Lu On Twitter?

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    and, yes, i printscreened the whole thing. it’s even lovelier than an autograph, right?


    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    and, yes, i printscreened the whole thing. it’s even lovelier than an autograph, right?

    It’s what makes you happy, so yes, lovelier than an autograph. Actually, it’s very cool!

    I have found a free website translator for foreign languages. Very easy to use since I am now following you.


    My favorite Lu tweet over the past few days (other than punchdrunklove’s proclamation CWOAGR is a song that makes you want to take your clothes off 😀 ) is this…

    svnk: Great festival. I was suprised how amazing lucinda williams was. Next stop isis. I better bring my earplugs #Roskilde


    Hunh? I’m with you, TN Tracy: after reading the last half dozen posts in this stream, I’m unsure if the Lu account is “fake” or “real.” As someone said during the stream, really doesn’t matter. Soldier on, let’s, in a twit-free world.


    I can tell you the Twitter account is real.
    Why? Because Lucinda and Tom had me set up her Twitter page and add a Twitter widget here at for everyone to see her posts.

    As you all know this website site is NOT controlled by Lost Highway but by Lucinda herself who calls all the shots.

    Lu is in Germany right now with an iPhone learning how to Tweet so give her some time to get used to Twitter but rest assured the tweets are from her.

    The invite requests are generic requests from Twitter that are being sent to the email lists that she maintains.

    Some of you may notice the Happywoman9 is the same handle she uses for her personal email address.

    We are trying to get Twitter to do something about the squatter on @Lucindawilliams but in the end may not get it. Be patient and kind as Lu as Lucinda eases her way into Tweeting.


    Thank you, WEBMASTA, for the clarification!

    I have seen several tweets from twitters that are ecstatic she has an account. One proclaiming they weren’t worthy to follow her 😆

    Twitter, IMHO, is just a great avenue, personal and/or professional, for garnering more fans. It’s a good thing. It’s fun. It’s informative.

    Hell, yeah!


    OK I give up. How does one get started in this twittering business?


    @tonyg wrote:

    OK I give up. How does one get started in this twittering business?

    Aaacckk! Not you, too, tony?! What’s it going to be – – just stoger, TNT & me huddled in our cave?


    @Lefty wrote:

    Aaacckk! Not you, too, tony?! What’s it going to be – – just stoger, TNT & me huddled in our cave?

    Hey Lefty, pass me your club. This mastodon meat needs some tenderizin’… 😀



    @tntracy wrote:

    @Lefty wrote:

    Aaacckk! Not you, too, tony?! What’s it going to be – – just stoger, TNT & me huddled in our cave?

    Hey Lefty, pass me your club. This mastodon meat needs some tenderizin’… 😀




    You guys are a big help. I guess I will remain tweetless.


    Yay! Welcome back into the cave, brutha. 🙂


    Hey, Tonyg, I recently joined twitter, even though I don’t understand it. Just go to, and select “Get Started–Join”, enter a screen name and password, and you become a full-fledged tweeter. I did select to follow Lucinda, and some people I don’t know are following me–I’m sure they’re quite bored, since I don’t tweet anything.

    I really don’t understand why anyone would care when I brush my teeth, or how many flakes of “Nature’s Path” Organic Flax Plus MultiBran cereal I have for breakfast, but I guess some people enjoy telling the world those things.

    Anyway, I guess it’s useful if you have a posse of admirers living their lives vicariously through your activities. I don’t have that luxury.

    Start tweeting!!


    @paul_from_losangeles wrote:

    I really don’t understand why anyone would care when I brush my teeth, or how many flakes of “Nature’s Path” Organic Flax Plus MultiBran cereal I have for breakfast, but I guess some people enjoy telling the world those things.

    Exactly. And, as much as I love Lucinda’s music, I don’t care to track the mundane details of her, or anyone else’s, life. I still just don’t get it. But, I suppose it is just the latest manifestation of the “social networking” craze and, like all fads, is sure to fade away at some point in the not too distant future. Coincidentally, I am in the middle of reading a fascinating book, The Narcissism Epidemic – Living in the Age of Entitlement by Jean M. Twenge Ph.D. & W. Keith Campbell Ph.D. which discusses social networking (as well as many, many other recent cultural phenomena) and makes the hypothesis that their popularity is related to the ever-increasing emphasis on “self-esteem” & “self worth” in our culture since the 70’s. Interesting stuff, and thought provoking as well.

    (As a disclaimer, I am not inferring that anyone & everyone who “Tweets” or “Facebooks” (is that a verb?) is guilty of narcissism or rampant egotism. Just mentioning that I am reading a book that makes the case that the way many people use these social networking sites is one possible manifestation of an increasing emphasis on the self in our contemporary culture).



    Wow, TNT…you…read……………….books ❓ 💡 ❗ 😯

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