Lu On Twitter?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Lu On Twitter?

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    I love it that Lu gets out to shows…

    SteveConteNYC chatted w/ Lucinda Williams after the Dolls show…she was gushing about how we are the only great rock & roll band left…and she’s right!


    Has Lu ever dueted with David Johansen? That, imho, would be a memorable performance. 8)


    Three positive tweets found on recent Lu shows…

    RTtucson Saw Lucinda Williams at the Rialto last night. Truly one of the best concerts I’ve attended. Thanks Lucinda!

    SUNDEVILFLYBOY Working the Lucinda Williams Concert at the Mesa Arts Center…Her band Buick Six actually isn’t that bad!

    GrantWoods Just saw Lucinda Williams in concert. She’s one of the great poet/songwriters of our time. Here’s a sample of… ♫


    Found this preview for Madison Theater show on twitter. The hyperlink is not being kind with the dark font. Try copying and pasting the link instead. No new revelations in the article but good to see it is being promoted as such.


    Someone loved Milwaukee show…

    sweetusoapia “Thinking about how much I love Lucinda Williams & her band Buick 6. Last nights show ROCKED!”


    Are people who twitter called twits?


    As I wait on Stoger’s Indianapolis setlist and show report, I saw this awesome tweet about tonight’s show. Hell, yeah!

    NightjarSongs “hasn’t seem The Vogue that packed for a concert in awhile. Tuesday night no less. Thanks Lucinda Williams.”

    While I’m twittering, I’ll throw this gem in as well.

    pawn_sound ” lucinda williams is the sh*t” (edited to protect the innocent)


    Lu is receiving quite the tweets in regards to Thursday’s show from the press secretary to the governor of Oklahoma, Brad Henry. His twitter bio was the tell all. So far, three in all.

    PhilBacharach: What could possibly top yesterday’s Wilco show? Easy: Lucinda Williams on Thursday. What’s happened to my sleepy hometown?

    Lucinda Williams, coming to the Diamond Ballroom Thursday night … ♫

    Oh, another Lucdina Williams masterpiece, at her sexiest … ♫


    what about this:

    i’m being “followed” by her (and that’s got to do with the fact that i’m the only person that twitts about lucinda on a daily basis, and in a foreign, bizarre language). i don’t think this is a fake account. the thing that puzzles me is the lack of updates. maybe i’m just a blind fan.

    come to brazil, lucinda.


    I’m in.


    Well, I just got an e-mail in my PRIVATE account with the line “Lucinda Williams Wants You to Follow Her on Twitter.” Hmh. . . No big deal I guess, but curiously worded–and opening it did nothing to make me want to take the bite. “Hell no I won’t go” remains my mantra here, but someone’s trying. Any confessions, Lafayette?


    Well, stoger, I confess – not to sending you that message, of course, but to the fact that I went (i.e., to the Twitter link Lafayette posted above), and yet I still do not get it. Three messages were displayed there, none of which made any sense to me. Maybe it’s a generational mental block or something similar that I suffer from?



    Stoger, a change may be a comin’ for you. Personally, it looks legit to me. The account name “happywoman9” convinced me. I am following her and will report back if continued posts convince me even more.

    Here is information listed on her account. See what you think. HA, I love the “location” response.

    Name Lucinda Williams
    Location When Not On Tour…Los Angeles
    Web http://www.lucind…
    Bio My Official Twitter account. I’m a Singer Songwriter


    @tntracy wrote:

    Well, stoger, I confess – not to sending you that message, of course, but to the fact that I went (i.e., to the Twitter link Lafayette posted above), and yet I still do not get it. Three messages were displayed there, none of which made any sense to me. Maybe it’s a generational mental block or something similar that I suffer from?


    I can fill you in tnt. I’m guessing “lucinda” did a search and saw a post from semionato . She made an @ reply to him/her asking what language did they speak ( that reply goes back to that particular twitterer.) He then made an @ reply back to her, and in turn, she responded “very funny” to something that only she can see in her @reply inbox from semionato. Apparently, semionato is from Brazil and tweets about Lu daily. Very big fan. Right, semionato ? Oh, he speaks Portuguese and very bad English. Yes, I learned this by going back and forth on his twitter account.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    @tntracy wrote:

    Well, stoger, I confess – not to sending you that message, of course, but to the fact that I went (i.e., to the Twitter link Lafayette posted above), and yet I still do not get it. Three messages were displayed there, none of which made any sense to me. Maybe it’s a generational mental block or something similar that I suffer from?


    I can fill you in tnt. I’m guessing “lucinda” did a search and saw a post from semionato . She made an @ reply to him/her asking what language did they speak ( that reply goes back to that particular twitterer.) He then made an @ reply back to her, and in turn, she responded “very funny” to something that only she can see in her @reply inbox from semionato. Apparently, semionato is from Brazil and tweets about Lu daily. Very big fan. Right, semionato ? Oh, he speaks Portuguese and very bad English. Yes, I learned this by going back and forth on his twitter account.

    that’s about right. i’m semionato. i guess lucinda was equally terrified and surprised that people talk about her in a foreign language (and do that using “car wheels on a gravel road” and “striptease” in the same sentence!). here’s a brazilian kid, a very, very recently converted fan (less than 2 months of very heavy listening), talking about her in portuguese in what is supposed to be (is in fact) an in joke (a dj friend of mine listened to car wheels and told me that he couldn’t play it on his sets because people would immediately take their clothes off. and that’s probably a compliment.).

    fake account or not, i was thrilled for her first 3 twitts. and i really really don’t believe that anyone except her would take into account a weird young fan. after all, if you’re just pretending why bother with little-fish-fans(*)?

    and some of my friends still believe that i’m the responsible for the whole thing.

    (*) that doesn’t make a lot of sense in english.

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