Lu On Twitter?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Lu On Twitter?

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    I haven’t yet. Don’t know how. 🙁


    @Lefty wrote:

    You have to have one of those wireless phone thingies to do Tweeting, right, guys? 😕

    I think that’s the ultimate “Twitter” idea, Lefty – quick messages sent from a mobile device to your “followers” who may be following on other mobile devices or non-mobile computers. If they too are on the former (i.e., mobile devices), they can immediately “Tweet” right back. Hence the nearly “real time” aspect of “Tweeting”.

    However, the way I see it (and someone correct me here if I am wrong), if you do not have a smartphone (or other mobile, Web-capable device), you have to be “shackled” to a non-mobile computer to send or receive “Tweets”. And therefore, in my mind, since I do not intend on sending “Tweets”, and am instead just interested in perhaps reading some of the “Tweets” Lu sends out, I do not need a Twitter account – I can just go to Lu’s Twitter page & see her “Tweets” (w/o logging in), or, as tonyg astutely pointed out, see them here at under “News” by virtue of the Twitter widget WebMASTA referenced.

    So, WebMASTA’s little dig that all “real” fans should register at notwithstanding (and I think I am as “real” of a Lu fan as they come), I am not planning on creating a Twitter account. I will just read Lu’s “Tweets” at my leisure when I am on my computer at home.

    Or am I missing something?



    Tweet of the week.

    independentrecs: thinks it got a tweet from Lucinda Williams but it couldn’t be, could it? it would be the best birthday present of all time


    @tonyg wrote:

    I haven’t yet. Don’t know how. 🙁

    Message me if you decide to come out of the cave. I can get you started with the basics.


    Thx Lafayette.

    I don’t think your missing anything Tom, if you don’t plan to message her. You may have your pom-poms confiscated, though. Something tells me the twitter thing won’t be quite as exciting a year from now and we will be on the the next great thing, like reading books. 🙄


    Nice pom-pom imagery, Tony. Arguably, the “real” fans are in a different camp (possibly even a diametrically opposed camp) from the “illusory” or “cyber” fans, if I may parse webMasta’s language (well-meaning language I think, but language which gets under my skin the more I ponder it) a bit. I know there’s some genuine crossover in camps, which is great. Let’s hope no one has a “real” heart attack after getting “cyber” or “illusory” quasi-words from Lucinda. I mean, all that’s fine and good, OK she acknowledges you in cybertime/space, but this talk of being overwhelmed or unworthy is a bit rankling, disingenuous. But I’m a curmudgeon, maybe.


    OK, I hate to post back to back in the same stream, but I’m now waving the white [cyber]flag of surrender to whomever (or whatever) is generating the approximately dozen-a-day Twitter invitations going into my private e-mail account–all under the same subject line. I give. No more sarcasm, no more anti-twit rhetoric. I love all things tw, truly madly and deeply.


    According to the Harvard Business School (no, I’m not a graduate, but I did take a couple of night classes at Harvey’s Business School):

    “On average, male Twitter users have 15% more followers than female Twitter users. The most ‘prolific’ Twitter users account for more than 90% of all tweets.”


    So Stoger has left the cave? Farewell.


    @tonyg wrote:

    So Stoger has left the cave? Farewell.

    I think not. I believe he is just asking (pleading?) for the Twitter invites to stop flooding his e-mail box.



    Wow… My choice of words were poor. So I first apologize to any and all the people on this board who come back over and over again and keep all dialogs going. I in no way meant any “Digs” at the “FANS” on this board and did not mean to imply that anyone was anything but if they did not begin to follow Lucinda on Twitter.

    Yes … it was more like a plea to get as many forum participants onto twitter. Only because the phenom of twitter has shown that soon followers of followers (LW’s followers) begin opt into following Lucinda and building a immediate communication base for her was our intention.

    The posting of Lucinda’s Twitter account on Lucinda’s facebook page got over 140 comments within 24hrs after 3 months of NO comments. And soon friends of friends of the fan page were opting in to following her. Now Lucinda has a direct way of communicating something that my just pop in her head and those who use twitter can share in that communication instantly.

    My poorly used choice of words was a plea to help Lucinda build an instant communication base.
    Not that anyone on this board is anymore or less a “Real Fan”.

    I’ve worked hard behind the scenes to keep this forum software upgraded, hosted and free of spam ( a difficult battle I might add) and I certainly hope it does not get replaced with anything anytime soon.
    Because I really love going back over time and seeing how people post to each other even when they disagree.

    Stoger, I made sure only ONE invite to Twitter was initiated via Twitter by reviewing the email list before it was submitted for the invites. If this continues please message me here and see that it is addressed.

    One more clarification… Twitter can be used with any of these… a computer, an SMS enabled phone and the iPhone.


    Good stuff Webbie. Nice name in red, too. We get a chuckle out of the “real fan” stuff. 🙂


    Appreciate your words, webMASTA. I feel sure you are doing much more good than harm as regards Lucinda, which is what this is all about. And the invites seem to have subsided, for now. Thanks.


    Oh, the humanity! 😥


    When will this ever end? 😕
    CB: Can you report on this from the frontlines?

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