lucinda williams self titled cd

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  • #28812

    HI, I am looking for a copy of Lucinda Williams self titled cd to buy for a reasonable price Hopefully under $40.00. Know where I can buy one new or slightly used?? Anyone??

    Thanks everyone.


    All I Ask

    Is that $40 canadian ? HA ! Just kidding. I got mine from BMG for prolly $10 (US). I’m sure i’ve seen that CD in US stores for under $20. Have you tried your local stores that sell CD’s ? Amazon dot com ? I’m thinkin’ it should be available somwhere…


    I was able to find one at, brand new for 21.99, nothing else cheaper than that! Not even used. Thanks 😀 😀 😀

    All I Ask

    Sweet ! My copy has extra tracks. Some live stuff including ‘Sundays’. Does yours have the same ?


    I don’t know yet since I’m waiting for the cd to arrive. Had to get it shipped to my canadian addy then being shipped her to the US, I’ll let you know as soon as I get it. Also, I paid 21.99 canadian not US lol 😀

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