Lu On Twitter?

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    A dispute with a LONE blogger from the former Soviet republic of Georgia has caused the disruption.

    I have noticed Lu has not been active on her twitter account. Perhaps she decided it’s just not for her.

    I wrote a blog a few days ago regarding Mr Mellencamp and following his tour via tweets.


    Does that mean us cave dwellers don’t have to learn how to tweet after all?


    You just may be safe in the confines of the cave, tonyg! 😯


    Tony, you may have to come out of the cave and play.

    2 posts just came thru from Lu ( one a tweet from Utrecht). Maybe she hasn’t thrown in the towel. Webmasta (gatekeeper of the iphone), why the delay on these tweets? I wonder if the twitter cyber attacks a few weeks ago are the issue at hand?

    HappyWoman9 Hey! Here I am! Hello, hello, hola, hola! Greetings from Lucinda in Utrechtp, Holland.


    Yikes. I await further developments. In the cave.


    As much as I love Lu, Lafayette, that message does nothing to entice me to become Twitter-active… 😉

    On a similar note, I thought this article was interesting (& pertinent!).

    Yours truly still firmly ensconced in the cave,

    Tom 😀


    Thx for the link. I do not need to read the “I am eating a sandwich now” tweets. But if there was a tweet that said “I am out at the bus now bored who wants to hang out?” I might want to consider that one.


    @tntracy wrote:

    As much as I love Lu, Lafayette, that message does nothing to entice me to become Twitter-active… 😉

    On a similar note, I thought this article was interesting (& pertinent!).

    Yours truly still firmly ensconced in the cave,

    Tom 😀

    Agreed, Tom!

    I only posted to point out she was still tweeting while on tour overseas, however, that tweet didn’t come through until yesterday. I thought it odd.

    The one most interesting tweet I have seen from Lu involved her meeting Nora Guthrie, that’s the stuff I’m talking about. I would love to have seen some tweets from her show at the Greek with Elvis, if she is in the studio, pictures of the band, pictures of her, what she is doing on her days off (like the tourist stuff she talked about at the one show), etc etc.

    I give her props for effort, I hope she continues, and maybe one day ya’ll will come out of the cave 😛


    @tntracy wrote:

    As much as I love Lu, Lafayette, that message does nothing to entice me to become Twitter-active… 😉

    On a similar note, I thought this article was interesting (& pertinent!).

    Yours truly still firmly ensconced in the cave,

    Tom 😀

    As a counterpoint, my friend, the Iranian protestors, I think, would heartily disagree with the context of that article. However, I myself, half agree with it, if that makes sense.

    For me, it’s fun and sometimes even informative, and I have found articles from news sources I follow that I probably wouldn’t have found otherwise.

    With much respect, hugs and kisses, 🙂



    @Lafayette wrote:

    As a counterpoint, my friend, the Iranian protestors, I think, would heartily disagree with the context of that article.

    Oh yeah, very good point. I suppose they were not tweeting what they had for lunch, now were they? 😉 I know I’m being stubborn, but, as an old curmudgeon, I reserve that right… 😆

    Tweet on, CB, Tweet on!



    Oh yeah, very good point. I suppose they were not tweeting what they had for lunch, now were they? 😉

    😆 😆 😆

    Lu tweeted the other day about the Greek show 😉

    “Had so much fun singing with Elvis at the Greek. He is such a sweetheart. Maybe the two of us will do something next year. Would be fun. “

    I sent her an @reply suggesting Elvis’s Spectacle series. I believe it was picked up for another season on the Sundance channel.Wouldn’t that be cool?


    @Lafayette wrote:

    “Had so much fun singing with Elvis at the Greek. He is such a sweetheart. Maybe the two of us will do something next year. Would be fun. “

    Now that, I must admit, is a newsworthy Tweet as opposed to “I had a ham sandwich for lunch today.” Almost enough to make me want to sign-up for Twitter.

    But not quite… :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:



    I know I’m being stubborn, but, as an old curmudgeon, I reserve that right…

    Not so sure there is much difference between this message board and Twitter–I think the difference lies only in the delay in posting, the number of characters available for a post, and simple semantics, actually. Lot’s of postings here are “ham sandwich” in nature and actual content…Right?


    I have to agree with DavidInMaine on the “ham sandwich” comment. There are many great nuggets of info and fun trivia on this forum, and some really keen and provocative observations…….but often we have to wade through some “ham sandwich” comments to get to the good stuff.


    I will be in Minneapolis and for those of you not able to attend the wedding and are clamoring for details, I will be tweeting the night away. I’m not sure how much I will be tweeting (obviously won’t be on the phone with stylus in hand distracting Lu) but I will try to tweet as the night progresses. Also, will not guarantee no “ham sandwich” comments. Knowing me, there will be those types of comments.

    Here is my twitter url. I really don’t know how to post pics, however, that is next on my list to learn. I just prevailed with my recent new birthday present (iphone knockoff) and sent a tweet from my phone. My previous dinosaur of a phone didn’t have the technology to accomodate.

    Could be a good time to come out of the cave and play!

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