Lucinda at Blackberry Farm

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Lucinda at Blackberry Farm

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    (NASHVILLE, Tenn.) Jan. 21, 2014 – Lucinda Williams will headline the 4th annual Americana Spring Celebration, to be held March 21-22, 2014 at Blackberry Farm, a world-class luxury resort breathtakingly situated in the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee.


    @paul_from_losangeles wrote:

    (NASHVILLE, Tenn.) Jan. 21, 2014 – Lucinda Williams will headline the 4th annual Americana Spring Celebration, to be held March 21-22, 2014 at Blackberry Farm, a world-class luxury resort breathtakingly situated in the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee.

    Elizabeth Cook is mighty fine too and should be appearing with her husband/guitarist Tim Carroll (who co-wrote some with the late Duane Jarvis), and also former Midnight Oil bassist Bones Hillman.


    This event looks amazing! The cost of the packages? Truly a fundraiser. The prices are way out of my league.

    Has anyone been to Blackberry Farms before? I’ve seen photos and video clips. The place looks amazing ~ will be a nice little weekend for Lu & TO.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    This event looks amazing! The cost of the packages? Truly a fundraiser. The prices are way out of my league.

    Has anyone been to Blackberry Farms before? I’ve seen photos and video clips. The place looks amazing ~ will be a nice little weekend for Lu & TO.

    Oh, come on, Ms. Big Bucks. I figure if we get 7-8 Forum members to chip in life savings, we can take the Smoky Mtns. by storm all weekend. Who’s in–Mr. Moderators Past and Present? The California delegation? East TN sure is purty by springtime. . . .


    A pic from Blackberry Farm.
    I am assuming from FF member’s post on Elizabeth Cook that Friday night was Elizabeth’s with a full set and Saturday night was Lu’s. So I’m sure vmorris will chime in.

    Sure hope Lu and group weren’t relegated to tour bus accommodation and enjoyed themselves at this luxury resort.



    1 Can’t Let Go [with much talk of Lonesome Strangers’ “cowpunk” kind of music–“country music stepped up”]
    2 The Night’s Too Long
    3 I Lost It
    4 Pineola [before which Lu transliterates the Univ. of Arkansas fight song: roughly, “oooh. . . Pigs. . . su-eeeeeey”]
    5 Drunken Angel [longest intro I’ve ever heard on this, including the image of a bullet-struck Blaze Foley chasing down an ambulance outside a bar–also, Lu mentions the fan who once bared her lower back so that Lu could write the words “Drunken Angel” on it, later to be tattooed there permanently]
    6 Lake Charles
    7 Greenville
    8 Blue
    9 Make the World Go Away [Hank Cochran]
    10 It’s Hard to Take This Old Heartache [after which Stuart Mathis is dubbed a “sweetheart”]
    11 Overtime
    12 Down the Big Road Blues
    13 Disgusted
    14 Something Wicked This Way Comes [not even on the printed setlist!]
    15 Changed the Locks
    16 Joy
    17 Get Right with God [with Elizabeth Cook on high background harmony]

    We got extra songs, since Lu did both options on the setlist a couple of times, plus “Wicked,”

    This was a duo show, with Stuart. Those of us who remained conscious and mobile by the encore enjoyed the proceedings immensely: let’s call it mainly a “resort audience” and leave that there. Jed from the Americana Music Ass. reckoned in his intro that Lu had probably not played for a 125-50 person audience in years, but I suspect that Maine double and the OK City Blue Door double weren’t much above that, though I didn’t see those shows. I can verify that the OK venue, however, is substantially grittier than last night’s “Barn”-in-name-only house.

    “Chime” away vmorris: you have much to add and “chime” about.


    Great report Stoger!


    Yes, Stoger, the venue was quite civilized! None of the bartenders had visible tattoos or body piercings or dreadlocks, no one tried to snake your spot in front of the stage when you went to get a drink or go to the restroom (er, to the “water closet” in Blackberry Farm parlance), and I didn’t see a single person throw up or hear anyone yell “f*ck, yeah!” while spilling their drink on me. This was a novel concert experience for me 🙂 The one constant, as always, was Lucinda’s voice, words and spirit, and Stuart’s mad guitar skills. As much as I loved the show, food, drink, company and venue, I am looking forward to crowded, hot and loud at the Orange Peel on May 30th! It was great of Lucinda and crew to do this benefit gig — such a great cause that hopefully will make a difference in the lives of Americana musicians as a result. Love, Peace and Revolution! Vmorris (I wish I had come up with a snazzier handle when I signed up for the forum… like “BlessedGirl” or “Sylvia”)


    Mighty fine reporting stoger and vmorris(aka BlessedGirl/Sylvia)

    Jed from the Americana Music CENSORED.
    Just wondering stoger what the underlined meaning is to your choice of CENSORED.



    Here’s “Get Right With God” with Lu and Elizabeth from the Barn.



    @LWjetta wrote:

    Mighty fine reporting stoger and vmorris(aka BlessedGirl/Sylvia)

    Jed from the Americana Music CENSORED.
    Just wondering stoger what the underlined meaning is to your choice of CENSORED.


    The 3 letter abbreviation for association


    Thanks for this video posting of Get Right With God at B-Farm. I like that you can see the white tablecloths and votive candles on the tables. You can’t really tell, but there is an older gentleman sitting at the table to Stuart’s right and he is wearing a suit jacket and bow tie… very cute! I remember thinking that night that you don’t see nearly enough bow ties at concerts these days 🙂

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