Multiple "Versions" of Little Honey

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records Multiple "Versions" of Little Honey

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    Could someone on the “Inside” answer a question about “Little Honey” for me? Will there be different versions released w/ different bonus tracks like there were for “West”?

    I know of three different versions of “West” (I know of them ’cause I bought all three to get the extra tracks). One was sold by Best Buy had two bonus tracks on the CD. Then, there was another on that was packaged w/ a separate CD that had two additional tracks on it. Finally, the Japanese release had two bonus tracks on it. All 6 bonus tracks were alternate versions of 6 different songs on “West”.




    Don’t forget the iTunes version that had a 7th “demo” version of a West track.

    I love Lu, and I enthusiastically throw my support behind whatever she puts out by purchasing her cd’s right away (even when friends offer to let me copy theirs) becuase (a) I enjoy her work and want the official version, not a cd-r, and (b) she should be compensated for her efforts. I dont’ even think about paying $9.99 or $11.99 or whatever it costs.

    But….. “marketing” such as we saw with the West demo tracks makes me ill. Why not just have all 7 demo versions of these West songs on one EP in a deluxe version? Let fans pay for the regular cd if that’s all they want and have other fans pay a little more if they want the extra tracks. Or just sell it separately?

    Again, not ragging on Lu because I doubt she has much if anything to do with how these tracks were distributed, but the marketers who make these decisions fail to see the big picture: yes, sales may be up because the hardcore fans buy multiple versions instead of just one. After awhile though, the greed in this approach becomes apparent and people start finding ways around having to buy. Which is pretty much why the record industry has been in freefall over the last several years.

    Ok, sorry to rant, but I just hope that if there are bonus tracks of any sort to be had with this new release, that they’re handled a little better than they were for the West cd.


    @zlh67 wrote:

    Why not just have all 7 demo versions of these West songs on one EP in a deluxe version? Let fans pay for the regular cd if that’s all they want and have other fans pay a little more if they want the extra tracks. Or just sell it separately?

    Awesome idea. I couldn’t agree more.

    Mind you, I wasn’t happy buying three versions of “West” (I did forget about the iTMS version – because I didn’t buy it – I don’t care for 128 kbps digital music). But, I begrudgingly did it because a) I really wanted the alternate versions, and b) I rationalized it to myself w/ the knowledge that Lu was going to get a portion (albeit small – I know the label gets the most) of the revenue. Like you, I believe in supporting the artists.

    But, I agree with you – it is a somewhat cynical way for the label to take advantage of the artist’s biggest fans…



    I would also like to know about any bonus tracks and where they are offered. Some people on another forum are also asking.

    Please let us know.

    And I agree they should all be on one disc. I’m willing to pay for it. A lot of people would buy the disc.

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