Lyric Sheets Onstage?

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    Whatever works man! I remember starting my first job out of college, and everyone carried a binder around with all their important information. We used to refer to our binders as our “brains”. As in, “hey you left your brain over there”. Were we less than professional? No. Did we get the job done, yes. Did we worry about it? Absolutely not. Whatever it takes to get the job done.

    Did I notice Lucinda using her cheat sheet? Only when she specifically refered to it at the begining of the show. Why do why talk about this useless stuff?


    @stevarino wrote:

    Whatever works man! I remember starting my first job out of college, and everyone carried a binder around with all their important information. We used to refer to our binders as our “brains”. As in, “hey you left your brain over there”. Were we less than professional? No. Did we get the job done, yes. Did we worry about it? Absolutely not. Whatever it takes to get the job done.

    Did I notice Lucinda using her cheat sheet? Only when she specifically refered to it at the begining of the show. Why do why talk about this useless stuff?

    No shit, stevarino. I mean, in the long run, what difference does it make? Lu uses lyric sheets. So what?!?! Does it effect the quality of the show? No, IMHO. So, and forgive me for saying this, but get over it!



    I was a bit put off when I first saw the constant eye-check of the notebook during the Crest Show in Sacramento, but after a song or two, the strength of her performance and the appeal of songs I hadn’t heard before chased away any such feelings with a quickness.

    I had wondered if she was losing her memory or something sinister, but later I found an interview (and I am sorry to say I can’t remember where—what’s that say about MY memory?) where she had said she realized it might put people off, but that she used it mainly as a security blanket. That explanation was good enough for me. IJ’s contention that she’s a perfectionist and wants everything to be “just so” works for me too.

    Now if she could just remember where to put the capo 😉

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