Morning Becomes Eclectic – Chrissie Hynde & JP Jones

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  • #30191
    West Words

    Good morning everyone!

    Found these postings in my in-box re: Chrissie Hynde and JP Jones and the Fairground Boys taping a show for Morning Becomes Eclectic – KCRW. Scrolling through, I saw that Lu was in attendance. Sorry this is cryptic. I will try to find out more details, but wanted to post this now while I had the chance. 🙂


    Chrissie and JP Jones and the Fairground Boys will be filming and recording something tonight that
    will be going up on a KCRW:

    Live studio session at Bob Clearmountain’ s studio in Santa Monica.

    This will be filmed and recorded and mixed by Bob Clearmountain to be
    featured on KCRW’s Morning Becomes Eclectic on May 1st. The video
    will live on KCRW website ( http://www.kcrw. com ) and will remain in
    their video archives indefinitely.


    8 song list tonight – all 7 from last night + 1 cover. Won’t tell you
    what it was (it will be on the broadcast), but it was not a Pretenders song.

    Interview with CH and JP was extremely forthright and candid. Extremely
    forthright and candid I repeat. Well worth listening to when it is
    broadcast. All I’ll tell you is that the angst on this record is all
    based on real experiences; real and I’d say somewhat melancholy
    experiences. Listen to the interview, you’ll get the picture. Sad yes,
    but the take away from it is the fine body of songs which as JP said in
    the interview “will live on”. Spot on JP. CH referred to Jimmy
    Iovine twice as “evil”. Bob Clearmountain (whose studio this all took
    place in) agreed to mix the finished product.

    Like last night, CH was so obviously enthused by the new material and
    this collaboration. Lucinda Williams there tonight as last night (sorry
    sight – rode hard and put up wet) as well as Rosanna Arquette again (who
    conducted a part of the interview). Saw Clem Burke and Frank Infante
    from Blondie last night as well. Big deal.

    CH thought they were better last night which I disagreed with her on. I
    actually thought tonight was a bit better, a bit more polished. 24
    hours to sleep on the songs helped them I’d say. Made a pretty
    convincing argument in defense of tonight to her and she seemed to
    agree. Oh well whatever.

    100 of us maximum in audience.

    All thanks to LB – who made sure I got in tonight. THANKS AGAIN LB.

    As always, it’s good to love this fine artist. She never lets me down.

    Oh yes, also saw Eric Heywood last night who interestingly didn’t look
    like he had s;slept in his clothes for once. Must have been because his
    wife was there and probably won’t let him out of the house looking like



    Article from the LA Times today on Chrissie.

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