Lu’s concert in Paris (France)

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Lu’s concert in Paris (France)

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  • #34723

    How did the black/yellow branded Asics work out for you, Joe_from_Paris? …Only 200??! Wonderful for the audience; too bad for the tour. You’d think the French affinity for Louisianna and the American South would have packed the house. ๐Ÿ˜• C’est la vie. Merci pour le reportage, y’all.


    I began to upload some videos on YouTube.
    My identification there is mpk198379
    Search “Lucinda Williams Trabendo” and you’ll find the first 5 parts out of 15.
    The three next (Righteously, Essence and Come on) are longer.


    Can’t find those youtubes…


    Try this


    This one works then more from mpk198379


    Beside the fact that i wore this kind of shirt I think Lu have noticed me coz i think i was the only one who have danced to the songs as i was in a disco club 8) (used to be a night clubber too ๐Ÿ˜† ) & else that me & my mate were the only asian people in the crowd…

    u know wot?How weird ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

    Marclaff, i got you & your daughter(blond one?) . under ur cap,not very hairy i guess :P, i noticed that u enjoy very much the show,u r among the guys who brought some noise to applause LU.
    My bro was behind you & me on the left ๐Ÿ˜† the guy who scream like a doomed @ end of tunes ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

    Legs in a mess @ the end of Lu’s show ๐Ÿ˜ก

    talking with our 3rd pal, maybe there were 300/400 people?

    talking with a guy very keen on us rock music ( Lu’s fan btw) this day who didn’t know that LU was playing this day & was very disappointed coz he lives nearby ๐Ÿ™„

    broken butterfly

    Thanks for the utube clips. Great to enjoy the atmosphere again!
    It was a terrific show. Probably the best I’ve ever been to. Not only because of Lucinda and her band but also due to the fantastic venue/audience!!! Were you guys also among the ones who met her after the show when they were clearing the stage? She seemed to be happy with the evening and claimed that she wanted to stay there in Paris and not move on to London…We even got pictures with her. What a night!


    Great show, I confirm, in spite of the problems with the first two songs… Just got home from Paris. Indeed, Paris during strike times is hard to endure… HARD TIMES IN PARIS!โ€”But that’s another thing, another story, nothing to do with Lu and her show…
    So back to the show. Le Trabendo is a great, great, very intimate venue. Been to the Zenith before, but never to Le Trabendo… Loved it from the moment I came in (which was much later than expected: since the ticket said 8PM I was under the wrong impression Lu’s show would start then, but actually they just opened the doors then; we had been waiting for almost an hour outside in the cold…), and Lucinda seemed to like it too… Said something like it’s the best venue in Europe so far, compared it to the Hamburg venue as havin’ been the only one coming close… Anyways, what I also didn’t expect (but should have!) was that there was an opening act. Unexpectedโ€”but very good! Who were those two guys? Heard the names, but forgot… Took some pix!
    Then Lu. Came out late (after 9PM)โ€”but too early for her… Stopped during the first song, said something about how bad her eyes are, contact lenses were missing, couldn’t remember the words of her own songs… Was pushed to get on stage, not ready yet… STAGEFRIGHT… Then a perfect version of Rescue. Same with the second song, Fruits… The audience was great, encouraging, applauding, telling her WE LOVE YOU!!!โ€”And from the third song on everything was perfect… Lu got better ‘n better, the band was so with her and so tight… Again: GREAT show, Paris and Lu, that was something very, very special…

    And thanx for the ear plugs for my son! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    He seemed to not enjoy the show (He’s 10 years old and it was his first Lu show), but he didn’t regret it at all! He was just very tired from a long day, he’s alright though, and yesterday he hummed Lu songs while walking thru Paris…


    @Snaggletooth wrote:

    Anyways, what I also didn’t expect (but should have!) was that there was an opening act. Unexpectedโ€”but very good! Who were those two guys?

    One of them was David Ogilvy (spelling?). It was the first time in 35 years that I enjoyed an opening act. (Last time was Loudon Wainwright III!).

    Did anybody catch the names of the photographers books that inspired 2 Kool?


    David Ogilvy & Paul Tiernan
    if any of u, foreign people who come to paris & want to do a gig (american music), u can have a look @ this website.

    Thanks to these guys we can attend to interesting us artist not very popular in our country. (shame on regular french media ๐Ÿ˜ก )
    I don’t know the name of the manager(the guy who introduced Lu’s show) of this company but this american living in paris Rulz!!!! 8)
    Last time he brought Mary GAUTHIER (& many us artist:ryan adams(fuckin boring show ๐Ÿ˜† ),neal casal, peter Case & Bob Neuwirth in duo, Steve Forbert cancelled becoz not enough people ๐Ÿ˜ฅ one of my favourite male artist ) in paris in a small club :La JAVA (less than 80 people)& , i think many of u, Lucinda’s fans know Mary (same label:lost highway;) coz this girls rocks 8) & if don’t hardly recommended.(Mary & Lu my 2 favourite female artists)
    in a few months, steve earle in club La Java

    another link
    These guys too bring some interesting us bands 8)


    Thank you for that link, Joe! Good to know… (I woulda loved seeing Mary Gauthier, too… Hope she’ll be in Europe again, sooner or later… Great artist!)


    @stoger wrote:

    Thanks: as much as I enjoy “definitive” wardrobe descriptions among members of Lu’s audiences, I enjoy setlists more. Fewer than 200 people? Let’s hope the UK can top that. Quelque francais en “Crescent City,” n’est pas?

    n’est ce pas?

    yes dude! “De temps en temps “in this song

    Hi Marclaff, i’ve seen the videos u have taken:great job ๐Ÿ˜€
    on crescent city ,Lu smile when she has heard u (& the crowd) singing the french lyrics all together (u should pratice for the vocal ๐Ÿ˜† ) & the louder scream @ the end of the tune is it u? coz seems to to be me otherwise ๐Ÿ˜ณ โžก ๐Ÿ˜† )

    snaggletooh, where are u settled during the show?


    Great gig in a great little venue. I flew in from Dublin on Friday and was so delayed by the strike that I thought I’d missed most of the show, but I arrived during the 2nd song, and still saw 2 hours. It’s such a human privilege to see her sing.

    I got right up the front but there was the customary person who wanted to spend the entire gig talking to his girlfriend about how great he thinks Lu is, instead of listening to the show – and interrupting the rest of us ! What is that all about ?! The guy next to me eventually went over to him and told him to “Shut Up” – respect to you if you’re reading this.

    If anyone recorded this show please let me know, as I’d love to get a copy of it.


    Stay tuned,

    You should have this show on Dime in a couple of day.




    Some pix…

    Outside, before the show…

    The stage…

    The opening act…

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