Meadowbrook, Gilford NH

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Meadowbrook, Gilford NH

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    I guess art, as well as beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I thought the show started well then lagged for a couple of songs but then finished strongly starting with Little Rock Star. I certainly do not feel that Lu mailed it in. Not even close.


    Spot-on comments, MH: though I wasn’t there, your thoughts make a lot of sense in light of the pattern this tour. Good to hear of your venturing outside the Great Midwest for this show.


    We thought Lu and the band put on a great show. Really nice sound at the venue, but there seemed to be a lot of audience talkers.


    I understand it goes with the territory but sometimes I just shake my head and wonder what some people see. Everyone in the band felt like this was an excellent show – because to be honest Lu was a little agitated at the beginning about some things and she brought that edge to the show. This being the third night in a row outdoors in 100 degree heat it would’ve been completely understandable if she was exhausted but she was fired up and ready to go. Same with the last three nights of this leg. She was having heart palpitations about 2/3 of the way thru in Raleigh and insisted on finishing. That was the most scared I’ve ever been because I could see that something was wrong and she was holding her hand over her heart. It was the first I even considered stopping the show. After all the shows in the heat on this past leg she had everyone in the band and crew amazed at a what a warrior she is.
    So anyway…Mailed it in NH? Not even close that night -or any night -frankly she doesn’t know how -it’s just not in her makeup -she sings at soundchecks like she sings in the shows. She will have her off nights but she never just mails it in-she always goes out and gives everything she’s got.
    Ok -got that off my chest.


    Well I was there. She did not mail it in. It was a very pleasant evening outside in New Hampshire, the first night of my vacation where the humidity broke. Lu was in excellent voice.

    I look forward to the Orange County show, as soon as I get back home.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Well I was there. She did not mail it in. It was a very pleasant evening outside in New Hampshire, the first night of my vacation where the humidity broke. Lu was in excellent voice.

    I look forward to the Orange County show, as soon as I get back home.

    Perhaps there’s a cantina in the greater Irvine area which has our names written on it, Tony. . . .


    I’m on it.


    I’ll clarify … the performance was excellent.


    Stoger, check this out. We should eat there, no?

    I’ll bring an extra lawn chair for you.


    P.S. I am not going on a balloon ride.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Stoger, check this out. We should eat there, no?

    I’ll bring an extra lawn chair for you.


    P.S. I am not going on a balloon ride.

    I’m all for staying grounded in Tony-provided furniture too, yes.


    Awesome. I’ll try to be there around 6 for eating and strolling around and such.

    Call me at 805-905-1411 when you are ready to meet. Maybe the famous paul from Los Angeles will also attend.


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