Music Halls Are Stuffy (Portsmouth, NH)

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Music Halls Are Stuffy (Portsmouth, NH)

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  • #46224

    First time at the Music Hall and first time seeing Ms Williams. Enjoyed both!!

    Many thank for the pictures and the setlist!!

    3 Comments/Questions.

    Ms Williams seemed to constantly be referring to her music stand, I’m assuming she was looking at the lyrics for each song? Is this her MO? I know a lot of the songs were from Blessed but I thought it odd she had to keep looking at the music sheet. Am I all wet on this?

    Can’t say much for Dylan LeBlanc or his odd compatriot who didn’t seem to really do much besides a few bass runs and the occasional harmony vocal. It was like Penn & Tellar.

    I enjoyed the audience also, I thought I was in an LL Bean catalog. 😀


    I really enjoyed the show in Portsmouth. It was great to meet Sandy and her husband who drove seven hours from New Brunswick to see it. Also to have Eilen Jewell and Jason Beek sitting right behind me, and being able to express my appreciation to them for their work over the years. (They have a new record already recorded and ready to be released soon.) And of course to have the ubiquitous stoger sitting right with us was a thrill. We seem to run into each other all over the country one way or another.
    I thought Lucinda sounded and looked great. The band went beyond my expectations for this being only their fourth show. Butch & David are as solid as a rock, and Val McCallum was outstanding. Too bad Val won’t be able to stick around longer. I missed meeting DavidinMaine, maybe next time?


    i, too, am no novice to live shows….. been to hundreds, including the folks you mentioned…… you certainly are entitled to your opinion but i find most arm-chair critics like yourself to be mean-spirited, despite your insistence that you are not…
    Lucinda her her own style and I respect it… I didn’t pay to have her prattling on or “connecting” with the audience….in my opinion, she and her band gave a wonderful show….and i do know music….


    Good reports everyone!

    Sandy, you might want to switch to decaf.


    @SPW4922 wrote:

    Ms Williams seemed to constantly be referring to her music stand, I’m assuming she was looking at the lyrics for each song? Is this her MO?

    Yes, that is her “M.O.”, if you will…



    Glad you enjoyed the show, Tim! 🙂


    Glad that you got to see a real good show in Ithaca, Lefty; and that you braved all the snow. I also attended the Boston show and met stoger in the lobby going in. I thought it was another stellar show as some here have attested to. Lucinda will be back our way later in the year, keep your eyes open.


    What do you mean she is coming back your way? Do you know about more shows later this year?


    IJWTSYSB, this song should start every single lucinda show IMO.


    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    IJWTSYSB, this song should start every single lucinda show IMO.

    I understand the sentiment (it’s a wonderful song & a great opener), but I have to disagree. I like it “mixed up” a bit – keeps me on my toes… 😉



    SANDY wrote:
    Wow…. I was front-row centre at the same show, and couldn’t disagree with you more.
    It was the first time I’d seen her “live” too — travelled 7 hours to get there— and her show was worth every second of the drive.
    Lucinda performed wonderfully, was ultra-cool and stopped the song because she thought the sound was muddy, she explained the interruption, by the way.
    I can’t understand why you criticize her for deferring to the fabulous lead guitarist… that makes no sense to me whatsoever. and as far as her not facing the audience at the end of songs… what?? geesh……have you never seen a performer show this sign of appreciation to his/her band before?
    And please don’t suggest that she not perform “live”…… it’s upsetting to us real fans.
    The only constructive criticism I can offer you is to stop calling yourself a fan, until you “get it.”

    Hey Sandy – Just expressing my opinion. Apparently because it’s contrary to yours it’s not legit. I’ve been going to shows for 30+ years and have seen many of the top acts (Springsteen 25+ times; Petty; The Who; Steve Earle; Emmy Lou; Pearl Jam; Hiatt….among many others….) Again, my post was mainly a response to a feeling of surprise to what I was witnessing on stage. As mentioned in my original post, I enjoyed the show…but it was not to the high level that I expected. Try a Google search for reviews of her live shows. While many are positive, it’s easy to find a number of media reviews that are frankly considerably more harsh (in regards to the points that I raised) than I was in my assessment. Regards

    @SANDY wrote:

    i, too, am no novice to live shows….. been to hundreds, including the folks you mentioned…… you certainly are entitled to your opinion but i find most arm-chair critics like yourself to be mean-spirited, despite your insistence that you are not…
    Lucinda her her own style and I respect it… I didn’t pay to have her prattling on or “connecting” with the audience….in my opinion, she and her band gave a wonderful show….and i do know music….

