Lu On Twitter?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Lu On Twitter?

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  • #39567

    @Lefty wrote:

    Wow, TNT…you…read……………….books ❓ 💡 ❗ 😯

    Heh heh! Yup. A lot, actually. See, all ya got’s to do is fan the flame on this here torch attached to the cave wall, then you have enough light to read these stone tablets. 😉



    Several things (and please know, everybody, that I’m enjoying the hell out of this stream, even though my comments may appear overly sarcastic at some times and overly literal at others because I’ve yet to figure out how to enable the smilies on this Forum):

    webMASTA, thank you. Lucinda “calls all [my] shots” too in some sense. I welcome the opportunity to be “patient and kind” with her even further as she “eases her way into” a world I’m not sure I want to enter myself. That image of Lucinda in the Rhineland “learning how to Tweet” instead of, say, visiting the former site of the Berlin Wall or the Hamburg clubs where the Beatles cut their teeth or whatever beer garden might be available to her is a priceless one. I guess it was no big deal that Lafayette gave part of Lucinda’s e-mail address a few posts ago, since you give the same portion here. I’m strongly considering rehabilitating that “Lucinda Williams Wants You to Follow Her on Twitter” subject line e-mail from my deleted file; meanwhile get those “squatters” and “midgets” up to speed (the visuals I got from those words were probably not what Twitter folk got).

    Lafayette, you are the Queen of T, truly. Your advocacy alone makes you, unlike that one anonymous Lu-twitting fan, “worthy to follow” Lucinda indeed.

    Paul, congratulations on “full-fledged” tweetdom (is there a “half-ass” option?). Now I know what you were doing in the aisles of the local Whole Foods stores by day in certain cities on Lucinda’s tour itinerary: Organic Flax Plus Multi-Bran sounds like a winner. Count me in your real-life “posse” any day, especially when we meet in the UK later in the month.

    TN Tracy, can you recommend me a good book? I like that Plato analogy in your last.

    That leaves Tony and Lefty, my fellow Cromagnons: keep bellowing proudly, guys.


    @stoger wrote:

    TN Tracy, can you recommend me a good book?

    At the risk of ignoring your admonishment to not take all your statements in this thread too literally stoger, I, in fact, can do just that. This past weekend I finished one of the most incredible books I have ever read: Clara’s War: One Girl’s Story of Survival by Clara Kramer. This is the true story of a 15-year old Polish Jewish girl who, along with 16 other family members and friends, lived 18 months hiding in the crawl space of a home occupied by an ethnic German & his wife who hid them during the Nazi occupation of their small southeastern Polish town. An incredibly moving story, it at once both reaffirmed and utterly refuted my somewhat jaded and often misanthropic view of humanity. An absolutely amazing book that I cannot recommend more highly.



    Eeesh, let me say I did not mention anything about email address, only that I recognized the account as something familiar to me …I don’t give up private information. I will carry on, stoger, but I have much to learn about tweeting the different applications available. I think a live chat on twitter is available, how cool would that be, with Lu at the wheel?

    I just checked Lu’s twitter account, she is tweeting stuff I think many of you here would love to read…I bet I have seen at least 4 tweets from people proclaiming Lu is on twitter now and to follow her. She has over 430 people following her since she first tweeted July 3. I love seeing she is working it.

    Ready to come out of the cave, yet???


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Ready to come out of the cave, yet???

    Meh. I really do abhor “signing up” for new online accounts in order to see content (I *still* do not have a Flickr account!). Given that, I suppose I will instead depend on secondhand reportage from my Twitter-able pals like you Lafayette… :mrgreen:



    I will throw you a mastadon bone, my friend (and friend of Lu’s from Atlanta).

    Lu met Nora Guthrie, Woody’s daughter, after the Ruddolstadt show. She wrote …”What a great spirit”

    On a sidenote, I personally had the wonderful opportunity to briefly meet Nora a few years ago at an ASCAP function in NYC. Mr. Mellencamp was presented ASCAP’s Champion Award with fan club members gaining entry through our membership. Nora presented the award to John. Afterwards, there was a reception, and I bumped into her. I thanked her for presenting the award to John (as Woody Guthrie, along with Bob Dylan, are among his biggest influences). She looked at me and said ” Oh, I would do anything for John.”

    The more I learn about Lu, the more I’m convinced she and John share many likes, right down to the crucifixes and crosses as pictured in her house.


    Cool stuff – Thanks, Lafayette!



    @tntracy wrote:

    @Lafayette wrote:

    Ready to come out of the cave, yet???

    Meh…I suppose I will instead depend on secondhand reportage from my Twitter-able pals like you Lafayette… Tom

    I’ll second that, TNT.
    You’re Twitterrific, CB 😀


    Cave dwellers,

    There is a link to LW’s Twitter posts on the News page of this website. You can read everything there, you just can’t post. I think that will work for me.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Cave dwellers,

    There is a link to LW’s Twitter posts on the News page of this website. You can read everything there, you just can’t post. I think that will work for me.

    For me too, Tony. But were you able to scroll up or down beyond a limited menu of words? I got “cont.” at top, mid-sentence, and an abrupt entry at bottom also. But maybe that’s the limited-character Tweeter way of things. At least one actual polysyllabic, compound word (“striptease”) was visible to me, should be thankful for such expansiveness I suppose.


    The reason the twitter widget on this site looks funny is because it is posting the tweets exactly as they were posted on Twitter. ….Out of order.

    For some reason the middle post (the first one in the series that Lu tweeted) came in after the second post which is on the bottom. The top post is her last tweet. Twitter by the way is buggy but people still use it because its become a great way to get lots of ideas across a cluttered information space.

    Lu’s first tweets are going to be as most peoples are, not used to the 140 character limit of twitter. So what if she had to use three tweets to say what she wanted. Hence the (Cont.)

    The decision to post a twitter widget on the site was for the fans who just want to see the posts and not have to go to twitter or use a twitter tool to follow her.

    If your a real fan you’ll join twitter, interact with her and be blown away when she responds.
    And then RT (repost her Tweets) to others so she can communicate directly to a larger audience.


    The Cavemen’s Club thanks you, WebMASTA! :mrgreen:


    Way to go WebMasta. There are real fans in the cave, so I guess we had better sign up.


    Yeah, that “real fan” challenge gets my attention, webMASTA. I’m still vacillating, though. Tony, did you cave?


    You have to have one of those wireless phone thingies to do Tweeting, right, guys? 😕

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