FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records LUCINDA"S HOME STUDIO

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    Here is the home studio where the Kitchen Tapes were created:

    [attachment=0:35x3a2d0]HOME STUDIO2.jpg[/attachment:35x3a2d0]


    I wold LOVE to see Lu’s home studio…the link doesn’t work, TO! 😮


    I didn’t thnk I had actually made this post -I started to and then was having trouble with the picture being too big so i was trying to figure how to downsize it. I’ll figure it out and put up the oics -I have several.


    Straight from TomO, via me to resize, host & post, here are the pics of Lu’s home studio…


    Love it, TO! It’s very cool to see where Lu feels most comfortable writing. It’s exciting to know we will have additional new Lu tunes in our very near future.

    Thanks, tnt, for posting!


    Keepin’ it real


    I like the poster featuring Mojo Nixon…


    Tom, Just curious, What kind of equipment do you & Lucinda listen to when you all are just wanting to relax and listen to music?


    I see even Lu needs help from a rhyming dictionary sometimes. So she is human!


    Good question as I was a bit of a stereo geek as a kid-which was just a by product me being a music geek-I just always wanted to hear the music sound as good as it possibly could. It’s disappointed me that in the Ipod generation that that has been lost- especially now with technology also making huge advances on the recording side, I think generally speaking recordings now sound tremendously better than they did even 10 years ago. I hadn’t realised how big of a leap had been made until I was listening recently to some records from the mid-late 90’s and was surprised at how small they seemed.
    Anyway I guess I should just answer the question. We have two main stereos -one in the house and one up in my office. which is separate from the house. The house stereo consists of an Arcam receiver bi-amped with a power amp called UltrAmp. The speakers are B&W’s – NS-9’s I believe. The cd player is a Pioneer Elite 300 disc changer that i bought about 12 years ago-it was top of the line back then and sound really great for a changer. I should add that this is Lucinda’s favorite piece -as she loves to do her “mixes”– loading a bunch of different things and just letting run all day. She changes it every so often to give it a different flavor. One thing is for sure she does love music. Now if I could just get her to put the cds back in the cases when she changes her mix…. I do have an old 1987 Bang & Olufsen turntable hooked up also but the preamp for it is shot so haven’t been using it.
    Up in the office I have a Rotel power amp matched with the preamp from the UltrAmp set, with a Rotel cd player and smaller B&W’s (NS-1’s) and Rega turntable that I bought as a display model, which was a mistake as the top won’t stay up when you want to changes lp’s- you think I would’ve been able to figure that out before I got it home. I guess that was a bad day because I got talked into the two Rotel pieces even though I had never really liked them much because I thought they are too clean sounding. And they are- but it still sounds good. A couple of other footnotes -the UltrAmp set was made only for a short time by Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs- they were the first real label that licensed recordings and put them out with super hi-quality sound- a friend of mine worked there and gave me the set- this was probably 15 years and they still sound great. The Arcam and B&W’s were originally part of a surround sound system that I had in my house in Mpls, but when I moved to LA it was a bit of overkill in a small apt., so I just used pieces as a regular stereo. And when we bought the house I just split it into two systems.
    See what happens when you ask a former stereo geek about his equipment.


    By the way – the blue thing on the table is handheld audio recorder that Lu recorded the Kitchen Tapes on. I’m probably just stating the obvious but I just noticed it hadn’t been mentioned in this thread.


    @TOverby wrote:

    Good question as I was a bit of a stereo geek as a kid-which was just a by product me being a music geek-I just always wanted to hear the music sound as good as it possibly could.

    So was I! I just didn’t have the cash to indulge my geekiness as much as I would have liked… 😉

    Funny you mention Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs – I used to buy their LPs. Good stuff – even on the cheaper equipment I had as a teenager (I upgraded when I was in the Army!). They even later released some CDs – I have one titled “A Riot In Blues” – a great compilation of 1950’s blues by the likes of Lightnin’ Hopkins, Sonny Terry & Ray Charles.



    @TOverby wrote:

    By the way – the blue thing on the table is handheld audio recorder that Lu recorded the Kitchen Tapes on. I’m probably just stating the obvious but I just noticed it hadn’t been mentioned in this thread.

    Looks like the Samson Q3

    Now Samson is dipping its toe into the portable video recorder space with the Samson Zoom Q3. This $250 video recorder has a built in mic that’ll put the microphones in other handheld video cameras to shame. The recorder can record in WAV or MP3 formats. In audio-only mode you can record in 96kHz/24-bit quality. If you’re recoding audio and video at the same time it tops out at 44.1/48kHz 16/24-bit WAV or MP4.The Q3 has a the same mic capsules used in the Zoom H4n

    I assume you purchased it at Best Buy (discounted price with extended warranty)
    I read the excellent reviews-fully compatible for a kitchen studio.


    Sounds like a cool little gadget – thanks for posting the details, LWJ…



    As the resident academic nerdy-homo I’d like to ask what books our lady is reading (aside from the rhyming dictionary)

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