Lucinda to be on Austin City Limits 22 Dec?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Lucinda to be on Austin City Limits 22 Dec?

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    hopefully they’ll show it here in okiehoma but who knows?
    ps: this is my 12th try to post at the site, what a pain!


    I e-mailed the Austin PBS station a few weeks ago about Dec 22. Here was the response at the time:

    That’s correct. To be more precise, it’s the day the Lucinda episode (in which she’s paired with Old Crow Medicine Show) feeds to PBS stations. Her fans will need to check with their local stations for actual days and times (though we certainly hope it’s the same day as the feed date). Thanks for asking.
    Michael Toland
    Manager, National Productions
    KLRU-TV, Austin PBS


    I’ve checked with the two PBS stations in Boston, and it is not scheduled to be shown! Major bummer. And they’ve always tried to portray themselves as one of the top PBS outlets in the country!


    @Tim wrote:

    I’ve checked with the two PBS stations in Boston, and it is not scheduled to be shown! Major bummer. And they’ve always tried to portray themselves as one of the top PBS outlets in the country!

    Next time they have a “Beg-a-thon” (i.e., pledge drive), call ’em up & tell them you’d have donated but they didn’t air the Lucinda ACL… 😉



    Great suggestion Tom! Thank you.


    wahoo! looks like we’re gonna get it here on Thurs 27 Dec 10:30pm.
    gotta get the vcr programmed!


    VCR, what’s that? Just kidding. I’m excited about the show, and really looking forward to the next album/tour. Yeah, I said album…old habits die hard.


    Hi guy’s not much chance of getting this show in Scotland
    so if anybody has a copy on disc , Would cover your expenses. 😥


    they rocked the joint, and so did the Old crow Medicine Show.
    i like the new guitar player. does this mean Doug is on his way out?

    Inside Job

    Not in any way- it means Lucinda has two guitar players, and as a result a band that she loves– and believes is the best one she’s ever had.


    That is good to hear. I hope Lu sticks with this current lineup, including Chet. With a tour under their belt, next year looks great. Please consider Buffalo’s TownBallroom next time around…not as “nice” as UB, but definately less “stuffy”. In my humble opinion.
    ps 2 night stand would be heaven. inside job… Thanks for all you do.


    I have this performance on DVD-R, which also includes Lu’s performances on Letterman and Leno from earlier in the year (“Are You Alright” and “Everything Has Changed”). If anyone would like a trade, PM me. Hopefully the full set gets released on DVD soon, but till then this makes a nice substitute for anyone who wasn’t able to tune in.

    p.s. if you PM me, please be patient; i’m not online much, but I will respond! Thx.

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