Marymoor Park- Redmond

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    Great concert at Marymoor!!

    While the Troutdale show was really good, I really enjoyed the Marymoor concert much more..
    Had a great spot on the lawn close to the stage where my wife, Michelle also was able to attend!

    With stoger in attendance, I didn’t write the setlist down and am terrible with going on memory, but will give it a rough draft for stoger to correct at a later date..
    1- Wicked
    2- West Memphis
    3- Atonement
    4- Doors of Heaven
    5- Foolishness
    6-Changed the Locks
    7- Honeybee
    8- Joy

    Lu praised Robert Plant and band, adding a few remarks about ageism and how they were better than most of the young bands out there today! Doors of Heaven and Atonement were nice additions to the opening set.. Plant and band really put on a great show, which I enjoyed much more the second time..


    Great report Mike!


    Noble effort, Mike, but wasn’t “Out of Touch” in there somewhere? Clean-up slot I think, with Doors third and Atonement sixth. But yes, those were the three “new” ones hardest to keep up with. AFter “Fool,” Lu said “Take that GOP, Washington DC!” Early in set when praising the Sensational Shape Shifters, Lu said we had to get rid of “that ageism shit.”

    Until August everybody, Stoger


    I’ll reply to my own topic since i can’t find “start new topic” despite being logged in; the crickets are deafening. Just wanted to let folks know that in addition to all the shows listed on this website (Boston!?!), at least two more are in the offing: a festival in Greenville, MS on Oct. 13 (High Road Touring) and a Dec. 10 Durham, NC show with Charles Lloyd (Ticketmaster). Note the new Texas shows listed here too.


    Thank you Mr. S. I noticed the Boston show. No info. By the way, you have to be in a forum to see the new topic window at the bottom of the screen. Thank you for flying with us.

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