Lucinda sings Dylan

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  • #29207

    Here is a recent posting:


    Thanks for that link, Tim.

    Hey, Lu, how ’bout doing “Meet Me in the Morning” ❓ 8)


    You’re welcome, Lefty. “Meet Me In The Morning” would be great. I was lucky enough to be at the Greensboro, NC show last September when she ended a great show with “Masters Of War”. I still can’t get it out of my head. It was bonechilling.


    just bought my ticket, thanks for the heads up Tim!
    i went to see the exhibit a few weeks ago and it was so packed i left without being able to park!


    Meet Me in the Morning
    First Release: Blood on the Tracks (1975)

    Meet me in the morning, 56th and Wabasha
    Meet me in the morning, 56th and Wabasha
    Honey, we could be in Kansas
    By time the snow begins to thaw.

    They say the darkest hour is right before the dawn
    They say the darkest hour is right before the dawn
    But you wouldn’t know it by me
    Every day’s been darkness since you been gone.

    Little rooster crowin’, there must be something on his mind
    Little rooster crowin’, there must be something on his mind
    Well, I feel just like that rooster
    Honey, ya treat me so unkind.

    The birds are flyin’ low babe, honey I feel so exposed
    Well, the birds are flyin’ low babe, honey I feel so exposed
    Well now, I ain’t got any matches
    And the station doors are closed.

    Well, I struggled through barbed wire, felt the hail fall from above
    Well, I struggled through barbed wire, felt the hail fall from above
    Well, you know I even outran the hound dogs
    Honey, you know I’ve earned your love.

    Look at the sun sinkin’ like a ship
    Look at the sun sinkin’ like a ship
    Ain’t that just like my heart, babe
    When you kissed my lips?

    Copyright © 1974 Ram’s Horn Music

    Inside Job

    Must be some psychics around here–Lucinda got up during Tim Easton’s set at SXSW and sang Meet Me In The Morning–maybe it could happen again?


    Didn’t know that about SXSW, I-Job.
    I do think that’s a great Dylan song for Lucinda, imho.


    Lefty, you have some hidden powers!


    If only, Tim, if only…


    @Inside Job wrote:

    Must be some psychics around here–Lucinda got up during Tim Easton’s set at SXSW and sang Meet Me In The Morning–maybe it could happen again?

    LU was at SXSW?!!!!! if i had only known 🙁
    the whole festival was great, but seeing her perform there would have made it perfect.
    i did get to meet Alejandro Escoveda, but LU would have blown my mind!


    Inspired song choice, Lu does great Dylan covers (her early 90’s versions of Positively Fourth Street are also awesome…this from someone with a thinly veiled Dylan reference username.


    Her version of Positively 4th Street is very good.

    I would love to see her go on tour with Dylan again. They could duet on “Jailhouse Tears”! or any of his songs. At that point, I don’t think I’d be that picky.

    Disco Stu

    Wow, I’d love to hear her sing Meet Me in the Morning. I’d really love for her to tour with Dylan again. Since it seems that in the past few years he’s preferred a co-headliner, which has been great in some cases (Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, The Raconteurs, Elvis Costello) and not so great in others (Kings of Leon, Foo Fighters), I would absolutely love it if Lucinda toured with him. It would make it easier to justify going to more shows, too, since it would really be two shows for the price of one. 😀

    As far as potential duets, I’m not picky, I’d love to hear them sing anything together. It would be particularly cool if they did a duet of one of her songs, since it’s so rare that he does a cover anymore. (And unfortunately, so rare that he does a duet at all, despite all of the openers and co-headliners).


    I wasn’t impressed with “Kings of Leon”. The willie shows were good but I think I got tired of them quickly.

    Speaking of Dylan covers, did you go to any shows in 99-01 where he would do several old country/bluegrass covers? I loved those.

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