    Wow…reading comprehension anyone…. 😛


    @maxdriver wrote:

    SANDY wrote:
    Wow…. I was front-row centre at the same show, and couldn’t disagree with you more.
    It was the first time I’d seen her “live” too — travelled 7 hours to get there— and her show was worth every second of the drive.
    Lucinda performed wonderfully, was ultra-cool and stopped the song because she thought the sound was muddy, she explained the interruption, by the way.
    I can’t understand why you criticize her for deferring to the fabulous lead guitarist… that makes no sense to me whatsoever. and as far as her not facing the audience at the end of songs… what?? geesh……have you never seen a performer show this sign of appreciation to his/her band before?
    And please don’t suggest that she not perform “live”…… it’s upsetting to us real fans.
    The only constructive criticism I can offer you is to stop calling yourself a fan, until you “get it.”

    Hey Sandy – Just expressing my opinion. Apparently because it’s contrary to yours it’s not legit. I’ve been going to shows for 30+ years and have seen many of the top acts (Springsteen 25+ times; Petty; The Who; Steve Earle; Emmy Lou; Pearl Jam; Hiatt….among many others….) Again, my post was mainly a response to a feeling of surprise to what I was witnessing on stage. As mentioned in my original post, I enjoyed the show…but it was not to the high level that I expected. Try a Google search for reviews of her live shows. While many are positive, it’s easy to find a number of media reviews that are frankly considerably more harsh (in regards to the points that I raised) than I was in my assessment. Regards

    @SANDY wrote:

    i, too, am no novice to live shows….. been to hundreds, including the folks you mentioned…… you certainly are entitled to your opinion but i find most arm-chair critics like yourself to be mean-spirited, despite your insistence that you are not…
    Lucinda her her own style and I respect it… I didn’t pay to have her prattling on or “connecting” with the audience….in my opinion, she and her band gave a wonderful show….and i do know music….

    Wow…reading comprehension anyone…. 😛

    yeah well I’ve seen the Grateful Dead 100 times, and been going to see other live show for 35 years…so there!

    I hate when people start personally attacking the posters. Comment on their observations, but stop with all the silly sh*t.


    Hey Maxdriver. As you can see and unfortunately, sometimes if one posts a review/comment that does not reflect 100% positive on LWs and her music, you will definitely feel the heat. It’s unfortunate, for sure. It’s not about how many concerts you have seen (who wants to see or says they’ve seen Jerry and the boys “100 times” anyway?). I appreciate your honest and candid review. After all, not everyone is a cheerleader here on this forum (as you can see, there are a lot of cheerleaders in here, right?)… Candid and heartfelt is what it is all about in my world.


    @DavidinMaine wrote:

    Welcome to the board, Sandy. As you can see and unfortunately, sometimes if one posts a review/comment that does not reflect 100% positive on LWs and her music, you will definitely feel the heat. It’s unfortunate, for sure. It’s not about how many concerts you have seen (who wants to see or says they’ve seen Jerry and the boys “100 times” anyway?). I appreciate your honest and candid review. After all, not everyone is a cheerleader here on this forum (as you can see, there are a lot of cheerleaders in here, right?)… Candid and heartfelt is what it is all about in my world.

    Dude….Sandy is the offender here:-) Candid and heartfelt is what I posted. I offered a review of a LW show that she deemed to be not appropriate. (‘mean spirited; armchair quarterback”…ad nauseum) Last I knew freedom of speech was still a right here in the good old USA.

    Apparently because it was not in line with her opinion, she elected to attack me personally. Frankly I could care less…hey this is the internet. Says more about “Sandy” than it does about me….


    Welcome to the friendly forum, Maxdriver.

    You posted a negative review, and were personally attacked for it. In the bizarro world, that makes you the offender, and anyone who sticks up for you “cheerleaders”.

    Don’t try and make sense of it.

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