world

    among those
    …Greenville,am i too blue,big red sun,fancy funeral,still i long for your kiss,side of the road,pineola,reason to cry,louisiana man,rolling along,price to pay,drunken angel,little angel little brother,sidewalks of the city,ventura…


    1. essence
    2. atonement
    3. righteously
    4. real live bleeding fingers and broken guitar strings
    5. come on

    I could have given many more. It’s tough to give just five.


    crescent city
    sharp cutting words
    sidewalks of the city
    car wheels on a gravel road

    mama you sweet
    Real Live Bleeding Fingers & Broken Guitar Strings
    lake charles
    like a rose


    My top five Lucinda Williams songs

    1. World without tears
    2. Sidewalks of the city
    3. Where is my love
    4. Still I long for your kiss
    5. I lost it [later version]


    I can’t pick my top 5 songs by Lucinda because the list would change every day of the year…however,

    The song that keeps running through my head lately is “Rescue,” from ‘West.’

    Lucinda’s last show in StL, she started the evening with this song, and it blew me away.

    “Rescue” is not the type of song one would normally associate with the start of a performance, most might think a ‘rocker’ would be better, but the song worked perfectly.

    This is an old adage from musician circles…I’ve always heard your best song should be played 3rd, or fourth, in the opening set, not first.

    The logic being…when you start to perform, the audience is interested anyway, because they’re finally hearing some music.

    By the 3rd or 4th song, the band is getting warmed up and you can rock them with one of your best, or better known, numbers.

    I’ve used this principle for years and it always seems to work.

    I’m not saying this to belittle “Rescue,” because it’s probably my fav song off ‘West,’ but it’s certainly not one of her better known songs.

    I’m sure a few people in the audience only had one or two cd’s by Lucinda, so they were waiting for the more recognizable songs…like ‘Car

    But, I love the song ‘Rescue.’ As a guy, the song seems to tell women that happiness is within yourself, and don’t expect men to supply that happiness for you…you have to do it.

    I don’t have the lyrics in front of me, so I’m paraphrasing..

    “What can he do? Tie some ribbons in your hair, tell you that he’ll always care, that’s all he can do.”

    dr winston oboogie

    Sorry folks, but I just CANNOT put myself through the agnst and pain of picking 5 songs, and as others have siad before me it would probably change from day to day anyway.

    Thought I would like to pick up on Stan`s point about the order of songs, and it is a very valid point, not only for live shows, but on cd`s as well, it is usually around the 4 or 5 song mark that people may begin to lose interest when listening to a CD, and I use Bruce Springsteen here to illustrate my point, on many of his records he makes track 6 the one to sustain interest, examples that sring to mind are BTR, with BTR at track 5, Darkness, with Promised Land at track 6,18 Tracks, with Loose Ends at track 6. I know that both Lu and Bruce put a lot of thought into their setlists.


    Nobody cares what you have to say anymore.

    What’s the matter? Can’t Let Go?


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