Lu Performing at "United Sounds of Austin"; Jan 11, 2014

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Lu Performing at "United Sounds of Austin"; Jan 11, 2014

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    Lu and a host of additional music guests will be performing in Austin, TX with headliner Alejandro Escovedo on Jan 11, 2014. Hat tip to West Words via facebook. 8)


    Sounds great! time to enjoy some real music and to remember our good friends. Lucinda will be the shining star like always. I wish to be able to be there in January 11th 2014.


    I plan on being there. Should be a great show with Lu, Joe Ely and of course the wonderful Alejandro.


    FC356-Looking forward to your report from the Moody Theatre.
    Also perhaps stoger and West Words were rumored to attend.



    A review from last night Austin 360

    First Lu’s contributions, an excerpt from the article.

    A pairing of Lucinda Williams with Roky Erickson on Roky’s “Starry Eyes” might have been magic but turned into a sonic trainwreck; even so, just seeing the two onstage together was a moment to remember.
    The video.

    Tributes to departed artists abounded as well. Williams paid respects to two ill-fated Texas legends, Janis Joplin and Blaze Foley, with her songs “Port Arthur” and “Drunken Angel.”

    The full review



    @LWjetta wrote:

    A review from last night Austin 360

    First Lu’s contributions, an excerpt from the article.

    A pairing of Lucinda Williams with Roky Erickson on Roky’s “Starry Eyes” might have been magic but turned into a sonic trainwreck; even so, just seeing the two onstage together was a moment to remember.
    The video.

    Tributes to departed artists abounded as well. Williams paid respects to two ill-fated Texas legends, Janis Joplin and Blaze Foley, with her songs “Port Arthur” and “Drunken Angel.”

    The full review


    Well, “trainwreck” might be a bit strong for the duo which ended set one (about 40 minutes behind schedule), but Lu did wander from one mike to another (and back) before she settled in on background. Erickson seems pretty legendary in these parts (band member of the . . . Elevators), but he has a history of mental instability (well documented, I’m not speaking out of turn here), which might have contributed. At any rate, his mini-set was cut from three songs to two, but that might have been in the interest of time. I believe Joe Ely was cut by one song, and there was no final ensemble encore of “London Homesick Blues” as the programme mentioned. Perhaps there was an 11:30 curfew, whether hard or soft.

    “Port Arthur” was the sixth song of the evening, called by Lu a “new song” (do we know different Lafayette? Was it 2012 or 2011 even in Cleveland?). The phrase “call me Pearl” got quite a reaction from the crowd. Kimmie Rhodes sang harmony, and the house band stayed on for it, sans bassist. Some kind of guitar tech figure hit a lick or two before handing it over to Lu upon her walk-on, not anybody I recognized.

    “Lake Charles” was done later in first set, with an accordionist who I think did not appear for the rest of the evening. Again, the bass player retreated but all other house band members stayed. Lu specifically said she lived with Clyde for 4 years in Austin. She also praised the whole event, honoring the “scope and incredible beauty of the music out of Texas.”

    In second set, we got “Drunken Angel” and “I Lost It” back to back, with standard short intros for each. On both tunes, the full house band played, plus Rhodes/Flores/Escovedo all three on harmony.

    Lu remained on stage after “I Lost It” to sing background on Terry Allen’s “new Delhi Freight Train.” His “Dogwood” (solo piano) from set one was one of the highlights of the evening.

    Other highlights: Rosie Flores on the Lavelle White song “If I Could Be with You.” A serviceable “Tower Song” from Townes’ son J.T. Butch Hancock on three or so, though not “Sharp Cutting Wings” which he recorded years ago. Lu’s friend Margaret Moser gave some great oral history on the Austin scene, as did a couple of other speakers.

    Great stuff, but this is the self-titled/Rough Trade big week after all. Waterloo should give us that. Meanwhile, I (if not Lu and Tom) will be in the crowd for certain musicians this afternoon at Saxon Pub (see lwj’s post in another thread).


    @stoger wrote:

    “Port Arthur” was the sixth song of the evening, called by Lu a “new song” (do we know different Lafayette? Was it 2012 or 2011 even in Cleveland?). The phrase “call me Pearl” got quite a reaction from the crowd. Kimmie Rhodes sang harmony, and the house band stayed on for it, sans bassist. Some kind of guitar tech figure hit a lick or two before handing it over to Lu upon her walk-on, not anybody I recognized.

    Back up a few years prior to your 2011/2012 time frame guess.

    November 14, 2009.

    I love this song. Always will. We saw the birth of it that evening, a little over 4 years ago. The song was so new she didn’t even have a title, pondering on stage, saying she may call it “Difficult Child.” The title evolved to “Port Arthur.”

    Thanks so much for the detailed report!


    @Lafayette wrote:

    @stoger wrote:

    “Port Arthur” was the sixth song of the evening, called by Lu a “new song” (do we know different Lafayette? Was it 2012 or 2011 even in Cleveland?). The phrase “call me Pearl” got quite a reaction from the crowd. Kimmie Rhodes sang harmony, and the house band stayed on for it, sans bassist. Some kind of guitar tech figure hit a lick or two before handing it over to Lu upon her walk-on, not anybody I recognized.

    Back up a few years prior to your 2011/2012 time frame guess.

    November 14, 2009.

    I love this song. Always will. We saw the birth of it that evening, a little over 4 years ago. The song was so new she didn’t even have a title, pondering on stage, saying she may call it “Difficult Child.” The title evolved to “Port Arthur.”

    2009? Oh my God. Have we been buddies for that long, Lafayette? Geez. Still, a song not yet on a Lu record is a “new” one, in some sense. It’s a beautiful tune.

    Thanks so much for the detailed report!


    Feb 28, 2009. The Tabernacle. Atlanta, GA.

    The four horseman, all in one room. I met West Words, off to my left, first, and then you (stoger) approached me as TNT held your ‘front row’ center ‘seats.’ I ditched West Words 😆 as she didn’t want to move. Ah, but we reunited later that year in Minneapolis.


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