Lu @ Pappy & Harriets November 2

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Lu @ Pappy & Harriets November 2

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    Just be informed; per the link below, besides Lucinda and Sara Petite, there are 2 additional acts: Brawley and Nena Anderson. Remember that 2 AM reverts to 1 AM after the show.


    I meant Crying. Whatever, those are joyful tears..

    And while I’m at it, though I don’t post here too often, I feel familiar with many of you regulars and do visit here regularly. So hopefully might meet a few of youse as well. I’ll be the guy with the brass knobbed walking stick, Irish newsboy wool cap, and a smile. The Leisurnaut looks way better than me, so we should be easy to spot. There’s some out of date but still us material on reverbnation/ and a photo or something like that. Don’t be shy.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    Lots of interesting tidbits from the Forum on this prior to the show including airports, accommodations, food, the weather and lack of internet, so we should expect some superb reports from the desert.
    Should be a good one with Sara Petite opening but who will be on guitar Stuart or Doug ?


    Er–ahem–I don’t think Sara Petite is opening at all, though I hope I’m wrong. She is sitting in indoors with the _____ Band after Lu’s set, I think. But perhaps I missed something in the various links. Be surprised, my mantra.


    Jstreet, I am a self-appointed expert on Paso Robles wineries, so talk to me about this.


    Great show. On at 8:15 off at 9:55. Remarks tomorrow. The set list:

    Can’t Let Go
    Metal Firecracker
    People Talking
    Crescent City
    Drunken Angel
    I Lost It
    Something Wicked This Way Comes
    Out of Touch
    Real Live Bleeding Fingers
    Come On
    Insufferable Me
    Honey Bee

    It’s Not My Cross To Bear
    Rocking in the Free World


    Thanks, tonyg, for the setlist. I attended the show, along with Forum contributors stoger, Jstreet, stellablueee, tonyg, and grumpymama.

    The band featured David Sutton on bass, Butch Norton on drums, Stuart Mathis on guitars stage-left, and Greg Leisz on guitars stage-right.

    A sold-out audience outside for Lucinda’s show, with other folks inside, waiting for 3 acts to perform after Lucinda’s set.


    It was a fun night in the desert. The twin guitar approach brought loud rock music to my ears. Big crowd, many of whom enjoyed many cigarettes and cigars and blew the smoke in my general direction. It started to get nippy around 9:30 I thought. I was standing off to the side of the stage occupied by Greg Leisz and enjoyed his playing. Lu was in great voice and spirits and chatted at length with her fans after the show.

    Great to see the usual website suspects: Stoger, Grumpymama, Paul, Stellablueee, the band and Tom O. We were also please to meet Jstreet and his wife who made a 6 hour trek to see the show and gifted me with a bottle of wine. Thanks Bob and Diane! Thanks to Grumpymama who hosted Etienne, Stoger, and myself for a wine hour before the show in her rented shotgun shack that may have once house Charlie Manson, I don’t know.

    We rest this afternoon while watching football and then it is off to Northridge to see Lu for perhaps the last time this year.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Great show. On at 8:15 off at 9:55. Remarks tomorrow. The set list:

    Can’t Let Go
    Metal Firecracker
    People Talking
    Crescent City
    Drunken Angel
    I Lost It
    Something Wicked This Way Comes
    Out of Touch
    Real Live Bleeding Fingers
    Come On
    Insufferable Me
    Honey Bee

    It’s Not My Cross To Bear
    Rocking in the Free World

    Ha ha, what a Freudian slip on song number fourteen: I think most of us who know this poster would agree with his self-description as revealed by the listed title, a quite accurate adjective and pronoun 😀 Still, I believe it’s called “Unsuffer Me”–which was followed by Lu’s comment “That one is fun to do in the desert.”

    LOL all the way to the bank, i.e., the ride to NOrthridge tonight. I better not heckle our driver any further.


    Well I’m working on it. 😳


    Cross To Bear


    @tonyg wrote:

    . Thanks to Grumpymama who hosted Etienne, Stoger, and myself for a wine hour before the show in her rented shotgun shack that may have once house Charlie Manson, I don’t know.

    tonyg, you forgot to mention that you missed the turnoff to GrumpyMama’s shotgun shack.

    Here’s the proof thanks to your friend Etienne’s camera. 😆

    By the way, Etienne has posted several other videos on this desert trip. Never seen so many wind power poles in my life, and I’ll mention tonyg had Sirius on for music. NO LU.


    Jesus I’m going to kill this guy. ❗

    P.S. We listened to the Blessed CD and then switched over to Deep Tracks on SiriusXM, if that matters.


    I am not on the verge of homicide, but this is a bit dismaying. Tony, didn’t you mention that Etienne tends not to post on web sites or spend much time on computers?


    That was before he became unemployed. Now he is on it 24/7. I think he has been recruited by the NSA. He said he just listened to a conversation we had years ago at Zoeys or someplace.

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