Lucinda Lilith Fair 2010?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Lucinda Lilith Fair 2010?

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    This Festival ran in many cities from 1997 thru 1999.
    It is called “A Celebration of Women in Music” and was founded by Sarah McLachlan.

    It is scheduled to re-appear in 2010 and many singers are slated to appear.
    Hear is the web site

    And Here is one spectator’s comment on Lucinda who appeared in the 1998 Festival in Austin, TX
    I headed over solo to the second stage, and found a place to sit just as Lucinda Williams appeared. For the next 45 minutes, I was in heaven. She was the anti-Lilith Fair, music with spirit and bite and roughness and rhythm!! Incredible. Her band was incredible as well, with Bo Ramsey on electric guitar. She complained at one point that some were telling her to not wear anything too “country,” so that she won’t be categorized as twang. Her response was, “Twang this.” The crowd was screaming for more, but she was locked into the Lilith timeline — no encores, stay on schedule. If you are foolish enough not to own her latest CD, your life is an empty shell.End Quote.
    I see from several comments on the Web, that many are saying the list is not complete without Lucinda.
    Well, TOverby, can you book her in ?


    I hope Lucinda would consider playing Lilith Fair in Atlanta, GA! If so, I will be there front and center, ready to rock out, and bring that “twang”! : )


    LJ–As far as I know there hasn’t been an offer, and while they haven’t posted dates yet, she will probably be tied up finishing the new record.

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