Lucinda’s Gig Posters and T shirts

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    punchdrunklove –

    Here’s another one from my collection I think you will like:

    This one is apropos for posting today, as today is the 4th anniversary of the show at the then brand-new Malibu Performing Arts Center. My wife & I were at the show – I saw and admired the poster in the lobby (it was in a glassed-in display). After the show, I asked an usher about the possibility of my having it – he was kind enough to go inquire about giving it to me, but came back and told me the manager of the facility had already “claimed” it.

    Later, back at home, I was thrilled to find a numbered copy on eBay & quickly purchased it. Later, as you can see, Lu signed it for me after another show, as did Doug Pettibone.



    that one is amazing. i’m pretty sure i’ve seen it before (on ebay, maybe, but it’s not there anymore). i liked the black clouds dripping, the big white cloud, the no-face woman…


    SCORE! I just won this auction on eBay!

    I’m glad I put off buying this 2008 Print Mafia series (except for the Atlanta one, which I bought at the show). In the auction, I got 14 of the 17 in the set for only $50 (plus $15 shipping). Missing from the set are the aforementioned Atlanta one, and also Greenfield, MA (8/17 – same “skull” design as Atlanta, different colors) & Bend, OR (9/2 – red “amp” design).

    Not bad for less than $5 / poster (including shipping). Plus, I big “shot in the arm” for my gig poster collection…



    wow, that was a great deal. those were all selling individually and the prices, as far as i remember, were sky high ($20-30 each). while i don’t find them as nearly as beautiful as the others, the whole set is gorgeous (i never realized until now that they’re from one set/tour, although they’re all aesthetically similar). i used the keys-in-hand one and the orange/guitar as twitter avatars between last and this year and i still use the lps with green background as a blogger avatar.

    well, i just came here to say that my essence tour t-shirt arrived – 4 months later – and it’s astoundingly beautiful.


    Coincidentally, PDL, the posters arrived today to coincide with your reply. And, it was an even better deal than I thought. There were actually 15 postes included – the red “amp” design was there after all! So, all I am missing from the complete set of 17 is the “skull” design one from the Greenfield, MA show on 8/17!

    I do indeed agree with you that this set of posters are not as beautiful as many of the others I already have in my collection. That was part of the reason why I hadn’t gotten any more of them than the one from Atlanta (that, and the cost of buying 16 posters individually at $15 – $20 apiece). But, now that I have seen them in person, they are still really cool in a minimalist kind of way. The colors are vibrant, and the posters are all professionally silk-screened on heavy poster stock. The set is all in near-mint to mint condition, and all are numbered 11/100. I’m VERY happy with my purchase.

    The only downside is now I have 15 MORE Lu gig posters to get framed! Just these 15 would easily cost over $1000 to have professionally matted and framed! Even without the mats, the cost is so high. I have some workshop space in my basement & already have a nice power miter saw. I’ve been thinking about getting the other equipment I need to frame them myself. The materials are MUCH cheaper to buy, and, from what I have read on the Internet, framing is relatively easy if you have the right tools…



    Another gig poster I don’t think has been displayed in this thread or in the PHOTOS section of the forum.
    It’s entitled “Sleepy Lucinda”
    from Stubb’s BBQ Austin with the Heartless Bastards March 9, 2007[attachment=0:3qhwb152]SleepyLucinda2007.jpg[/attachment:3qhwb152]


    @LWjetta wrote:

    Another gig poster I don’t think has been displayed in this thread or in the PHOTOS section of the forum.
    It’s entitled “Sleepy Lucinda”
    from Stubb’s BBQ Austin with the Heartless Bastards March 9, 2007

    Yeah, I have that one in my collection – one of my (many) favorites…



    Here is the above-pictured “rooster” poster for sale on eBay for $25 if anyone else is interested. I’d jump on it, but my Lu gig poster-collecting is “on hold” for the time-being…



    @tntracy wrote:

    I’d jump on it, but my Lu gig poster-collecting is “on hold” for the time-being…

    I lied. I held out all of 6 hours. I had to have it – the art work is just too cool… 😳



    That is a good lookin poster.


    @ParkerCA wrote:

    That is a good lookin poster.

    I know – I love it.

    It is by Scrojo. Check out some of his other work here. (Link goes to the web site of the eBay seller I bought the poster from…) Note that this page links to more pages w/ TONS of his work. Amazing stuff…



    Here is another Lu gig poster by Scrojo…

    I don’t have this one in my collection…..yet. 😈



    And a third one (that I also do not yet have)…

    All three of these posters were posted & commented on earlier in this thread…



    Well, the “Rooster” poster showed up again in eBay today (from the same seller), but a certain someone from this forum has already snapped it up… 😆



    @tntracy wrote:

    Well, the “Rooster” poster showed up again in eBay today (from the same seller), but a certain someone from this forum has already snapped it up… 😆


    …going, going, gone!

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