Lucinda-old Tribe Forum

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  • #30092

    Here is a link to a short-lived discussion forum from 2005-2007
    Lists 75 active members. Click on them to see the detailed listing. Recognize anyone listed on the current Forum?
    One member was dedicated to the name of our current forum SonO.
    If you click on the photo section there are some great ones including this with Lu in sneakers that I’ve posted below. Also loved the artwork in the photo section re. a concert in Athens, GA-The Bottle Rockets on tour with Lucinda.
    I wonder who designs these posters ?
    Now I wonder if Lu is still wearing the same sneakers from this photo which was taken from the Ra-Cha-Cha concert in March 2009. ( Nope-the sneakers are different )

    Finally here is the Tribe Forum Link.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    Also loved the artwork in the photo section re. a concert in Athens, GA-The Bottle Rockets on tour with Lucinda.
    I wonder wWho designs these posters ?

    I was at that show & I have that poster in my collection – it is my favorite. I LOVE the artwork…


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