Lu’s concert in Paris (France)

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Lu’s concert in Paris (France)

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  • #34738
    broken butterfly

    Stay tuned,

    You should have this show on Dime in a couple of day.

    Sorry my ignorance but what is Dime? Thanks for clarifying!

    And thanks for the great pics!


    I got right up the front but there was the customary person who wanted to spend the entire gig talking to his girlfriend about how great he thinks Lu is, instead of listening to the show – and interrupting the rest of us ! What is that all about ?! The guy next to me eventually went over to him and told him to “Shut Up” – respect to you if you’re reading this.

    Hi, I think you´re talking about me…

    1) I only talked in between songs… during the songs I was paying all the attention of the world to keep her in my memory forever… I believe you were the guy writing/sending sms with a suit and tie?… while she was singing… I´d never waste my time doing that… If you paid more attention to the music instead of what´s going around you, you wouldn´t have noticed me… hell, it´s a rock concert! I didn´t care about no one except Lucinda… and my girl. That´s why people putting their cameras in front of my face are ok… I understand the excitemenet.

    2) I helped cheer the whole thing up when she was having a bad start… the place looked dead until some of us started cheering her up.

    3)The guy behind me told me “you talk to much”, not to shut up, cause if not elbows would have started to fly… 😀 we talked a bit afterwards and said I was too excited cause it was my first time to see Lucinda and we also flew from abroad… it was almost a miracle to make it there and to find out we were so close to her made it all the more exciting, so we just shook hands.

    I enjoyed it a lot and loved Paris, hoping to return…


    Ola Jimmijazz, think i heard some spanish words (ur girlfriend?) behind my back (women voice) but it doesn’t bother me coz it was not during the songs…

    It’s good to see that this show brought some people from europe.

    Next time , u come to Paris to see LU, I ‘m gonna order u some house cds from spanish dj 😆 (private joke:beatfreak records’s cds, matinée group cds 8) )


    Hi Joe,

    I think you heard my friend´s girl. I speak in english with my girl… she´s still learning spanish 🙂 But I met more people from Spain than just myself and friends. In fact we stayed until closing time and we got to meet Lucinda… and gave her 2 big kisses. Voilà!

    Sorry, I hate techno stuff…

    take care you all.


    Dime is…

    Lots of the recent shows torrented there.


    @elmomo wrote:

    Stay tuned,

    You should have this show on Dime in a couple of day.



    Good job mr ELMOMO 8)
    was listening to the show thanks to u 😉
    whoahh!!! 😀

    & Lucky u are Jimmyjazz to met Lu, i wanted to to do the same stuff (autographed the booklets of Lu’s cds in my jacket’s pocket :cry:, have a hug, take a picture but not a big deal:NEXT TIME when she be back 😀 ) but did not coz my legs in a mess (i should not go to a rock concert as i go to a disco club 😆 ) & i was starving 😳

    I got feedbacks from the promoter …not gonna tell more (all in french words) but we get lucky to attend to this show 😆 thanks to the support of the crowd at the begin of this show.300/400 people…

    Thank u again LU for playing in PARIS & hope u gonna be back soon & enjoy the trip in better conditions.


    …great images Snaggletooth 😀 !!!…thank’s!!! I will try to post someone from Tränsgard Götheborg in the next days…

    @Snaggletooth wrote:

    Some pix…

    Outside, before the show…

    The stage…

    The opening act…


    Hi guys!

    The report from the Crew (Thank u Mr Karel BEER :wink:, the gentleman who introduced LU b4 she went on stage & made a speech @ the end of the show ) that brought Lu to Paris if u want to know “things behind the scene” ; Yep, wot a story full of “humanity” ! Yes, Lu, it’s good to see that u overcame all these trouble, u too r terrible 😆

    sorry it’s all in french (use ur web translator ), u have to clik to the word ARCHIVES & then click to LUCINDA WILLIAMS
    (if u click on the video about the pre act, u gonna see Mr Beer telling us that he gonna pick LU for the show )

    Enjoy the story! 😉


    Thanks for the link Joe…Cool!


    @marclaff wrote:

    I began to upload some videos on YouTube.
    My identification there is mpk198379
    Search “Lucinda Williams Trabendo” and you’ll find the first 5 parts out of 15.
    The three next (Righteously, Essence and Come on) are longer.

    Fabulous videos Marclaff. If you could wear videos out, they’d be threadbare… Did you get Joy? I know there is a video on utube already but the thing is, you must have been standing right behind me because your videos correspond exactly to what I saw myself that night. Also I want to see the battle of the guitars on Joy!

    karel beer

    This is Karel the promoter of Lucinda’s paris show. For your information there were about 350 people who managed to get across a strike stricken Paris to see what was in the end a great concert. If you understand french drop in on and visit the archives to read my account of the concert. Your comments on this site a really interesting. Glad so many of you appreciated the opening act of Paul Tiernan & David Ogilvy… both are excellent song-smiths and singers. When there is an opening act for one of the concerts I promote I try to ensure that it is complimentary to the main act and to the audience. Paul & David were pretty much perfect for the job, relaxed and low key putting us all in a good mood. For a moment I thought that they might be doing a second set because Lucinda was not a happy bunny when I picked her up from the tour bus. Seemed she’d been in it for several hours and it was cold. I told her that the Trabendo was as warm as the reaction she’d get from the audience but she wasn’t convinced. In the end it worked out just fine and I know she enjoyed herself and gave a moving performance. Thanks everyone for your warmth.


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